chapter 10-?

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A week later..

August Pov:

Me & Jada are back at the house. It's been a week since Jada momma died. Her funeral is tomorrow. Jada seems to be fine. Me & her gotta go back to school today.. we graduate in 3 weeks. But ya boy turn 19 2 weeks. Turn upp! 

I got up at 5:30 takes me an hour to get ready & plus school start at 7:00. I was about to take a shower when I saw that Jada was already in there. I walked in anyways . I walked In & saw that Jada was leaving over the toilet.

Girl wassup with you? U sick? I asked. I don't know. This is my 2 time throwing up this morning, she said as she stood up to brush her teeth. We both brushed our teeth in silence. After I was done I noticed it was already 6:00.

Shitt, Jada we gotta hurry. Looks like we gotta take a shower together, I said with a smirk. Nasty ass, but OK, she said. I laughed to myself.

After the showerr...

Afterwards, i got dressed in a blue jordan shirt, white cargo shorts, & my legend blues. I look sexii, as always. I walked downstairs to see Jada wearing the samething.

You copying me now? I asked .

Nahh,.. i wanted to be cute today, she said . Like everyday , i said with a wink . Alright we gotta go babygirl, i said realizing its 6:30. We headed to the car & were on our way.

At school...

Jada Pov:

So i have a confession . I think im pregnant. When me & August had sex in tge tub at the hotel, we didnt use a condom. That was 2 weeks ago. I could be or im just sick. What would August think ? I just--

Jadaa, get your ass out of the car, August said laughin.

I didnt even realize we were at school. It was already 6:45. All of a sudden, i saw Dayshaun walk up to August. They dapped eachother.

You remember my girlfriend from the other day? August said as he held onto my waist. Yeah, Dayshaun said with that smirk . I forgot your name sweetheart, what is it? He asked with that deadly smile.

Jada, i said . This nigga really think he funny. Bitch you knoww mee. Nice to meet you, jada, he said . You too, i said . Ayee , we gotta go Jada , August said. Alright baee, i said . Can i walk with yall? I dont know where my 1st period is, Dayshaun said.

Yeah, come on D, August said .

In school....

Dayshaun Pov:

Wassup , im Dayshaun. Im 18. I from New Orleans. I always get in trouble with the ladies but i only got my eye on one & i tgink yall know who that is. But what im really stressing is that is this nigga August really think get gonna steal my girl away from me? I don't even like this nigga and he my cousin. I Just want my girl  back. 

We walked into school and immediately Im getting looks from other girls. Thirsty ass's crazzyy. It's already 6:50.

Alright baby, I gotta go, Jada said.

Ight babygirl , I love u, August said.

Love u too baby, Jada said back.

Jada got on her tippy toes & kissed August passionatly & walked into her class.

You really like her don't you? I asked. Yeah bro.. Ive never felt like this towards anyone in my life. You know? She's something special, he said while smiling.

It must be weird kissing & having sex with your step sister, I said. 

He turned & looked at me like 'wtf'. 

Mann, Shut upp OK? It's complicated, he snapped back.

Ayyee mann,  no need to get all mad about it, I said chuckling a little.

I gotta go to class, ill see you after school, he said & walked off to class.

Oh I'M gonna ruin himm..  Just watch.

Oh shitt....

Dayshaun gonna cause problems....

What y'all think? 


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