chapter 28

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August Pov:
I headed in the hospital and told them my kids names. I saw my Mom standing there crying .

Ma, what happened? I said.

A car came out of no where and hit us, she said sniffling.

Where's my babies? Jada yelled.

Family of Diamond and Anthony Alsina? A doctor said.

Us! I said.

Diamond has a broken leg and Anthony, We'll, he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. He has a broken arm and leg. You guys were very lucky, it could've been worse, he said walking away.

I sighed and looked over at my Mom.

He wasn't wearing a seatbelt?? What the fuck mom?! They could've been hurt! I yelled.

August, I'm sorry!  She said.

I didn't believe her. She walked away and out the hospital.

Sir, you guys can go see them. We put them in 2 seperate rooms but there right next to eachother. Rooms 208 & 209, the nurse said.

Thank you! Me and Jada said .

We walked to there rooms. I went in 208 and Jada went in 209.

Jada Pov;
I walked into room 208 and saw Diamond laying there with a broken arm. She's only a year 6 months old and has a broken arm. She was sitting up Watching bubble guppies.

Hey mama's girl, I said.

Hi mommy! Look at my arm, she said holding it up.

I see baby, i said sounding sad.

Mommy , What's wrong? She asked.

Mommy doesn't like seeing you hurt, I said.

Mommy I'm fine! She said hugging me.

Your such a mommy's girl, I said while hugging her.

I know! She said.

        An hour later..

Diamond had fallen asleep about 15 minutes ago. August said Anthony was knocked out 30 minutes ago. We decided to leave. August pulled up to my house and Terrance car was in my driveway. 
Who's car is that? August asked.

Terrance, I said.

What does he want?  He asked.

I haven't called it off with him. I have to tonight, I said getting out of my car.

Jada! Don't do nothin stupid! August said behind me.

I walked in the house and sure enough he was sitting on the couch Watching tv.

Get out of my house!  I yelled.

Baby what are you talking about? Terrance asked.


August came running in behind me.

I was gonna divorce her in 3 months baby, he said.

I don't wanna hear that shit Terrance! Get out of my house bitch, I yelled again pointing to the door.

Terrance looked at me then August.

Oh hell naww, you leaving me for this skinny ass wanna be piece of shit ass? He asked.

He started to walk closer to me. August grabbed me by my waist and pulled me behind him. He stepped in front of me.

Naww Mann, you ain't about to touch her, August said sternly.

Terrance pulled out his gun and loaded it.

Move yo ass , Terrance said .

Naww broo, august said .

August lifted up his shirt and mouthed grab it . I grabbed it and aimed at Terrance .

Put that damn gun -- he didnt even finish his sentence when i shot him. He fell to the floor. I shot him in the head 2. I dropped the gun and instantly started crying. August grabbed me and took me outside. He put me in his car and pulled off to his house .

10 minutes later we pulled up to his house. It was like 9:00 at night. August grabbed me and took me in the house. He took me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed. He was about to walk out when I called after him.

August?  I said.

Wassup mama , he said.

Lay with me tonight, I said .

He shook his head Yes. He stripped but not everything. He just had on his boxers. I stripped to and only had on bra an panties. He got under the covers and pulled me close to him. I felt his chest close to me. I instantly went to sleep...

Good or nahh? 


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