The Endd.

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August Pov; 3 weeks later....
I woke up about 5 minutes ago to Jada throwing up . She's been sick lately. Baby, what's wrong with you lately ? I asked going to the bathroom . August, do you promise me you won't be mad when I tell you this & don't leave me? She asked wiping her mouth. Yes baby, I asked leaning on the door frame. I'm 3 weeks pregnant & I don't think it's yours, she said putting her head down. I just looked at her in disgust. How could she do this ? Our family is perfect and she goes and does this to me. & she pregnant? August? She said snapping me out of my thoughts. What Jada? I said annoyed. Can you at least talk to me? She said. Talk to you about what ? Your pregnant and it's not mine, what's there to say? I said . I don't feel good about this either. We have to stay to together for the twins, she said . Whatever Jada. I'm going out for a drive and when I come back , I'm getting my shit and I'm gone , you best believe that , I said before walking out of the bathroom.

We have the perfect little family, why would she do this? I love her but I can't keep doing this. She's my baby I don't know what else to do if she's pregnant with another mans baby . I'm so done .

So this is the ending of this book. Should I do a sequel ? Comment if I should , if not , then I won't .


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