Chapter 24-Love dies down deep underr..

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Jada Pov;
The next morning, I woke up on August chest . I looked up and saw him sleeping. I played with his lips by biting them . I looked under the covers and his hand was on my ass. I kissed his lips and out my tongue in his mouth. He started to kiss back. His eyes were closed though. He opened his eyes and flipped us over . He started kissing on my neck . It started to tickle.

Bae, stop ! I said laughing .

Nah, he said in his morning voice, which sounds so damn sexy .

He stopped and looked at me. But he pecked my lips one more time .

What you wanna do today? He asked

Go get the kids and go to the park, I said

Where are the kids? I continued .

Grandmas house , he said .

Oh ok . I'm gonna go get a shower, I said .

I got off him but he pulled me back on him .

August stop , I needa take a shower, I said .

I wanna hold you ,chill, he said

He grabbed on to my ass and just laid his hand there . he hugged me tight for about 10 minutes, then he let me go get a shower.

You joining me ? I said walking in the bathroom and turning on the shower.

You want me to? he asked as he got up from the bed .

Yes, please, I said sitting on the counter.

You know I love you, right? He said coming in between my legs. He kissed my neck .

Yes August , you tell me everyday , I said looking at him.

Ok then, why didn't you answer my question last night ? he asked .

About marrying you ? August I'd love too , but we're just not in the right place for marriage , I said .

He didn't say anything . He just walked out the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and took my clothes off. He's so over dramatic , I thought . I washed my body and washed my hair . I got out the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I dried off and put my bra and panties on. I walked out and August was gone. I looked on the counter and saw a note from him .

"Jada, I'm going out for a drive, need to clear my mind about all of this. ill be back soon , love August ."

He's so over dramatic . I got dressed in some joggers and some tank top . I sat on the couch and waited on August .....
August Pov;
I'm just driving around town .If Jada loves me, why won't she marry me? is it to early for marriage ? I decided to go to the strip club. I walked in and there was some girls on the pole and a few guys in there. I sat down and waited for a girl to come out. There was a thick ass girl walked out in a purple bra and panties .

Lets go to the back , she said .

I got up and followed her to the back. She sat me in an office and closed and locked the door. She started to dance on me and I just leaned back and enjoyed it. This girl was mixed , she was thick with a big ahh booty and had big ass titties .

What's ya name ma? I asked .

Taylor, she said dancing .

Cute, I said .

You seem tense, she said sitting on me, straddling me .

Just in a situation ma, I said .

I bet I can make you feel better, she whispered in my ear.

I smirked . she stood up and slowly took off her bra. Then she took off her panties with no problem. Her figure Is perfect. I got up and took everything off her desk and laid her down on it. I kissed on her nipple and rugged on it . I took off my pants and entered her ...

Jada Pov;
I've been waiting for August for over an hour. I got in my car and drove around. I drove passed the strip club and saw August's rover in the parking lot. I made a U turn and pulled in the parking lot. I got out and headed inside. I saw a women at the bar.

Has a 6 foot guy with caramel skin with a smile to die for walked in here? I asked .

Yeah , he went to the back with Taylor, she said .

I walked back and started to hear moans and loud music. I heard a moan that I know that was August's. Oh hell no, he think he gonna fuck some girl , really? I slammed the door down and saw August laid up on some girl grinding on her. I walked out of there and didn't look back . August was yelling at me but I didn't pay no attention to it. I got in my car and sat there thinking about a lot. August came to my window and I rolled it down.

What August? I said getting mad.

I'm sorry. I just needed sometime to think, he said .

Whatever August, I said .

I rolled up my window and drove off. A few minutes later, my phone started to ring and it was August.

What August ? I said answering the phone .

Where you going ? He asked .

Home, I said .

I'll meet you there, he said .

No August ! I want your shit out of my house. I'm done, I said .

What you mean you done ? He asked .

We're over . You can come see the kids next week, I said and hung up . At this point, I'm done .


1 year later....

Authors Note;
Jada moved out of August house . She's dating a guy named Terrance. She lives in a house with the kids and Terrance. she hasn't seen August since she moved out. Her life is perfect until August comes back into her life ... What will they do next ?

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