Chapter 25-the beginning of a terrible end...

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Jada Pov;

I pulled in the driveway of my new house. Lifes been great since August and i split. He hasnt seen the kids in over a year. They ask about him everyday. I got the DNA results on Anthony, and hes August's. I told Dayshaun a few months ago, and let me tell you, he wasnt happy about it. But i hear he has one on the way by his girlfriend Angie. Im engaged! His name is Terrance. He's 21 and i just turned 20 a month ago. The kids love him! The wedding is in 2 months. I pulled into the house and got out. Terrance has the kids today. I walked in and there was someone in the kitchen. I threw my bag down on the couch.

Hello? i said .

I walked around the wall and youll never believe who was in my kitchen with no shirt on.

What are you doing here? I said

Jada, i just wanted to cook dinner but i aint have your number to call you. The door was unlocked so i just let myself in. I wanted to make dinner for you me and the kids, please dont kick me out, August said.

Ok August but you cant just come in my house without my permission, i said.

I know and im sorry ma, he said

I walked over to where he was cooking at.

What you cooking? i asked .

Chicken, your favorite, he said smiling at me .

I smiled back. Sounds good. Im gonna go upstairs and change, i said walking out the kitchen.

Alright! he said .

I went upstairs to me and Terrance room and grabbed some leggings with a crop top. I took my work clothes off so i was just standing in my bra and panties.

Jada, August said as he was standing there in the doorway.

What? i said turning around staring at him as he looked at my body.

Uhh, I need you to come taste the chicken, he said licking his lips.

Ok, i said looking at him.

You know ive missed you, he said leaning on the door frame.

I know you have, i said walking towards him. I stood in front of him and looked in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me. I gotta be honest, i missed his lips. I let go and backed away.

Looks like someone missed me too, he said grabbing my waist .

You could say but i want something else, i said smirking .

Then come here, he said grabbing me .

I giggled at him. He threw me on the bed and got ontop of me. We were just kissing until he took my panties off and started fingering me .

Aug--ustttt, i said arching my back

Youve missed me? he asked .

Ye--ssssss, i said

I love you, he whispered in my ear.

I just moaned in his ear. After awhile, he entered me with full force. He did long hard strokes.

Jada, I'm home! I heard Terrance yell from downstairs.

I got August off of me and put my clothes on and so did August. I went downstairs .

Hey baby , I said kissing Terrance .

Eww mommy, Diamond said.

Is someone else here? There's another car in the driveway, Terrance asked .

You remember August? The father of the kids? He's here and he cooked dinner for me and the kids tonight , I said .

Oh ok. I have a meeting in an hour and I have to go back to the office in a few minutes so I'm gonna go get my stuff for tonight, he said .

And just like that, he ran upstairs to our bedroom. August walked down with no shirt on .

DADDY ! Diamond Yelled .

Hey baby girl , he said picking her up.

I missed you! She said hugging him .

Seeing diamond all over August makes me wonder, Did I make a mistake by leaving August? Was it a good choice? I just question myself every time I see them two together. Just then, Terrance came down.

Alright baby , I'm off , he said as he kissed me .

Bye , I said .

He walked out the house. I looked at August and he was starring at me. I knew what he was gonna ask. He bent down and whispered in diamond and Anthony ears. They ran up stairs and closed the door.

Do you love him? August asked looking at the floor.

I wouldn't say love but , he's been there for me when you weren't. August, I can't stand here and say I don't love you or miss you because I do. You were my best friend and I trusted you . You cheated on me and that's when I lost trust towards you, I said .

He didn't say anything . He just looked at the ground where I couldn't see his face. I walked up to him and grabbed the side of his face with my right arm. I couldn't believe it. August was crying. I looked in his eyes and all I saw was sadness. It was like he was saying he was sorry but not physically saying it. I grabbed the sides of his face with both hands and kissed him with everything I had. He grabbed my waist and picked me up and laid me down on the couch. He took off his shirt and pants with his boxers. He's gotten bigger .. He took off my all my clothes. He entered me slowly. His thrusts I absolutely missed. Terrance and I haven't had sex yet and we've been together for 6 months .

Auguustt?, I moaned

Wassup? He said in his sexy voice as he kissed my chest

You love me? I asked .

I never stopped loving you, he said .

That night, August & I did rounds of sex. It wasn't just sex either. He made love to me. I just realized, he ain't use a condom. Shit. He busted 3 times. This is what happens when I'm still in love with him. I went upstairs a few minutes ago and the kids were knocked out. Diamond was snuggled up next to Anthony, how cute. August and I were downstairs watching a movie. He was at one end of the couch and I was at the other .

Why you so far ma? He asked as he pat his lap.

I got up and sat next to him on the couch .

Did I say sit there? He asked

I rolled my eyes slightly and got up and sat in his lap.

That's better, he said in my ear.

I just wanna know, why you with Him if I was damn good to you? August asked

Because , like I said, you cheated on me. Terrance would never do that , I said .

I just made love to you Jada, he said .

I know just -- , he cut m off.

You know what Jada, funk it, I'm done trying with you. When your heart gets broken from him , don't come crying to me, he said as he got up and pushed me off of him onto the floor.

Your such a bitch August , I yelled as he slammed the door.

I sat on the floor for almost the rest of the night just thinking of my past with August and how much I missed it.

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