Chapter 19-it goes on and on and on ....

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Jadaa Pov;

My own damn bestfriend , had sex with my step brother/ex . I know me and august arent together but im disappointed in him. He's the father of one of my babies in my stomach. As for Ciara, im done with her. Im kinda not surprised because i heard she gave Quan neck a few weeks ago, before graduation. She was my bestfriend for 10 years! Like damn, she'd be the last person id think to do that type of shit to me. Just then, my phone rangg...

Hello? I said annoyed.

Meet me at the park in 10 mintues! the person said .

Who is this? I said .

August, duhh, he said

Ok, ill be there in 5 minutes, i said

I decided to get on some sweat pants and a hoodie because its kinda chilly . I walked out the house & around the corner and saw August sitting on the bench . I walked up to him & sat down next to him .

I just wanna know why August ? I said looking down at the ground .

She caught me off guard ! My girlfriend ain't give me nothing all this week , you know how a nigga need pussy every other day ! , he said

Oh , so you gotta gf , but you fucking with my best friend . August , you better not be doing this when this baby come out , you got 3 months till this baby comes out . Either you get your shit together with your girlfriend because I ain't about to have my baby girl around a hoe . So therefore , either have a girlfriend or don't have one at all, I said standing up .

Chill out , damn . Chloe ain't a hoe . She nice and she like kids , he said

Idc what she like ! She not gonna be around my kid! I said .

What the fuck is wrong with you ? Why you so mad ? You called us off , remember , so why you so pissed off at me ? He said standing up .

At this point , I started to walk back to my house , I don't have time for his shit .

Jadaa, I know yo ass here me! he said chasing after me .

I started crying at this point . I have to admit , I miss August . Dayshaun is great but I miss August . We were up at the house by this point . I unlocked the door and he put me up against the wall .

Why are you so mad at me Jadaa? I cared about you, i loved you. But all you did was push me away. I wanted to be with you, he said looking me in my eyes

I know and im sorry, i said looking at him. I looked at him close in his eyes and i kissed him. He kissed back almost automaticaly. He picked me up by my thighs and held me up by my butt. I took off my shirt and threw it on the floor. He walked upstairs and threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt and threw it across the room. He layed ontop of me and kissed on my neck.

I missed youu, i said in his ear

prove it, he said looking up in my eyes.

I climbed on top of him . Its about to go down...

Dayshaun Pov;

Im on my way home.. I just came from mcdonalds. I knew my baby wanted some with her pregnant ass. I love ha but she's been acting fishy lately ! like fr . I pulled in and got out my truck. I walked up and opened the door . I saw August and jadaa talking and laughing on the couch .

Hey babyy, I said giving her a kiss .

Hey , she said kissing back .

Wassup August , I said sitting next to him .

Nothing man , he said .

Jadaa had a blanket rapped around her and it looked like she was cold . It was about 5:00 . We decided to watch a movie , or course , jadaas favorite , Friday.

August Pov;

We were chillen on the couch watching Friday . Dayshaun was sitting on the chair watching the movie while me and jadaa was on the couch. I took the time and slide my hand under the blanket with Jadaa. She flinched but I carefully rubbed my hand on her thigh . Then I went in her panties and rubbed her clit . She tried to hold the moans in but she couldn't . That's when she took her hand and went in my pants , and rubbed my dick . I looked over and saw dayshaun knocked out in the chair . I whispered in her ear.

Bathroom , now , I said as I got up and went upstairs . After a few minutes , she came up .

You teasing a nigga with them damn shorts on Jadaa, I said grabbing her by her waist .

August stop , let go , she said with attitude and I pulled my hands off her .
What's wrong with you now? I said leaning on the wall .

It's just , I feel bad for sneeking around like this behind his back . I'm with him and u have a girlfriend so why are we doing this? For fuck sakes , I don't think the other baby in my stomach is his , she said .

What? Who baby is it then? I said

Yours I think . Remember the day you took me to the doctors office ? We had sex in the car , she said .

I forgot all about that day .

Damn , I forgot . But really jadaa, you need to figure your shit out on who you wanna be with because I'm not going back and forth with this bullshit with me and him . It's me or him . Pick. I'm not saying now but soon . You know I'd drop any hoe for you baby girl , I said grabbing her face .

Iloveeyouu, she said

Iloceeyoutoo , I said

I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. It's something about her that I can't get my finger on but I really so care about her and love her . She a blessing . I wanna be with her though. Chloe is to much ,! I think ima call It off tomorrow between me and her. We ended up falling asleep on the couch . It feels good to be in her arms .

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