chapter 12-donee

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A week laterr ....

Jada pov:

So y'all know How I said I might be pregnant? Well ,.... I am. I took 3 pregnantcy test. They all said positive. Im a month pregnant. Im glad we graduate in a week! Im so excited! But today is not the day to be excited. The funeral went Well last week. I didn't cry as much. August is really supportive. I just still can't believe I fell in love with my step brother..  and im pregnant with his child. I found out yesterday Im pregnant. He just got home from Dayshauns house. So im gonna tell him.

August baby, I said walking over to him.

Wassup baby, he said with that smilee.

Im pregnant, I said with a big smile.

He froze. He didn't even smile. He showed no emotion in his face.

W-what? He said breaking the silence.

Im pregnant baby! I thought you'd be happy baby, I said.

Jada don't get me wrong, im happy. It's just,.. I think were too young for a baby. Your my step sister. I knew this would go to far, he said. 

What you saying August? You saying it was never meant for me & u to fall in love?  I ssid now on the verge of tears.

Basically. Your my step sister Jada. I can't do this with you. You can't be pregnant with my baby, he said.

Wtf ? The only person I've slept with is you. You & only you. Nobody else. Why are you just now telling me this? I said now crying.

Don't cry ma. It would've never worked between us because were like half related, he said.

You know what, fuck you August, im done, I said & I turned & walked out the room. I went into my room & packed a bag for a few nights. I texted Ciara & asked her if I could stay the night & she said Yes.

Wait Jada, don't leave, August said now coming in the room. 

Leave me alone August. If That's How you feel about our relationship then ok. There must've been someone else since u called us off, I said. 

He went silent.  Like he had seen a ghost.

Noo..  tell me u didn't.  You.. cheated ... on..   mee ? Oh hell no, I said.  I grabbed my lamp & threw it at him.  I tackled him & started punching him dead ass in his facee:.

You ...lieingg... piece... of.... shitt,  I said while hitting him.

Just then, a girl walked in.

August baby, whats going on ? Why is this hoe beating you ? She said. 

Baby? Oh ok.. you can have this lieing piece of shit, im done with it, I said as I spit on him & walked out with my stuff. I headed to the car, threw my stuff in, & drove off towards Ciaras house. Im donee.

August pov:

Fuck.. what did I do? I mean She's my step sister.. I had to calling it off at sometime. But bow She's pregnant? Fuvckk mann... what am I gonna do? That baby is Mine., no doubt. Someone told me about calling it off & I've been thinking alot about it. I had to say something. 

2 days laterr....

Dayshaun pov:

Yes it was me that told August to break it off with Jadaa. That's suppose to be my baby, not his. But it's Whatever.  Soon, ill have my baby back once and for all.

Jadaa pov:

I haven't talked to August in 2 days. Seems like forever. But he's the one that called it off. I mean Yeah we step brother & sizter, but he's the one that said 'were just step sister & brother, it don't mean nothing ' . It's Monday & the last week of Senior year! Yay!

I got up at 6:00 as usual & got in the shower. I got out a few minutes later. Did my hygiene & shit. I got some purple galaxy leggings & a purple tank top with my blue leather jacket over it. Then with my all Black converse. I left my bright red hair straight today. I looked at the time & it was 6:30. I made a bowl of ceral. I sat down, ate, washed my bowl. Looked at the time & it's 6:45. I grabbed my stuff & headed to my car.

At school....

I got to school at 6:50. School doesn't start for another 10 minutes. I got out, grabbed my phone & backpack & leaned on the side of my Rover. I have a pink & black Rover. bad ass car, I knoww.  All of a sudden, I saw August walking up to me.

Wassup lil momma, he said with a smile like everything is OK.

I rolled my eyes ignoring him like he wasn't there, hopeing he will leave. 

Jadaa , stop being like that, he said.

What you want me to act like? Im not gonna sit here and act like everything is OK when it's not. Im done with you. Go talk to that hoe that was at your house the other day, I said folding my arms looking at him dead ass.

Stopp, that was Aleica. She's a friend. I only want you. You just -- , I cut his ass off

Tuhh, you say u wanna be with Me but That's not what you said 2 days ago, I said.

I pulled out my phone & saw it was 6:55.

I gotta go, see you around, I said as I gathered my stuff & started walking towards the school. As I walked past him he grabbed my arm & kissed me with so much passion . I mean with tounge & all.

I love you, he said.

I just walked off. Even though his lips tasted like apples, I just shook it off. I walked into school heading for homeroom. This is gonna be a long day......

Just a quick update before bed. Im thinking about deleting my other book.  What y'all think?


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