Chapter 4

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August Pov:

I woke up to Samantha cooking the next morning. 

Hey Ms. Samantha, what are you doing here? I thought you and my dad were on the cruiz, i said

We were, but your dad gotta call about your mother, she said

I havent seen my mother since i was like 10. She got on drugs so my dad left her. 

Do you know when he'll be back? I asked her

I think sometime tomorrow. Can you go upstairs and get Chloe for me, i think shes awake, she asked

Yeah, ill be back, i said

I ran upstairs, and i heard the shower running. I went in there and undressed. I got in with her. 

Hey ma, i said as i wrapped my arms around her. 

Hey brother, she said

I kissed her cheek, then i kissed her lips. It started getting intense. 

Chloe! Are you almost done? her mom yelled from outside the bathroom

We let go and Chloe spoke. 

Yeah mom, almost done! she yelled

Do you know where August is? she asked

No mom i dont, Chloe yelled

Ok! Her mom said 

I ran a hand down my face. 

August we gotta stop doing this. Were gonna get caught, then what are we gonna do? she said

I know ma. But i just cant keep my hands off of you,. Besides, you came onto me last night though, i said

You wanted it. You were being a little bitch because you didnt get any pussy, she said

Man, you know what, this was a mistake. I shouldve never even fell in love with your ugly ass. You come onto me, then you act like its my fault! Last night was all you! I aint arguing with you. We got school tomorrow, so be ready at 7:15, or you can walk yo ass to school, i said 

At this point, i was blowed. I was pissed. She really thinks all of this is my fault? Ok, but she came onto me last night. Thats alright , i aint stressin. 

I headed downstairs after i got dressed. I calmed down a little. Samantha made the plates, and i sat down at the table. Soon, she sat down and Chloe joined. 

I assume Chloe didn't give you hard time while i was gone? Samantha asked me

Nah. She's alright, i said as i looked at her with the 'mhm ok' face 

August wasnt to bad hiself. He just hurts peoples feelings, she said while looking at me

I cant believe she said that. She gonna get snapped on if she dont stop. I texted her and told her to come upstairs. After a few seconds, she came. I grabbed her arm as she was walking by my room. i pinned her up against the wall. 

What the hell was that ma? i asked in her face

You said something first, she said 

Chloe...I know you want me so i dont know what the fuck is wrong with you! i yelled at her

Its not that! Its what you said in the shower this morning BITCH! You said i was a mistake! You called me ugly. But you know, i bet im the only girl that will ever want you! No girl will ever want a man like you , she yelled back

i kissed her, but she didnt kiss back. 

You look sexy as hell when you mad, i said biting my bottom lip

Dont change the subject August, she said still looking mad at me. 

Chloe im sorry! What do i have to do for you to forgive me? i asked with a puouty face

She had a smirk on her face. She guided me to the bedroom. I locked the door. She took off all her clothes and layed on the bed. I just stood there smirking at her. She pointed to her 'you know what'... i knew what she wanted. 

After doing what she wanted, i put my clothes back on and headed back downstairs. My mom told me she wants to take me and Chloe out before school starts tomorrow. At 6:00 were going. 

                                                6:OO that night......

Chloe Pov:

After we arrived we sat down. Ordered drinks. 

So, Chloe, you excited about school tomorrow? my mom asked me

Yeah i guess, i said

Just then August put his hand on my thigh, causing me to tense up.

Try and make new friends Chloe, or have August show you around, she said

August was going up up up my thigh. I didnt want to say no because my mom wouldve thought something was wrong. He was in my panties right now. 

Ok mom, i said biting my lip. 

Any minute now, hes gonna make me moan. He entered 2 fingers inside of me and i gasped.

Chloe whats wrong with you? Your acting weird, my mom said

Yeah Chloe, are you ok? August said with a smirk, acting like hes not doing anything. 

Im fine, i said with my teeth together

August kept going faster and faster, until he finally stopped

Excuse me, i have to use the bathroom, i said

I was walking to the bathroom when i got a text from August.

A:You alright? You seemed a little tense.

C: Shut up, you lucky you didnt get caught! 

I locked my phone and walked back to the table. For the rest of the night, August kept his hands off of me. 

Mannn,... i got school tomorrow! 

This sucksssssssssss.......

Just a quick update...


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