Chapter 3

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August Pov:

I dont know what got into me, but i just kissed her. Her lips are perfect. I think i like her. I know she is my step sister but were not related so its ok. 

Your my step brother, Chloe said

Exactly, step, were not related, i said 

But still August, we cant be together. Its not right, she said back

Come on now ma. You and i both know you want me, so ,this your chance to have me, i said as i got up from her and sat next to her 

I might want you but i cant have you August, she said

Mann, whatever, im out, i said as i got up from the bed and got my shoes on

August wait, she said

I didnt say anything. I just walked out the room and the house. 

Chloe Pov:

I know i made August mad. Trust me, i want him too, but i cant. Step dont mean nothing but still, it dont seem right at all. Im just gonna give him what he wants. It looks like he really wants me. When he gets back, ill give it to him. I got in the shower. After about 30 minutes, i got out. I put on a hot pink bra and panties, and some perfume. I curled my hair and put on some makeup, oh, and with my moms black heels. Am i over dueing it? 

I was in my room when i heard the front door slam. He sat on the couch. I walked down the steps slowly. He was leaning on his knees over the couch. I walked up to him  and gently pushed him back. He looked up at me. 

What you doing Chloe? he asked

Giving you what you want, i said

He put his hands up under my ass and he pulled me closer to him. I put my hands on the side of his face and kissed him. We were kissing for what seemed like forever. I sat on his lap facing him. Kissing all over his neck, he was letting out light moans. 

Stop teasing me girll, he said

He picked me up and took me upstairs. He layed me on his bed as he was kissing all over me. Before we knew it,our clothes were off. He entered me . Im still a virgin, but he just took my virginity . I wouldnt have thought that the one to take my virginity would be my step brother. He's so damn big. 

Damn ma, you tight. he said as he thrusted 

I was trying to hold my moans in because moaning is weird. I guess August noticed .

Moan for my Chloe, he said

i couldnt hold it in. I let out a loud moan. 

After another 30 minutes of that, we was done. I hate to say it but it was good sex. We both got in the shower at different times. I went in my room to just lay down. I heard a knock at my door, and i got up and answered it.

He picked me up by my thighs.

What you wanna do ma? he asked me, smiling at me

I dont know. What you wanna do? i asked as i wrapped my arms around his neck

Lets watch friday! he said

Ok. Can i get a kiss pleaseee? i asked

He kissed my lips, then he added tounge. We was kissing the whole way downstairs. He layed me on the couch.

I gotta better idea, he said with a smirk.

August noo, we already did that, i said

Alright. Put the movie in, he said

Halfway through the movie, August fell asleep on my lap. I kissed his lips.

What kind of kiss was that? he said with his eyes still closed

I leaned in again and gave him a sloppy kiss and after i bit his bottom lip.

There you go, he said

Go back to sleep ugly, i said

You gonna pay for that in the morning, he said

I love you August, i said

I love you too ma, he said

I layed down on the other side of the couch and went to sleep.  

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