chapter 29

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August Pov;

A week later...

It's been a week since the whole Terrance thing. Jada is still shaken up about it. Babygirl Alright though. We've just been hanging out with the kids at my house. On the news, it said that investigators are under the report about Terrance. Today, were getting the kids from the hospital and taking them to the beach. I got ready in just a white tee shirt and some basketball shorts. I walked downstairs to Wait on lil mama.

August! She yelled from upstairs.

Wassup? I said.

Come here Please, she said.

I walked my ass upstairs and she was in a blue glittery bathing suit. Lil mama was sexy..

Can you help me tie the top Please,  she said.

I grabbed the strings and tied them.

You look Sexyy, I whispered in her hear. I nibbled on it.

August no, I wanna see my babies, she said pushing me off.

Please ma, just a quickie, I whined.

Nigga no, she said.

She put on some booty shorts and and blue tank top. She had out a similar bathing suit as hers for Diamond. As for Anthony, I grabbed him a outfit like me. We got in the car and headed to the hospital. We walked in and we headed straight to there rooms . I went to Diamonds room and Jada went to Anthony's. I walked in and she was Watching Dora.

Hey lil mama, I said walking in.

Daddy!! She yelled as she jumped off the bed. I picked her up and she kissed my lips.

Hey baby. You, me, Mommy, and your brother are going to the beach.

Yay! She said .

She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom. For a 1 year old, (she'll turn 2 in 5 months ) shes pretty smart. Smarter than her brother . Just then , Anthony & Jada walked in .

Daddy!! Anthony yelled running to me.

Wassup my nigga, i said dapping him .

August! Language , Jada said .

My bad lil mama, i said laughing.

About 10 minutes later , we were all ready to go . We headed down the road to the beach.

An hour later...

Jada Pov;

We found a spot on the beach.

Mommy, can I go to the water? Diamond & Anthony asked.

Yes, only at the edge though. Don't go all the way in, I said.

OK Mommy, Diamond replied.

Baee, August said.

What? I said turning around.

Look at my body, im fat, he said slapping his stomach.

Boy Shut up, I said laughing .

Come here, he said sitting on the blanket.

I came and sat down in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around me. I looked down at my promise ring August had got me. I looked back up at Diamond and Anthony holding hands with eachother across the water.

August, I said.

Wassup ma, he said.

You ever thought about getting married? I asked.

I can't say that I haven't but I think we need to Wait. We've been together for only 2 years. Plus we got the kids, we gotta Wait awhile, he said.

Okk, I said sighing.

I sat up and took off my shirt. Then I took off my shorts.

Where you going? Yo fine ass staying right here, he said pointing to the ground.

Nope. Im taking my fine ass to the water, I said walking away.

Jada! He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. All of a sudden, I felt arms swoop me up and take me out to the water. I looked and it was August ugly ass.

Put me down August! I yelled .

I told you was staying with me, he said .

August noo --,

Before I could finish, he took me under water. I didn't want my hair wet but to late for that. I got up under the water and walked to shore. I was mad asf. I grabbed our shit and walked to the car. Soon, August & The kids came to the car.

Bae, I know you ain't mad about your hair, he said.

I ignored him. Diamond & Anthony were Watching Dora in the back with there little headphones on.

Whatever, be peddy than, August said driving.

I rolled my eyes and played with my phone.

An hour later...

we arrived at the house and the kids were knocked out. I took them upstairs and laid them in their cribs. I closed there door and went to me and august room. Soon, he came into. He got between my legs and kissed my cheek.

Baee talk to me, August said.

I just looked at the tv.

You know what, he said standing up.

He walked out the door and soon I heard the door slam from downstairs. It's Whatever.. he the one being peddy.....

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