Part 5

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Well my birthday is in like...5 days, and there's a quarantine in here so I can't do shit.....guess I can only cry and write.

Most days Jungkook would stay with his boss, but every now and then he would get some free time outside the mansion.
Of course his friends spent this time to investigate the younger, well, except Taehyung who knew exactly what was the story behind that decision.

"So..." Namjoon started, waiting for all four of them to settle on his bed before he can open a probably sensitive subject. "Cut the crap, we want to know what the hell is going on. Why are you working for your rival mafia?" Jin was too anxious to hear the answer, so he wasted no time.

All eyes were now glued to the little bunny who looked straight at the brunette. "Can we maybe keep it a secret? My family knows nothing about this."

"Well, no shit sherlock, or else you'd be buried 6 feet under right now!" the oldest shouted, startling the other three. Namjoon tried to calm him down, but he wanted answers too, what happened the other day screwed up their first impression with Jimin.

The plan was to stop the rivalries between all mafias, especially the Jeon's and the Park's.

"Jungkook, this is bigger than any little play you're doing with the Park's heir. If they find out that somehow the Jeon's heir managed to slip their security, they can start a war." Namjoon continued where Jin stopped and the youngest felt like the walls are closing on him slowly.

Seeing his discomfort, Taehyung stood beside his friend and rubbed his back to calm him down. "guys, stop pestering him and listen to what he has to say."
But nothing came out, the little bunny couldn't confess to them about his feelings towards the heartless man, they're not as understanding as Taehyung.

"well?" Jin pressed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hyung, please don't be mad...I promise I'm not playing, I would never."

"Then what are you doing there? Why are you his bodyguard? You're not supposed to be seen or exposed until you replace your father. You're the next mafia head Kook."

The situation started to annoy the young boy, he was love struck, how can they be so mad that he's in love? Hell, he knew that both Namjoon and Jin are in love.
Of course they're not actually brothers, their parents adopted Jin after a new rookie mafia assassinated his own parents, he was the only survivor.

So if anyone could understand Jungkook's love for another mafia heir, it's them.

"he's in love with him."

Fucking Taehyung.

The older boys blinked a few times before looking at each other, and then back at the other two. "Wait, when did you even had the time to fall in love? Both of you were never seen publicly your entire lives." Jin's voice softened, he couldn't believe his little Kookie is in love.

Jungkook took his picture from his pocket and handed it over to his hyung, who looked at it in awe, he was so small there. But then he noticed the other boy, they look so happy in the picture. "Is that Jimin?" that was the moment Namjoon and Jin understood there was a story behind everything.

"He looks so happy here...what the hell happened to him?" Namjoon brushed his blonde hair away from eyes, trying to determine that the boy was indeed Jimin, the one who killed more people than his own father.
"He's an omega, like I told you, and an only child. I'm not sure but I guess his father pressured him to hide that he's an omega in every possible way, so he can be respected as the next mafia head." When Jungkook explained he sounded sad and worried, and no one could miss that.

"Before our parents fought and separated us, he was the happiest kid I knew. You would loved him, he had the cutest eye smile," a smile appeared on his own face just by thinking about his beloved one, "and he was so polite and sweet, I would stay with him for hours and just laughed the entire time. He never got angry with me, no matter how much of a brat I was, he was just happy I was there with him. But now he's..."

"a monster?" Jin mumbled, he hoped Jungkook wouldn't hear him, but a tiny part hoped that he did, just to remind him that the old Jimin is gone by now.
But the younger just got angry at his hyung, "He's not a monster! He just...lost his way. He had no choice, but he's still the old Minnie that I know and love."
The three boys smiled and stared at the little protective bunny in front of them, they never saw him like that, anyone could notice how much love he has for the silver haired boy just by listen to how he talks about him.

Jin was the first to step forward and embrace his dongsaeng in a tight and loving hug, it's hard to believe that the maknae of their little group is growing up so fast, but hearing him talk about someone so lovingly like that is definitely admirable.

"Then we're here to help you get him back Kookie." Namjoon and Taehyung joined a few seconds later and hugged him too, reassuring him that they would help too.

"wait, first we need him to like us, so we need to set up another meeting with him, and this time boys...let's not fuck this up." All three boys turned to look at the maknae, silently accusing him about last time.

Of course after all the staring the slow boy finally realized that it was meant for him. "Hey I wasn't the only one who fucked up, Taehyung couldn't stop staring at me, he almost figured it out."

"Hush boy, you literally spilled his most kept secret two minutes after he took his father's place, You don't get to blame me." Taehyung flicked the younger's head as a punishment, there was no doubt that was his fault and even Jungkook himself knew that.
"I know, I was just surprised that I couldn't smell his scent when Namjoon hyung mentioned it. I hate the fact that he's hiding who he is, I miss his sweet vanilla scent."

The boys went in for another group hug to cheer up the little bunny, he was so smitten for silver haired boy that he even remember what he smells like.
They were determined to help the boy, now more than ever, so they started plotting a plan to get them closer.

And they all knew the perfect time to make it happen.

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