Part 1

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Sorry in advance for spelling errors

A long time ago, in the depth of Seoul, there were 3 families ruling each side.
Park, Kim and Jeon.
When the Park's child, Jimin, was just 8 years old, he had a friend.
Jeon Jungkook.
Both of their parents were friends so he came to visit the small blonde boy a lot, Jungkook was 2 years younger than Jimin, but it didn't bother any of them.

The older boy always thought that his friend was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, his black hair and black raven eyes that always made him blush.
It was the same for Jungkook, in his eyes, Jimin was so pretty. His long lashes, his cute eye smile and his giggles that made him smile every time.

But it all changed one day, it started like a normal visit, the boys went upstairs and played while their parents were on the first floor sitting and chatting in the livingroom.
Their conversation took a drastic turn and in minutes they were shouting at each other so loudly that their sons heard them all the way from upstairs.

The next thing they know is that the Jeon's couple took Jungkook away and Jimin was told that he will never see him again.
He broke down in tears, angry at everyone for taking the only person that was nice to him.

After that Jimin changed, he was distant, he was rude and cold toward everyone, his beautiful face never put up a smile ever again, his puffed lips stayed at a straight line and his eyes lost the sparkle they once had.

It took everyone by surprise, but his dad was finally pleased, he thought for the first time that his son could handle everything.
He didn't care it took the price of the boy's soul.

So he told him everything, at the age of 10, how to decide if people should live or die, how to choose his soldiers wisely, how to make big decisions.
At some point Mr. Park even let him actually decide on some matters.
At the age of 16, Jimin was responsible for the executions, everyone feared him, a teenager.

The word spread among the mafias across the state, so everyone should know that the heir of the Park's mafia has no mercy and no soul.
No one knew he was an omega yet, but once he takes his father's place, he'll reveal it and make sure that they know that his nature has no effect on him.

When the boy turned 20, things started to change. At that age he's supposed to take his father's sit as the mafia head, so as the next leader it was only a matter of time until they got Jimin his own personal bodyguard.
They were really careful at choosing the right one, the problem was that Mr. Park didn't recognized Jungkook, no one did.
All that they remember of him is a 6 years old boy, with the cutest bunny smile, defenseless, a bit spoilt, so yeah, it was quite hard to recognize the masculare, handsome, very hot man, as Jeon Jungkook.

He was the best candidate, he was the chosen one to protect the heartless omega.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Jungkook, I'll do my very best at protecting you at all cost." He said while bowing down, but the heir, as the rumors say, was and still is cold. The only reaction the new bodyguard got was an eye roll and an annoyed mumble, "sure fucking hope so, or else what are we paying you for?"

Sure, he expected that, hell everyone talks about his bad attitude, but he just couldn't believe that his lovely old friend was like that, he refused to listen to all the people who tried to talk him out of it.
It was just too hard to accept that he was gone.
That was the moment he also realized that Jimin didn't recognize him.

So he kept quiet.

Honestly? He wasn't even sure if his Minnie was there anymore, he saw him ordering his guards to kill other people so easily.
His Minnie could never kill a fly, so who was this man who didn't even flinch at the sound of the shots that made bodies drop at his feet?

But he didn't want to lose hope, maybe Jimin managed to fool everyone, but not Jungkook.
He knew it was Mr. Park's fault, he pushed his son to be heartless and a cruel man.

The only way to check if he was right, was to talk to him, but it was so hard, it was easy getting closer to the heir, since Jungkook is his personal bodyguard, but it was hard being alone with him, since he was never alone.
So if there was no opportunity, Jungkook had to make one himself.

And if he'll get caught, he'll have to run for his life.


"Listen up, today is the ceremony, today my son will stop being the heir, and he'll become the head of this mafia.
Some of you are new here, but you already know what will happen if you disrespect him.
If you haven't felt his wrath, you definitely saw what he can cause, he's less patient than me and he will not be merciful like me.
I expect you all to behave."

All the guards got down on one knee when Jimin walked outside, looking hot as hell, all the gay guards were drooling and all the straight ones were no longer straight.
He looked so breathtaking, so royal, like he's about to be the next king instead of the next mafia head.

His silver hair stood in place despite the wind, his black cape followed him perfectly like a shadow and his poker face and fierce look in his eyes were so intimidating.

But one pair of eyes looked at the heir with love instead of fear, those eyes belongs to Jeon Jungkook.
He was still so beautiful, all he wanted to do was kiss him. His crush of 12 years is here, in front of him.
His breath hitched, his lip was caught in between his teeth.

God, how much he missed him.

"The ceremony will start soon, everyone, take your place." Mr. Park said while everyone followed his orders, well, everyone beside one.
Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of Jimin, and of course he had to make it so obvious that he's staring.

The silver haired boy looked at the only guard that was left standing at the yard, staring straight at him.

And the most unbelievable thing happened.

He smirked.

He fucking smirked.

If you think that's what woke the little bunny out of his mini coma, you're wrong. That little smirk sent the boy straight to heaven.

"Hey, little bodyguard, let's go. I may know how to protect myself, but it's kind of your job." Finally Jungkook snapped out of his daydreaming saga and apologized before standing beside the soon to be mafia head.
All Jimin could think about was, how cute his bodyguard looked, but he dismissed that. He's trying to ignore his nature as an omega, so that means no drooling over boys.
no matter, musculine, firm....he is.

Shut up.

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