Emergency situation

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I know it's been a while, and I was supposed to upload soon, but life got in the way.
I don't usually talk about politics and that stuff. The last time I wrote about it was because the situation was so bad. Unfortunately, this time it's worse.

I really don't care if anyone of you will leave this book after reading this, this is directed to those who support human rights and condemn terrorism.

I am warning that I may not upload photos or videos, but I will specify horrible scenes, and I will not hold back because I am fed up. If you do want "evidence" I will happily send you the horror so you will have nightmares like we do. And please note that when I say "You" if you are against terror, the sentence is not pointed towards you. But spreading awareness is an obligation after this.

As you all probably know, I am from Israel. If your first thought is "Oh the apartheid country?" then either stay and educate yourself, or fuck off.

This past five days, the worst days that can ever happen in Israel, happened. At 6am on Saturday, Gaza started to fire rockets towards Israel. This was a diversion act from the terrorists from Gaza who broke the border. Before you start to defend those monsters, remember, this was not act of "freedom fighters" or an act of "self defense," this was pure evil. Those motherfuckers came in villages that are close to the borders, they started breaking into people's houses and killing everyone that was on their sight. And the ones that they didn't kill? Simply, they kidnapped them back to Gaza.

And again, before you start saying "but you occupied their land", shut the fuck up. Read about history, morons. Israel was always supposed to include Jews and Arabs, but oh no the Arabs were like fucking babies and refused to share, so the land was given to the Jews. God forbid, cause you see, apparently us Jews have so many Jewish countries, that the world is basically built off of them.
Oh wait, no, those are the Arabs. They have so many but they pout because they don't have Israel. What does that mean? Oh yeah, that the land was never the issue, it was us, the Jews. They just want to erase us from the world. You know who else wanted that?

Yeah, you guessed it. Hitler.

Which makes you, "Pro-Palestinian" bitches, Nazis.
Yes I'm allowed to say that.
And now that history lesson is over, let's cut to the chase.
This past five days, people were murdered, slaughtered, they were raped, they were decapitated, and burned alive, just like in the holocaust. You ask where is the proof of all that? Just find a Telegram group of Gaza, don't worry, your precious little Satanic murderers make sure to document all of that.

I have severe anxiety, so I am not watching all of the videos, but trust me, there are thousands, they filmed themselves decapitating soldiers and babies heads, a naked kidnapped girl that they raped; dead and in an open trunk of a vehicle as they paraded throughout Gaza to show off what they did to her, dead soldier that they pulled from a tank just threw him to the ground like he's nothing and then continued to kick him and jump on his body, burnt bodies in a huge container that they burnt alive. This is worse than the holocaust, then there were maybe a minority of Germans with a heart and sympathy, now there is none. Trust me, I've seen many fake videos from Gaza as they tried to gain sympathy from the world, and no excuse can justify the shit that they did. No matter what type of bullshit you heard that Israeli soldiers are doing to Gaza's civilians, nothing justifies that.

They are not people. They are worse than the devil.
And before you fuckers say, "oh but it's Hamas and not the civilians"- let me just tell you, there were a few infiltration, the second time they broke into the villages to harm even more, there were Gaza's civilians that broke there and kidnapped innocent people, men, women, elderly, children and babies. Those fucking civilians handed out candies throughout Gaza every time they succeeded in killing a Jew. Their civilians raped children and babies and filmed it to show the world. How are you still justifying this? Those are war crimes.

Do you know what the Israeli civilians thought whenever we saw that our military attacked Gaza? (and usually it was after Hamas provoked or attempted harming us) we thought, "thank fucking god, maybe that can buy us another month of peace and quiet."
Also there was a party. A rave. Young people celebrating life and a Jewish holiday. A lot did not make it out alive. I know personally a few that died, some people that I worked with from the police. All those party people tried to hang tight, against those animals, they hid in bushes, called their loved one to say goodbyes.

What did you do?
Beside sitting outside of both countries and judge like you actually have a say in this?
Most of you will not even be welcome there.
They hate everyone.
By the way you dress, by the way you think, by the way you identify.
They hate you unless you are Muslim, and even then you have to submit to terror and suicide in the name of God.
You know where you can be yourself? In Israel.
Where there are tons of Arabs. Which we co-exist with. Until now. Where some fuckers who do not appreciate the fact that they live here and enjoy the benefits of not being under a suicidal government.
Yes some of you might have been in Gaza, maybe lost someone in the bombing.
Not like this.
No matter what lies will spread, we were never brutal when we weren't under attack.
1,200 murdered and counting, 3,000 missing.

You encourage this.
You did this.
Those who said "free Palestine".
You're a murderer.
You don't care about human rights.
You just think that Jews don't deserve them.
And that makes you a Nazi.

Does it makes you feel good? Knowing that those you support kill innocent people in the name of God?
Women, minors, children, autistic people, disabled people, babies?

Well then, that means that you as much of a terrorist as much as them.
This is not self-defense.
This is brutality.
This is massacre.
This is inhumane.

So know one thing.
I may die in this war.
I may not make it out alive.
This ends now.
It's us, or them.

We will not show mercy any longer.
We will not leave out women who makes candies to celebrate our death.
We will not leave out children who learned to hate us since birth and will grow up to become terrorists like their family.
We will ruin Gaza and those who try to kill us until there is nothing left.
Peace was an option for 18 years.
Not anymore.
This is war.

This is us, or them.
And it will be us.
And if you're not standing with Israel, you support terror, rape and murder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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