Part 21

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For those of you who did not know, literature is fucking hard, so I haven't had the time to update in between papers and classes, so I hope you'll enjoy this even though is super fucking late.
Love you.

Warning 🔞: this chapter is mostly sexual content, so if you're uncomfortable or not in the appropriate age, please skip this one.

"I need to prep you, so it wouldn't hurt." Jungkook said as he kissed the other's neck. "Open your mouth for me baby." He whispered and got a whimper in return before Jimin did as told.

As the Alpha's fingers found their way to his mouth, Jimin already knew what to do and got straight to work. I swear by the look on Jungkook face you would guess that he sucks something else...

What? Stop judging me I'm only saying what we're all thinking.
You're welcome.

The younger started prepping his baby, one finger in, then, two, and by the time the third finger was in, the Mafia head was a moaning mess. So much of a mess that he practically glared at the other until he got the message and took them out.

When Jungkook was about to open a condom, small pair of hands stopped him and took the object.

Um. Mister.
Excuse you.

"What are you doing?"

"We don't need that."

Now to remind you why our reactions are like that. Jiminie here is an Omega. Meaning that he can get pregnant.
Let me also remind you that they are in their twenties.
And in the Mafia.
And stupid.

"What do you mean we don't need that? Unless you want to deliver in a few months, we're using that." But the older did not seem convinced, the problem was, that he is far gone in his submissive headspace, where no logic exist. Not that there was much before.

"But Kookie, this is our first time!"

"I am not going to argue about this. Either we're using this or we're not doing shit. Got it?" it just me or it's getting hot on here?

"Fuck you're hot like that."

Okay so it's not just me.

At this point Jimin knew the other isn't playing games and was happy to help him rip open the condom and put it on. "I am going to take it slow, remember the safe words." Suddenly Jimin felt very nervous, like the fog in his brain cleared up a bit and he realized the situation.

His hand tremble and his breath hitched, and of course the younger felt that, and a wave of worry went through his body as he waited for the safe word. When nothing happened, Jungkook smiled and kissed his lover's nose, holding him close as he possibly could.

"We don't have to do this; I can show you how much I love you in other ways." His voice was above a whisper, and he spread endless kisses across Jimin's face, drawing a cute eye smile out of him. They lock eyes and you can see the love flowing between them, nothing could ever separate them.

"I'm ready. I trust you Kookie."

Jungkook wasted no time as he positioned himself once again and inserted the tip, gaining moans from both of them, because fuck, he was bigger than most people, and Jimin was tight as ever. For the omega it was a pain that he had never felt before, being stretched like that, and for the alpha, he also had a hard time (Pun-intended) because it was not easy to push through such a tight space.
It took a at least ten minutes until Jungkook was all the way in, and until Jimin's desire to punch the other for causing him so much pain, has passed. Slowly, the younger started to move his hips in with a growing retheme.

"Talk to me baby, how are you feeling?" Jungkook lowered himself until his forehead was practically glued to the other's. It was hard to talk between moans, but Jimin tried anyway, wanting to reassure his loved one that he is in fact, okay, "I'm- oh god, I'm okay babe, this is- holy shit- "

This was cute up until now, you fucker.

But the latter only snicker while picking up the pace, loving the way his omega struggles talking so bad because it feels so good to him.

This went on for some time, until shit happened, as usual.

A sudden realization struck the alpha. Do you remember the fact that Jimin said that he panicked when he felt the other's teeth because he was not ready to get marked yet? Do you also remember that I said that this will cause problems up ahead?

Well now is ahead.

The faster that his brain worked, his body slowed down, causing a very unhappy omega to literally cling on him like his life depends on him. "What the hell are you thinking right in the middle of this?" the pout on his face was permanent, and his hand went up to brush Jungkook's hair, perhaps tugging it a little. "Focus on me, on us in this very moment." Jimin whispered and kissed his boyfriend.

Well, that's done the trick.

That kiss brought Jungkook back again, suppressing any other thoughts that he had before, resuming his actions and again picking up the pace. This time he thrusted even harder and faster, like some kind of button in his mind was pushed, and this time he did not stop until his lover was yelling, begging for release.

"This- this is so fucking good Jungkook!" The omega yelled in pleasure and threw his head back against the headboard, his eyes rolling back as he grasps the sheets. Just a moment before both of them reached their climax, they looked in each other's eyes and both whispered, "I love you."

Both boys collapsed right after, panting like they ran a marathon. Spreading kisses all over Jimin's face, the alpha pulled out and threw the condom away before laying back beside his exhausted boyfriend. Jungkook caressed his back until he heard quiet, cute snores from the other.

This is when his mind is finally clear, and all the suppressed thoughts started flowing back, one after the other, leaving Jungkook restless.

Why Jimin panicked this much? Jungkook held himself so good up until now, did he not trust him with the mark? Hell, the younger knew they were too young to be tied down, but he is so sure that Jimin is the one for him, the only one, that he is ready to settle down with him. Could it be that the other did not think of Jungkook as the one for him as well? What is the difference between marking him now, or in a couple of years? All of these questions only sadden him further, so Jungkook decided to go to sleep for now, but made a mental note to ask Jimin about it when they wake up.

Hope you all enjoyed!!

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