fucked up situation

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I promised to myself I wouldn't talk about it, but I can't stay quiet anymore.
if you will leave and stop reading this story, I'm fine with it, most likely that I wouldn't want you here either.
If you don't like politics and don't want to read about the Israel-Gaza thing, you can skip and I will update a chapter soon.

Here's the thing.

I'm a proud Israeli woman.

No, that does not mean that I walk around with a sign that says "Death for Arabic people."

But it means I know about the real situation between Gaza and Israel more than you do, while all of you keyboard heroes, read the fucked up things the media is feeding you.

I talked to two people, who posted about Gaza, I explained the whole situation, you know what they did? They were shocked, cause no one knows nor cares about the truth, and they took down what they posted since they knew it was a lie.

First of all, no matter what race or religion, in Israel you have more rights to everyone than in Gaza, Arabs get free education, they get so many work options, they have kids at their homes here, they have equal medical rights, so no "oh poor little people" bullshit.
Women in Gaza has no rights at all, if you're gay you go to jail, they sacrifice their own civilians, the Hamas use the women and children to kill Israeli people, our army protect the women and children. That's the difference.

Here's the thing, it started on Jerusalem day, a day that we Jews celebrate. We didn't took anything, our people fought 6 days over Jerusalem, and they fought the Jordan military, and the rest of Israel? That shit was in 1947-1948 and we took over after the British, no Palestine, not ever, you should open a map and see that there is Israel, not Palestine, it's a fact.

On Jerusalem day, a few days ago, Arabs decided that they won't let Jews go to Jerusalem, so they started throwing rocks on people from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, that's the only reason police force was sent in to stop them, but media chose to show that like we just bullied them.

Then later that day the Hamas decided to send missiles to Israel, so many that people on the border haven't left their shelter in two days. So no, Israel did not start that, we reacted back. You think about Gaza and those evicted families? Well we didn't want to kill people there so we told Hamas to evict 4 buildings, cause we're not killers.

And those buildings? They were built with the concrete that Israel sent to Gaza, in addition to the tunnels they built to sneak terrorists into Israel and kill people.
And those missiles they bomb us with? They got them with the money that Israel sent Gaza to feed and cloth the people there, but they decide to get missiles and hide them between families, in the same buildings people in Gaza agreed to hide there.

We bombed empty buildings that used to store missiles that will later be used on us.

You think that the USA would act like us if they were under attack? Maybe Britain, Russia, Syria? No, they would wipe out Gaza at all, so don't cry when we bomb empty buildings.

And the video of Jewish man running over Arab? Yeah I saw what you saw, the difference is that you only saw some of the video, I saw all of it, before that man ran over him, risking his live by crashing his car on the stones on the sidewalk, a group of about 50 Arabs charged at him, blocking his way so he has to slow down, kicking his car, throwing rocks at him, so he backed away and drove to the sidewalk, he lost control over the car, and even after that they didn't had enough, they opened his door and started beating him up, that until a brave traffic policeman ran to save him and all those cowards ran away.

You can judge all you want, but you don't know both sides.

I live in Israel, we have the most moral army in the world, they teach you from birth to accept everyone, Arabs, foreigners, anyone who wants to live here, and we do live with them peacefully, but on daily basis they go stabbing people, set bombs to kill as many people, they go to our poor soldiers to stab them while they're only watching and guarding.

I live here and I live those events, none of you outsiders can possibly know what its like.

Every minute there's an alarm to go into shelters to be safe and all you do is get in there, shake to death and pray it won't kill you.

There are little children among us too, a 5 years old boy died, a 21 years old soldier died. But everyone think its okay cause they are Jews, why do they need to live, right? Cause you're so into human rights but when it comes to Israel and Jewish people, fuck them, human rights doesn't apply on them, right?

The only problem is that non of the English websites are here to cover this, they assume what happens here, they use their resources to go to Gaza but they never go to Israel to see what happens here, so they pass to you and every other person wrong information, they show one wrong side.

They see what's going on here and too scared to come over, and they should be it's not safe.

The Arabic people here say we took their land but like i said, we took that from the British and slowly made it our own, they just wouldn't accept it and ever since they try to start a war with us, I'm 21 now and this has been like this ever since I was a little kid maybe 6 years old, we're never the ones who start the wars, we only defend ourselves and we're focused on destroying terror spots only, not citizens, while they try to hit as many homes and kill as many people.

If you want to spread awareness please do it the right way, show both sides, or don't do that at all.

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