Part 12

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Plus, if you still want to get in the kpop group I talked about last chapter, you still can so feel free to message me or comment!

Their time apart from each other only made them feel worse, they missed each other so much, like they couldn't breath properly without the other.

Jimin was angrier, he showed no mercy like he did when his beloved bodyguard was with him.
Jungkook on the other hand was irritated at everything and everyone, he snapped at people often, which makes everyone confused. Usually the young boy is the sweetest boy, but now he is so mad at nothing.

Well nothing that they know of.

The older one visited a lot at the Kim's resident, Taehyung became his best friend, they would spend days together, just talking about everything.

"Do you know when is he coming back?" Taehyung asked as he threw another chocolate cube in the other's mouth, he hate seeing his friends so sad, and right now most of his time was divided between the two lovebirds.

Jimin only sigh and ate the chocolate, his dark and pessimistic thoughts are slowly taking over.
"Honestly, he's gone for two weeks now, I'm not sure he's even coming back anymore."

The little omega crawled in between his best friends arms and set his head on his broad chest, both of them were used to that level of affection by now.
After he hugged the smaller boy, an idea popped in Taehyung's head. He ushered the boy to give him his phone, which he quickly did.

The brunette took a picture of them, cuddling so damn close, and sent it to Jungkook with the caption 'Tae says hi!'.

Not a minute goes by, and the phone ring.

Whipped ass boy.

"He's calling, what did you do? What should I do?" Jimin started panicking, completely losing his cool and sitting on his friend's lower...area.

By mistake of course.

"Answer it, dumbass." Taehyung laughed and pressed the green button before the other had the chance to think twice.

A jealous voice was instantly heard through the phone, no need to even put on speaker, even though he put it, like Taehyung requested. "So, I leave for two weeks and you replace me as your cuddle buddy?"

Jimin chuckled, he's just so cute.

"Well, I need a cuddle, and you're not here, what did you expect me to do?"

"Wait for me! I told you I'm not on vacation, I miss cuddling you too, but you don't see me cuddling other people."

You could hear the pout through the phone.
The brunette took the phone, knowing how mad the younger is going to be once Jimin leave, trying to ease his pain.

"Don't worry, those were emergency cuddles, he got so sad after talking about how much he misses you for an hour straight."

"Tae!" the little omega punched the other's shoulder, taking back the phone, feeling exposed.

But it was worth it as he heard Jungkook's sweet laugh, a huge smile was plastered on his lips.
"I miss you too, more than you can imagine."

"So when are you coming back? You're gone for way too long," Jimin pout and laid back on the brunette, looking for some comfort, but the younger expected him to do so, "well, I won't get there any faster if you will keep laying on other people."

"Okay, how the fuck-"

"I know you better than you think."

There was a moment of silence, a sad one, all three boys could feel it. Jimin was the only one oblivious to the reason, after all this time he still can't understand what is so special about the bunny-like boy.
The feelings that he gets just by being next to him, same old feelings that he used to have at certain time, with a certain someone, but who?

Jungkook suddenly broke the silence, "I promise I'll be back in a few days, you better not get used to your temporary guard," with a hint of humor to it, you practically can hear his smile, yes it's a thing.

"Well it depends on how many days we're talking about," both Jimin and Taehyung giggled, knowing the boy is probably losing his mind at that moment.
So damn cute.

"Jimin I swear to god-" and before the young boy had the chance to finish his sentence the other hung up.

Was that mean? Yes.

Did he care? Absolutely not.


While Jungkook went through hell this whole time he was away from his lover, Jimin unintentionally got closer to his new bodyguard.

Min Yoongi, the blonde, gorgeous man.

I mean, does being hot is part of the requirements for Jimin's personal bodyguard? Because it sure as hell looks like it.

Yoongi was very quiet, well compared to Jungkook.

It's actually the younger's fault that the two connected, after being so close to Jungkook, how could Jimin stay silent with his new bodyguard? He was so bored when they alone, it's only natural that he will start the conversation.

Of course Jimin changed a bit, he didn't have his kind-hearted bodyguard next to him, to calm him down, or make him think twice before every decision.
To say that the mafia head was on edge is a bit understatement, the number of executions were only increasing each day.

The rumors got wild with every execution that he made, until they got to the Jeon's mansion, specifically to the youngest one there.

By the time Jungkook heard it, everybody were talking about the unstable mafia head of the Park's resident, some days he's mellow, others he's a complete maniac.
Some spread rumors about his mental health, saying he is bi-polar, and meeting him is a chance of 50-50, you can live or you'd wish you wouldn't.

Honestly? Jungkook knew that his lover was just in a bad environment, his toxic family, his scared employees. No one was there to really talk to him, to hug him, telling him it will be okay, showing him that there is another way.

That's when he knew, it was his time to go back there, no matter what anyone says.

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