Part 6

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On those days Jungkook had his free time, Jimin had someone else protecting him, and it was more than obvious that he did not like that. He would never admit it out loud, but he missed his own bodyguard, instead of the temporary boring one.

Every single thing annoyed the boy, and his usual ray of sunshine was somewhere else doing whatever, so Jimin was pissed the entire day.
Well until the bunny finally came back, only to be informed by his replacement that their boss is mad as hell and nothing or no one can calm him down.

I mean no one but Jungkook, at least.

The bodyguard put his uniform back on before heading to the most scariest omega in that place, the room that no one dared to get in.
But before that he made a quick stop at the kitchen, since he also knew that the boy refused to eat anything, and who would argue with him? So he made some dinner, including some meat, rice and veggies.

Of course they had a chef there, but Jimin had a very sensitive senses of taste and smell, so it was hard deciding what food to make.

But Jungkook had a leverage, he knew that for a long time and he remembered what he likes and what not.

With hands holding a tray filled with goods, the bunny walked towards his room and gently knocked before he opened it.
The worried bodyguard felt like crying when he saw his tiny boss on the bed with tears running down on his cheeks.

The door was shut quickly and the tray stayed on the nightstand, the bed sunk under the younger's weight, making the little heir to look at him.
He looked so young like that.

"What happened?" Jungkook's soft voice spoke as he wiped away the other's tears, how can anyone stand this sight? Why did no one cared?
But for Jimin, he felt relieved, he wished that no one will come in to see him like that. well except one person.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just tiring day." He tried to smile a little to assure both of them, but they knew he was lying.
Maybe the smile wasn't that fake, he loved the feeling of the large, warm hand that was caressing his cheek oh so gently, it felt so good that he needed to fight the urge to purr.

How is that possible? Maybe the medications were wearing off?

"I'll make you a deal. I won't pressure you to tell me the truth, but you need to eat what I made you." That's when Jimin noticed the tray, he was not in the mood to eat, but he can't deny how good it looks. Plus, he preferred eating instead of trying to explain why he was in such a bad mood. "okay, I'll eat."

In no time the tray was on his thighs, "Did you really made all of this?" the silver haired boy asked quietly, more to himself, he was shocked since they had a chef and usually people asked him to make the food.

"I saw the other day that you have a sensitive senses, and I- I had a friend like that, so I thought that I could cook you what he likes to eat." The shy bunny cursed himself for stuttering, but after a few minutes of silence, his face turned red when he felt soft, full lips kissing his cheek for a few seconds.

The shocked boy looked towards the smiling mochi beside him, he wasn't dreaming! "Thank you, Jungkook-ssi."

Did he just-

Just- just play it cool.

"N- No problem."

Real smooth.


After a few hours everything went back to normal, all the things on their to-do list were over and it was finally Jimin's free time, alone in his room...well not quite alone since Jungkook insisted on watching him closely, which made the other roll his eyes and get back to his book.
The silver haired boy is a book worm, he kept it a secret but he always loved reading. The stories that took him away from reality and made him forget everything that was happening, those books about happy ending and love, something that the mafia head could only dream about.

"If you ever tell anyone you saw me wear glasses, I will personally shoot you." Jimin said, not looking away from his book even once, but to be honest, the bodyguard only thought how cute he looked with those big round glasses, almost making him confess right there and then.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," a small chuckle escaped his lips, at that the older immediately looked at the other, raising an eyebrow.

"Just sit down and shut up." He mumbled before returning to his book, but the muscle bunny wasn't going to give up that easily.
"What are you reading?"

"Why are you still talking?" The small boy huffed and turn his back on him, lying on his side.
You'd think it would break down Jungkook's spirit a little, but no, all he did was smile wider and peek at the book's name.

His happy face turned into a deeply surprised one when he saw the title 'pride and prejudice' in his small hands, who knew the allegedly scary mafia head is reading a novel? "Nice choice," the younger said while holding a giggle.

"I swear to God, I'll kill you."

"What? And get a new boring bodyguard?" He knew he was close to crossing the line but he couldn't help it, he read Jimin like an open book, and he knew that deep down, the boy is actually enjoying his presence.
"Maybe a boring one will learn how to shut up."

"So you admit I'm not boring. So what am I?"

One second later Jimin closed his book and pulled the blanket over his head, murmuring a, "fuck off," and pretending to be asleep while a smile is plastered on his face.

The raven haired boy just laughed and sat down on the chair near the bed, "you wish," he whispered but the other heard it, as he expected.

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