Part 19

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Well hello there people

I've came back from the dead.
Okay not quite yet, still a bit dead inside.
But hey I came back, and I don't know when a new chapter will be up so this is the best I can do babes

Since the day Jimin figured everything out, every single thing has changed. Whether it's the mafia, or Jimin himself, the air around the boy finally felt...good.

The way the Park's mafia was until now, is no longer exist. Evil mafia head? Nope. Daily executions? Not anymore. Will hesitate to kill you if you'll give them a dirty look? Nope, consider yourself a dead man.

What? there's only so much that can change.

But somehow the couple haven't talked about everything, they needed a serious talk about all those years they lost, about what made Jungkook take a job as a bodyguard so suddenly and about what is about to happen now that they're dating.

After a few weeks of adjusting to the new situation, it was finally the time to talk about all of those things.

Took long enough.

As they lay in Jimin's bed, cuddling and kiss from time to time, the older decided to finally bring it up. "Kookie?" the other just hummed in response.
What a beautiful communication.

"Why didn't you tell me from the start who you are?"


"It's been 12 years, I haven't even thought about the possibility that you do remember me. I made it my mission to keep every memory of you until we meet, and then the past wouldn't matter, because we'll make new memories." The raven boy caressed his boyfriend's cheek, while looking into his eyes.
"My parents tried to make me forget about you, but they weren't as bad as yours. They let me keep every single thing that reminded me of you, the little toys that you gave me, your favorite blanket that you gave me so I wouldn't afraid so much during thunderstorms, the drawings you drew for me."

The older's heart melted that very moment, memories running through his head, Jungkook really kept everything he gave him.

"Plus, it's not like you were the most approachable person, I was sure someone will figure out I don't belong here before I'll even get the chance to tell you."

He's got a point there.

"So...what's next?" the smaller boy asked as he cuddled further with his partner. "Well, we need to catch up with everything we missed. I know you're a busy mafia man but I still wants to take you out on dates and surprise you with little cute presents," Jungkook started off and made the other smile uncontrollably, making his eyes disappear and his heart beat a little faster.

"And as time goes by, I'll propose and we'll get married and have kids and-" he got cut off as Jimin suddenly sat straight and scared the shit out of him.

Of course he had to cut the cute moment.

Drama queen.

I swear I'm not biased.

Jungkook sat down as well and scanned the shocked expression on his lover's "Jesus, what happened?" The room went silent for a couple of minutes.
It may seem from time to time that the cruel mafia head has no hope for the future, or that he is incapable of loving anyone but himself, but lets not forget that we are talking about the same young baby boy that his parents taught him to demolish every little thing that was a reminder that he was an Omega.

That means, suppression pills, no family plans, no compassion, completely denying that part.

So when the love of his life, that suddenly showed up after 12 years, is talking about all those things he wasn't even allowed to think about, it freaked him out.
But of course he wants a family, ever since he stopped taking those pills, his Omega instincts started kicking in with full power.

"Baby? Did I say something wrong?" A gentle hand rubbed his back brought Jimin back to reality, where he can finally be himself with the one he loves and no one is telling him to fake it anymore.
A cute little smile appeared on his face when he noticed how worried was his little bunny, he is so damn lucky.

He really is.

Jungkook didn't notice the smile on his face, so he just kept trying to get his boyfriend to react somehow, "We don't have to have kids if you don't want to, please don't lose it."

And his wish was finally granted. Better than he thought actually, Jimin cupped his cheeks and kissed him so hard that they nearly fell from the bed.
Their bodies were almost glued to each other, moving in sync as they're losing themselves in the moment.

After a few minutes they finally parted, both panting and blushing. "Kookie, Of course I want to have kids with you, I'm sorry I was just shocked that you really thought about our future at your age, you're so young and I thought you'd freak out to talk about that."

"Are you stupid? Minnie, I was dreaming about having little pups with you since we were kids. I would die to have a child with your cute eye smile running around the house." I have to admit that was cute, the whole 'are you stupid' is going to bite him in the ass later, but nonetheless it was so cute.

But then his eyes started glowing with a hint of red, I guess the way they laid so close to each other and talked about kids, did something to the young boy, because man, those Alpha pheromones are reeking off of him and it's starting to affect Jimin.

"I know we have some time before we actually have kids, about we start practicing on how we're going to do them?" Jungkook asked, unlocking a new feeling for his Omega. "Jeon Jungkook, since when do you have such a dirty little mind?"

The hungry Alpha got even closer and said with a devilish smirk, "Who said anything about little?"

Holy shit.

I mean, I had my suspicions but...


Well done Jimin, you literally won the jackpot.

"Sir, we need you-" My God, I never hated Min Yoongi more than I do right now.

And it appears to be that Jungkook feels the same way, "I swear to fucking god Yoongi, I will castrate you if you'll interrupt us one more time."
Surprisingly it was Jimin who said that.


"No no no, I don't care even if there's a raid on the mansion, you will close the fucking door right now and if anyone will bother us for the rest of the day I will personally kill you."

And again, the room went silent.

But unlike last time, now Jungkook was the one smiling from ear to ear. Of course it was kinda scary how Jimin talked, but man, he hated that fake ass bodyguard from the moment he tried to replace him when he was away.

"Is it weird that I'm turned on by the way you threatened him?" The younger asked as soon as the door closed behind Yoongi, making the other giggle before he pulled him in for another kiss.

Damn this is going to be a long, long night.

Yes the next chapter is going to be a bit kinky so brace yourselves people

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now