Part 14

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A plot twist.

After what happened, both boys couldn't stay away from each other, you could see the differences between Jungkook and Yoongi with their boss.
while Yoongi was a few steps back, Jungkook was right by Jimin's side, most of the times their arms were linked together, looking like a couple from a fairytale.

From time to time, Jungkook would blurt "Jagiya" to Jimin, in front of people.

So after you hear someone calling your boss "Jagiya" you can assume that they are dating, and they did absolutely nothing to hide that fact.
The problem was Jungkook's family.

Ever since Jungkook came back there, everyone in their mafia was ecstatic, so ecstatic that they drew attention.
The rumors about the mysterious son who finally came back, made everyone around them to believe something big is going to happen, especially the Park's mafia.

So now everyone are on high alert, scared that a war will start soon, but the little bodyguard can't even deny those rumors, or else they would suspect him for being involved with the Jeon's.

Which he is, but they don't need to know that yet.

He needed advice, so he went to the only person he could think of.
In one of his breaks, he left Jimin with Yoongi and went to the back yard, where he set up with Taehyung to meet.

"I'm losing it, they're about to start a war and I can't stop it." He said as soon as he saw his friend, hugging him so tightly that the other turned purple.
Well sometimes he forget that he's a muscle pig, leave him alone.
"Air, I need air!" the older yelled, alarming the younger boy and making him let go.

"Look, I visited your family to find out what's going doesn't look good, your absence is felt, everyone noticed." Taehyung said, but something popped behind Jungkook, but it disappeared before he can look closely. Weird.
In the meantime, while he was trying to search for the thing that popped, the little bodyguard was losing it, an official breakdown.

He felt like he was betraying Jimin. "What can I do hyung? Jimin wants to make peace with us but my father hate him and his family so much that he's willing to start a war."

But it was a lost cause, Taehyung was too focused on something behind him, he wasn't listening to a word he said.
So he turned around to look at...well nothing, so he looked back at his hyung and said with a sassy tone; "What's more important than my mental breakdown right now? Do you see dead people now? Well if you see my cousin tell him I said hi, will you?"

Taehyung blinked a couple of times before looking back at his friend, only a few of what the other said got to him, obviously the dead people part was one of them.


"What do you mean what? I'm about to die, either by my father or by Jimin but it will happen, and you just stare at nothing like a crazy person when I'm asking for help!" Jungkook practically yelled, which defeats the whole 'let's meet up secretly' purpose.

But one thing the young bunny didn't know, was that Taehyung was right, he indeed saw something. Or to be exact, someone.

Lately, Jungkook took a lot of short breaks like this one, so of course Jimin got suspicious. A small doubt found its way to his fragile heart when he escaped from Yoongi and hid in the bushes, just to see his lover hugging someone else.
But the thing that broke him, was when he recognized Taehyung as the other person.

Why were they hugging like that?

Why are they having those meetings at all?

Were they can't be.

But the other day, when Jungkook was all possessive...what was that all about?

"There's someone there." He heard his now 'ex friend' say, while looking at his direction.
The next thing he knows, the bodyguard was nowhere to be found, and Taehyung stood there alone.
Trained ass bodyguard.

"What the hell are you doing?" a voice next to him almost made him pee his pants at that same spot, he should put a fucking bell on Jungkook, that's it.

"Holy mother of god-" Jimin panicked and his instincts kicked in.

Literally kicked in.
The hurt bunny was on the floor, holding his groin with both hands, growling in pain.
That's what you get for scaring a trained, paranoid mafia head.

"Oh my god! Who the hell thought YOU needed someone to protect you?!" Jungkook yelped, catching Taehyung's attention, making him hurry up to them.
When he got there, he met a very upset omega. But he was a scary omega, so that was not good.

After a few minutes of silence, Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and stared at both of them. Man, if looks could kill...
On the other hand, with his gun on his hip, who need a look to kill?

"So," Jimin started, looking super pissed. Both boys knew he wouldn't actually do something to them, but if he gets the wrong idea, he will go back to how he used to be, cold and distant, insensitive and sad. That was worse than getting hurt by him.

"When you said you needed breaks to speak to your family, that wasn't what I had in mind. Are you two cousins? Maybe brothers, or maybe Taehyung is your fucking uncle!" A fake smile appeared on the mafia head's face, slightly devilish.

He clapped his hands once loudly, scaring them, drawing them closer unintentionally.
Wrong move.
"You know what? I just had this crazy thought, maybe as crazy as I. But when we met for the first time, you introduced yourself, didn't you Jungcock?" The sarcastic boy tilted his head, looking like the devil himself. Jungkook opened his mouth to explain, but was cut off before he could make a sound.

"You know...I asked you, many times, if you two fuckers had a thing going on. You said no." And suddenly his eyes were darker than ever, almost making the alphas in front of him whimper.

"I hate liars." His calm tone turned to a deadly one, but underneath all of that, Jungkook saw the sadness and disappointment in his eyes.
His heart broke, seeing how his lies upset his lover. He did lie, too many times.

But he came too far to back down. "Jimin please-"

"Boy, refer to me as your boss. Do not forget your fucking place."

"But Jimin-"

"You too asshole." The hurt look on Jimin's face was like a punch in the gut, they didn't do what he was thinking about, but they did lie to him.
If your boyfriend, or someone you care about, is going behind your back, meeting others like that...of course it will be suspicious.

Jimin was on the verge of breaking down, but he had too many years of practicing how to conceal emotions, so that's what he did.
"You were my friend, I came to you when I most needed spme comfort, you saw me in my vulnerable state." A single tear managed to escape, but it didn't matter anymore.

"I must have looked so stupid to you two, when you urged me to call Jungkook that day."

"We would never-"

"Leave my property immediately, through the front door this time."

And with one final painful look towards the bodyguard, the hurt boss said, "You got what you wanted, you may resign now," and went back inside.

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now