Part 20

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Do you know what I just realized? I uploaded the WRONG chapter. You have a very stupid author. But you'll forgive me because I just ended the first semester of my first year of university, so my brain does not function at all.
Hope some of you are still here😂

To say that the boys were clueless was an understatement, everything in that situation felt awkward, especially when they really thought about what they were doing.
Suddenly, everything went wrong, their noses crashed together, they accidentally kicked each other from time to time, they fell a couple of times.

Where the hell was the fire that was just there a minute ago?

"I don't get it, what are we doing wrong?" The frustrated bunny whined as he hit his head on the headboard for the 9th time.

"I think we might be doing it for the wrong reasons." And before Jungkook has the time to argue, the omega continues talking, "Of course it's because it's all new to us and we never done it before, but we're moved by pure lust. Our first time needs to be special."

That was actually kind of cute, who would've thought that a deadly mafia head would say stuff like that?

"It's not all pure lust, I love you so much and I want to show you that. No matter what is the reason or how many times we'll do it, this will always be special, because you're here with me and you love me as much as I love you."

My will to aww grows more by the second.

And it looks like I'm not the only one, because Jimin's teary eyes says the same.
Of course he's right, they've been in love for so many years, and this is just another way to express it.

"Let me show you, just how much I love you."

And with a single nod, Jungkook once again kissed his tiny boyfriend, making sure that he's feeling loved in the process.

This time all the awkwardness was gone, no crashing noses, no kicking. Jungkook stopped for a second and took off his shirt before he dived back to the other's neck, spreading kisses all over it, drawing soft moans from the needy omega under him.

When he stopped again, this time to take Jimin's shirt off, his eyes were glowing again; but unlike before, the glow was a light red.
As if to show his lover how gentle he can be, while still lusting over him.

"God, you're so beautiful baby." The Alpha whispered in his lover's ear.

Next thing to come off was both of their pants, while they're kissing passionately, whispering sweet nothing in each other's ears, hands roaming all over.

"Your smell is driving me crazy, I missed that so much." The younger growl and grazed his sharp teeth over the boy's neck, ready to mark the shit out of him, only to get a pushed gently back.

Immediately panic starts to take over, "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No no, I just panicked a bit when I felt your teeth..." And when Jimin saw the confused expression on his bunny's face, he explained, "I'm just not ready to get marked yet, that's all."

Man, this will cause problems up ahead..

But luckily, Jungkook is a slow Alpha...well in some ways anyway, so he'll get that later.

"We need to use code words, okay? So I'll know where we stand." Or laying down.

What? like you haven't thought about that.

Shut up.

"Traffic lights."


I second that huh.

"When you want to ask if anything is okay with me, just stop and look at me. If I say green, you're good to go, if I say yellow then it's okay but don't push it, and if I say red you stop immediately no matter what."

Jungkook nodded and tried to test it.

He got his mouth close to one of the boy's nipples, looking up at him with a dirty smirk.


The Alpha wasted no time and placed his mouth on it, licking and abusing it until it turned bright red, earning a few loud moans.

After doing the same to the other nipple, his mouth started wandering further down, until he reached his boxers. He looked back up, just waiting and torturing the poor boy.

"Fuck, green."

A devilish smile spread across Jungkook's face, the little fucker is enjoying this a bit too much.

He took off Jimin's boxers and got rid of his own as well, but when he looked at the other, a chuckle escaped his lips.

It was obvious that the Omega did NOT expected it to be that...big.
I mean, it is his first time, so it's completely understandable of him to question how the fuck is that going to fit.

Fighting Jimin!

"Don't worry, it won't bite."

I can't say the same about Jungkook.

His big hands grabbed Jimin's thighs as he started kissing them, stopping from time to time to get a reaction from him.
As he got close to the Omega's groin, he stopped again, looking up to get consent.

The problem is that, because Jungkook is a brat and kept rubbing his lips on Jimin's tip until he couldn't utter a single word, making the younger stop as he wait for a color to be said.

Sadly, all the silver haired boy could do was whine "please" over and over.

"Words, baby. I need you to say it, loud and clear." His tone was now low and seductive, just making the other to squirm more.

"Fucking hell Jungkook, green, green, green!"

The light red color of his eyes now changed to a dark red as his lips finally made contact, the Alpha took him whole in his mouth, licking and bobbing his head up and down.

To say that the mafia head was in heaven, was a complete understatement, he was about to die from pleasure. Jungkook moved like a pro, which made him suspicious for a second, but then he was brought back to bliss and his mind couldn't remember what he was thinking just a second ago.

Just before he reached his climax, the younger stopped and sat down, looking at him with hunger in his eyes.

"Y-you can't do that, you asshole!" Jimin whined and lower one of his hands to finish what his bitch of a boyfriend, started.
A low growl was heard before both of his hands were held above his head.

Jungkook got closer and whispered with a deadly voice, "Did I tell you that you can touch yourself?" And fuck that was so hot.


"No what?"

Jimin gulped and answered submissively, "No, sir."

Well damn boy.

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now