Part 9

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Sorry in advance for extra mistakes, I'm after eye surgery (laser, to get rid of the glasses) so I'm blurred and I'll get better in like a month, so this is the best I could do at my state.

"Did I left the stove on?"

The air was cleared and both Taehyung and Jungkook went from being completely paranoid and stress to laughing their asses off.
"What the fuck Jimin? You don't cook! Never have and never will." The little bodyguard tried to breath again, his boss is way too drunk at the moment.

"Come on, let's go home, you have stuff to do tomorrow." But the pout on the smaller boy said otherwise, he was having so much fun, how can he go back to the boring place that he forcefully calls a home?
"No, not yet! I'm having fun Kookie, just cancel everything I have tomorrow. I want to sleep in and that you'll cook me some lunch, because I'm not going to wake up before that." It was so cute to look at, Jimin was cuddled in his favorite person's chest, far from being stable so the other had to hold him.

So. Close.

All Jungkook could do was sigh and help his little boss sitting on the low brick fence they were next to, he had to stand behind him so he won't fall back, even though it would be hilarious. "I guess you really need some time off from work, just don't drink too much." The worried bunny smiled as he felt Jimin lean his back against him, he had to fight his urge to wrap his arms around him and spread kisses all over his face.

"Yes sir," the silver haired boy said and giggled.
yup, he's done for the night.

The rest of the night went pretty well, at some Namjoon and Seokjin joined them and everyone got along perfectly.
There was only one problem, the drinks just kept coming and Jimin was so wasted at the end of the night, which means the hangover in the morning is going to be a bitch.

Jimin + pain = bitchy Jimin.

So in the next morning, everyone on the mansion was extra quiet, walking on their tip toes when they pass by his room, no sudden alarms, no loud talking.
Everyone just waited for Jungkook to take care of the little monster in the dark room, and when he finally came he made some tea and a sandwich before heading towards the most dangerous room in this place.

Well it's a bit dramatic, but that was what everyone in there were feeling.

It was lunch time and Jungkook wasn't going to let him sleep all day, even if he was going to be yelled at.
He entered the room slowly and sat on the bed, putting down the tray and reaching the lump on the bed, covered in a few layers of blankets.

"Jimin, hey, you need to wake up." His voice was soft and his hand gently rubbed his back...or his belly, he can't know for sure.
The only reaction he got was a low growl and sigh of pain.

To tell the truth? The sight was far from scary, he looked like a grumpy potato, how can anyone be scared of him?
"Come on, I bought for you some painkillers and I made you lunch, just like you asked yesterday." The mention of last night woke the boy up immediately, he remembered some of the things but not all of it.

"Not hungry," Jimin mumbled but took out one hand out of his cocoon, looking for some support before he gets up.
The younger did not miss the gesture and took the tiny hand in his large one, lacing their fingers together and caressing it with his thumb.

"I know it hurts, but you need to eat and drink. You can have two painkillers because you drank way too much last night so I know the pain is too much."
Yet, it wasn't until the mafia head felt warm lips on his hand that made him take off his blankets completely, blushing hard at that.

Jungkook's sly smile made him blush harder that he considered punch him to make the smile disappear. "Now that you're awake, take the pills so you'll feel better." The cute bunny like boy took two pills and handed them to Jimin who swallowed them without a problem.

When a sharp pain went through his head like a dagger, the older whimpered and laid down instantly, holding his head with both hands. This triggered the protective side of the young alpha and a few seconds later he laid next to him and hugged Jimin gently, radiating warmth and again, just like magic, the pain is gone.

All that the poor omega could focus on was Jungkook's amazing scent, the smell of nature, like a forest after the rain, the smell of the rain mixed with dirt and oak tree.
No headache has the power to survive after having a dose of Jungkook.

"Are you okay? Is it that bad?" the younger's worried tone brought Jimin back to his senses, but he just buried his face in the other's chest and mumbled, "I'm okay now."
When the raven haired boy was about to pull away to reach for the tea, Jimin groaned and pulled him closer once again, signaling him that he needs a few more minutes of cuddles before doing anything else.

Jungkook chuckled at his boss's behavior but stayed put, he's so adorable like that, clingy like a puppy.
Clearly it's not normal that the mafia head and his bodyguard cuddling like this, but they didn't care and everyone else were too afraid to even think about it.

After fifteen minutes the hurt boy was finally ready to sit up and eat, which actually made him feel better, exactly like Jungkook predicted.

But just like Jimin asked last night, the worried bodyguard canceled everything they had to do and let him sleep in, so they had all day to keep cuddle, away from all the annoying people and the loud noises.

Just Jimin, Jungkook and the copy of 'Pride And Prejudice'.

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now