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Mr. park and his wife tried so hard having a baby, it took years but it happened.
Mrs. park got pregnant, oh how they wished he would be an alpha, since he's going to be the next one to rule the mafia, but their luck ran out.
The boy was an omega, and they did not fail at mentioning that to the poor boy every time they could while he grew up.

They loved their son, but they feared of what would happen to him once he would take mr. Park's place as the mafia head.
All the other mafia leaders are alphas, if they hear that the next leader is an omega, they will show no mercy and will target him, no matter how much guards will be by him.

But the boy has a name, which no one knows about, he's now 10 but his identity is still a secret.
Even to the guards.

His name is Park Jimin, he's very mature for his age, he speaks multiple languages, he's polite and a loner, but not by choice.
He's quiet, try not to piss his dad off.
Jimin indeed got the message that him being an omega is a huge problem, so he decided to fight his character.
All he ever wanted was to make his parents proud of him, so he fought his nature, instead of being warm and social, he became rude and antipathy.
Instead of being a walking ray of sunshine, he kept a poker face.
His once bubbly and happy personality turned into a cold and scary one.

If he wasn't born as an alpha, then he'll do whatever it takes to act like one.

Hello there!!
It's my second book that I post in English nice🥺
Hope you'll enjoy it!

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now