Part 7

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A few days had passed and the day to help Jungkook finally came, it was Taehyung's birthday and the first step was to get Jimin to the party that he made.
It was not easy.

All the invitations he got were...lost.
In reality the boy just threw them, since he remembered how their last meeting ended up, so it was the bodyguard's turn.
If he can't pull it off, then who can?

"Hey, I think that you got another invitation from the Kim's." Jungkook entered his boss's office and put the envelope on his desk in front of him, praying he won't deny it once again.
Jimin looked up on his bunny like bodyguard, all he could think was 'is he stupid, or he's not getting the hint?'

"Look, I'm not going, so you can throw away all of them."

The little bunny huffed, he wasn't going to give up that easily, they had a specific plan! "But why? I think you should go, blend in with their people, you're not rivals." He tried to reason and stood next to him. All the silver haired boy could do was sigh, he knew the other had a point, his intentions were to restore the peace between the mafias, not to create more rivals.

"What do people even do in birthdays? He's not a 6 years old, he's one of the heirs, what will I do there?" The pout on his lips was too adorable for Jungkook to handle, he's never even been in a birthday before, of course he'll be nervous.
Even if he refuse to admit it.

But the younger knew exactly what Taehyung planned for his party, and it was far from a 6 years old's party.

"Well, it says on the invitation that you should dress fancy, so I guess he will have a fancy event."

"You read the invitation details." Jimin looked at the boy with curious eyes, trying to figure out why did he want him to go to the party so bad.

And then it hit him.

"Okay I'm going to ask this only once, do you have a thing for the Kim's heir?" As the question came out, a bitter taste lingered in his mouth. Why was he so...mad if the answer is yes?
Of course the two will fall in love, they're both handsome, smart, and how can he forget the way they looked at each other when he met them for the first time?

Dear god how he prayed the answer is no.

Jungkook's eyes went wide as he tried not to laugh, the situation was too much, he sounded almost...jealous?

"God, no! I just feel a bit guilty since I was the one who messed up your last meeting, and I think you should try again." There he was, trying to convince the guy that he loved, that he was not in love with the one he considered as a brother.

By the way the older looked like, he was far from being convinced, but at least he agreed on going to party.

The truth is, when Jimin was with his bodyguard, he wouldn't miss his childhood crush so much, and it was nice not to feel hurt all the time.
For him, the younger was like a cold breeze when he felt like he couldn't breath, even if it was just for a few moments.

"Fine, what day is it?"


For the love of god-


In the evening, both boys went to the Kim's mansion, it was a bit smaller than the Park's but it was huge nonetheless.
They entered the room and all eyes were on them, everything about them scream 'power couple'. The way the younger stand right next to his boss, unlike every other bodyguard who stand behind their bosses, as a sign of respect.
The way Jungkook look at the other, with love and admiration in his eyes.
And finally, the way Jimin is holding his bodyguard's arm.

Everyone start to whisper, nobody expected the Park's mafia head to show up, well nobody beside Taehyung. The other two boys thought he declined the invitation, but as soon as they saw the little bunny smiling toward them, they immediately knew the reason the boy changed his mind.

"Jimin! You actually came!" Taehyung went toward the boys and surprised the heir by hugging him, it's no surprise he's not used to receiving affection.
"Yes...umm," the silver haired man looked at his bodyguard, crying for help with his eyes, Jungkook chuckled and gently pulled the excited man away from his loved one.

In a blink of an eye, Jimin found his place back next to his cute bunny, as one who appear to hate human contact, he is standing awfully close to the other. To complete the perfect couple look, the younger put his large hand on the smaller's back, and just like magic, peace found its way to Jimin's body.
All he wanted to do was being held by his sweet and sassy bodyguard, snuggle in his chest and wish to stay like that forever.

What the hell is going on? The mafia head started to panic, he took a lot of pills to stop those feelings, those thoughts, to stop himself from submitting to his true nature, so why was he acted like that when he's next to Jungkook? What the hell is so special about that boy?

But again, as the large hand on his lower back started rubbing in a soothing pattern, he couldn't help feeling much better. His eyes went up to meet the younger's brown big ones who stared down at him with worry in them, "say the words and I'll take you home," Jungkook whispered to his boss.

Something about the way he said those words made Jimin feel so loved and protected at the moment, his whole body filling with strange warm feeling and fuzziness he's not used to.

While the two were in their own world, everyone gawked at them, why wouldn't they? They look like a royal couple, both in their best suits and glued to each other.
Taehyung's smile was so wide, his best friend was so happy and in love, it was the most beautiful sight he could witness.

"Well, that won't be necessary, I will take good care of him. Go mingle around kid." The brunette said with a cheeky smile, reassuring his friend they'll be okay before he took Jimin's small hand in his and went straight to the bar.

It was time to get the plan going.

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