Part 10

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A few days after the party, Jimin called Taehyung to invite him and his brothers to visit him again, since the last meeting ended badly, he wanted a new one.
After the brunette was so kind at the party, he knew he just had to make things right with all three of them.

That same day, all three sons of the Kim's mafia came in and everything went really good. Almost too good.
It was until Jimin noticed again, all the glances between his little bunny and Taehyung, making him wonder what the hell happened at the party?

At some point at the party, he couldn't remember anything but talking to the boy and then...Jungkook came to be with them.
Perhaps something happened then? Maybe he blacked out and they took the chance to get to know each other better.

Yes, they are both alphas, but...he just couldn't shake the feeling, like they know each other more than they claim to be.

"Jimin?" Seokjin asked softly, he saw how the little boy in front of them was silent and looked distressed. Everything went well, what could possibly make him so upset?
The silver haired boy looked up, realizing he zoned out for too long and all eyes were on him, he started panicking again.

At least until he felt a strong, large hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"I'm okay," he smiled a little, which they all knew it was fake, but before they could even question him, a knock interrupted.

Jimin's father opened the door and signaled his son to follow him, which annoyed him. Before he claimed his place as the new mafia head, his father never left a meeting in the middle, not even when Jimin broke his arm on purpose to get his parents' attention.
But here he is interrupting their meeting.

"What was so important that you had to pull me out of a meeting like that?" Jimin asked, annoyed that his father was acting up recently. "Don't worry, it's kind of related to the mafia."
Now was Jungkook's turn to frown, what the hell did he wanted from him now?

"Doyun, the Kim's father, and I were talking about...your status," this was not going well, as someone who heard this conversation already, the bodyguard knew where he's going and he wanted to stop him so bad. But the little omega was just confused, "my status?"

"You're single. Just like one of his kids, Taehyung." Oh you've got to be fucking kidding.

And just like that, the realization finally hit Jimin like a brick wall, his eyes were wide for a minute and the little bunny next to him thought that he was actually going to say yes.
But then his shocked expression turned into an angry one, furious to be exact.

"What do you think this is? The fucking 60's? I'm not going to marry someone for business purposes." Jungkook tried to hard to hide his smile, yes he cursed at his father and disrespected him, but at least he was standing up for himself, so there was still hope for them.

"What is your problem? You never liked anyone, and you will need to get marry. Give me one good reason why not now and not with him."

That's it, Jimin snapped. Even his vein in his neck was about to pop.
"I did liked someone, you're the reason I can't be with him right now! I don't know what the fuck you were fighting about but as the new mafia head I'm going to fix what you ruined."

Did he just...was he talking about Jungkook?
He actually thought about him, after all those years. He still had hopes to get back to his little lover.

"Stop wasting my time with things like this and tell them I'm not going to marry anyone unless I choose the person myself." And with a cute and angry huff he walked back to his meeting with his bodyguard right behind him.
After a long time without thinking about his old crush, everything came back at once, his feelings, his sorrow for losing him. Sure it was a childhood crush, but they really loved each other, and they had no other friends beside each other.

Jungkook was happy and he made it his mission to find out if he was talking about him.
And then it dawned on him.
Jimin wants to fix things up with the Jeon's mafia.

Jungkook is the Jeon's mafia.
The little omega was hoping to fix everything and meet again with his childhood crush, how is he going to react when he find out that he was his bodyguard all along?

He was fucked, either way


.After their long day, both of them went to Jimin's room, as usual the omega jumped on his bed and his bodyguard sat on the chair next to it.
That was the perfect moment.

"Can I ask something?" the little bunny tried and tilted his head, once the other saw that, he just wanted to pat his hair and snuggle him forever.
Ah shit, his true nature got the best of him for a second, he had to fix that so he rolled his eyes and faked an annoyed tone, "you'll ask no matter what I'll say so just spill it out."

"Who did you talk about earlier?"

The older froze on the spot, was he really going to tell his bodyguard about his past right now?
He let out a small sigh and cuddled between his blankets, he needs all the comfort he can get to tell his story.
Before he knew what he was doing, he reached out a tiny hand towards his bunny and the other grabbed it without thinking twice.

It was weird how he became his comfort zone in such a short time, but he felt safe with him.
"A long time ago I had a friend, I don't remember his name because my parents threw away anything related to him and made me forget all about him. We were best friends, he was my little happy pill," a small smile appeared on his face as he remembered him.

"My parents fought a lot back then, so he made everything better. He promised to marry me," both boys giggled at the sweet memory. "One day my parents and his had a fight so bad that they never spoke again and were announced as rivals, and I never saw my Kookie again."

The sadness reached every corner in the room, tears were falling out on the sensitive omega's cheeks. It was hard for both of them, but Jimin don't know that his closest friend was right in front of him.
"It's stupid of me to assume he still remember me, but I still have hope."

"Don't say that, I'm sure he think about you every single day, you're quite memorable Park Jimin," Jungkook smiled and got up, just to sit on the bed next to him.
Without any warning, Jimin placed his head on the younger's lap and closed his eyes, he really needed the comfort right now.

Just before he fell asleep in his bodyguard's embrace, he mumbled, "you remind me of him," making Jungkook's heart stop for a minute.

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