Part 4

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I was fangirling so hard on jikook's dance for days now, but I'm back on track baby!
Well minus a few years from my life cause that video seriously gave me a minor heart attack.

The next week went by as usual, like that night never even happened.
Jimin was back on his normal cold hearted shit, he haven't even glanced towards his bodyguard who followed him all day without speaking, which was extremely odd.

They went from one meeting to another all day until it was noon, that was the moment Jungkook noticed the horrible fact that Jimin's not eating.
I mean at all.
No one notice, they think he's healthy, but under the thick and large cloths hide a small, thin and fragile body of the boss.

Not that anyone really care, all that really matter to his parents was that he will be dead inside so the fact that he's an omega won't shame them. His whole childhood, Jimin only heard that he can get fat easily in addition to his small figure, unlike real alphas who has perfect body without even trying.

So it's not surprise that weight was all the little boy could think about, he ate as little as he could and trained every day. Of course it leads to quite a lot of fainting, but it happened so often that everyone just thought it was normal thing for him, no one gave it a lot of thought.

Until now.

"You should eat, you have an hour break for lunch before the other meetings." Jungkook said and tried to take him to the kitchen, but the other just ignored him.
The raven haired boy didn't mind being ignored, but now that he knew about his eating problem, there's no way in hell he was going to let this go so easily.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed Jimin and turned him around, taking him by surprise. The older never faced anyone so disobedient, usually everyone obey immediately and try to stay away from him as they can.
But not this bunny, he actually has the nerve to grab him like that.

The silver haired man was about to burst and kill him right there and then, but the next words that came out of the younger's mouth caught him off guard, "stop starving yourself, you're perfect the way you are."
Jimin looked straight into his eyes, trying to find amusement in them, but all he saw was sincere worry.

His frown disappeared completely by now and his voice was soft once he understood that his cute bodyguard was really worried about him. Some of the emotions that the heir suppressed over the years, tried to get back again and swoon his heart, but he tried to fight it so bad.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not even hungry."

"Cut the crap, it's 3pm and since this morning you only drank one cup of tea. You're eating." Jungkook just hoped that this shot of courage will last until his sweet lover will eat. He took the others smaller hand in his and dragged him inside the kitchen, kicking out everyone who were there so he could take care of his little omega.

Ever since the younger laid his eyes on his past lover, the urge to protect him from the rest of the world and hide him between his arms was strong as ever. Even if he couldn't smell his sweet scent, Jungkook still felt so attracted to his boss.
Who wouldn't?

"My job is to protect you, even from yourself, so from now on you eat every meal." The muscle bunny state as he makes a sandwich and hand it over to the stunned man in front of him.

"What makes you think you can boss me around like this? I've killed people for less." Jimin said but nonetheless took the sandwich from his hands and started eating it, he didn't knew what was about that guy that made him feel so at ease.
His personal bodyguard is so sassy, but why the hell was he so into it? if it was someone else he would be so irritated and kill him at that exact moment.

So why was this guy so different?

"I know you won't kill me; I amuse you too much, you'll miss me." A smug smile snuck to Jungkook's face, but damn he was absolutely right, of course that will never be admitted out loud.
Following that sentence, something extremely rare happened.

Jimin giggled.

He fucking giggled.

Both, Jungkook and I, are having some technical issues...

Stay tuned.






















Okay that's enough fangirling for now.

Back to business.

"Don't push your luck, little bunny," the cute boy said as he finished eating the surprisingly delicious sandwich.
He gave him a nickname.
That' adorable, and unexpected.

"well I'm not hearing you denying those statements either, so I call that a win." Jungkook said with a huge smile, exposing his bunny teeth even further while scrunching his nose in such a cute way, that even the cold hearted boy couldn't remain unaffected.

For the first time in 12 years, the silver haired boy smiled his famous cute little eye smile, the one where his smile is so wide that he's forced to shut his eyes. That one special smile that shows how happy he is, even if it's momentarily.

"You're impossible Jungkook, but I guess that's what makes you interesting." Jimin had to admit, the younger is there for not long but he started cracking the walls he built around him. "I'll take that as a compliment, but for now..." he looked down on his watch and quickly took a bottle of water, "you need to head to your last meeting of the day."

The new mafia head turn his head to the clock that was on the wall, how the hell did they spent the entire hour break already? He usually goes to his room to take a nap.

"Already? Shit you're right, let's go." Both boys went to the conference room for the last time for today, it was kind of a buzz kill at the moment. The only thing both of them can think about was how fun the last hour has been, and for the first time ever since he took his fathers place as the mafia head, Jimin couldn't focus on anything anyone was saying.

He kept glancing here and there at his personal bodyguard, he was officially losing it.

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