Part 8

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As Jungkook made his way towards his other hyungs, Taehyung took the little mafia head towards the yard with a bottle of alcohol and a couple of glasses, away from the noise and crowd.

"I'm sorry about last time...look I know your bodyguard fucked up, but it doesn't matter to us if you're an alpha, beta or an omega." His boxy smile showed up while he poured the liquor and handed one of them to the other, "I know everyone think that you're heartless, but I know you didn't chose this lifestyle, so deep down you're a good person and that what we care about. I already know we will be best friends."

After taking a sip from his glass, Jimin tilted his head and looked curiously at the brunette, "what makes you think I'm not as heartless as everyone says?" his little bodyguard said that to him once too, and he was really curious what the two of them sees in him that everyone else fail to see.

"Don't bite me for saying that, I'm just stating facts," the younger said and took a deep breath before he started talking again, "Omega's nature is to be kind and connect to people, no omega is born filled with hatred and a black hole instead of a heart. I know you must had a rough life growing up as an only child and an omega at that, you had to toughen up.
But still, after all, I bet you were a happy child, and I know that the same child is still in you, trying to find his way out."

None of them notice how bad Jimin was shaking, every word Taehyung said went straight to his heart, thinking back to his little childhood friend, the one he loved and still love till this very day.
He was indeed a happy kid, nice to everyone, very polite, everyone loved him. But when they took the one he loved away, he felt like no one else deserve his love, so he changed his whole personality.

Until Jungkook came he was so harsh and his mind was blank, he didn't care about anyone's life or feelings, but when the little bunny got the job some part of Jimin felt bad about how he treat people, but he had to for the sake of his reputation.

"Jimin, hey, are you okay? I'm sorry if I stepped out of the line." The younger's voice sounded sincere and laced with worry, which was a refreshing change from the scared tone everyone used around him.
He looked at the boy and wiped the tears he didn't know he shed, he smiled a little and chugged the rest of his drink and poured another, if he was going to open up to him, he definitely needed some liquid courage. "I'm okay, it's read me like an open book. fuck, you're good," the silver haired boy chuckled, making the other feel relieved immediately.

The last thing he wanted to do is to fuck up with his mind that bad.

Jungkook would kill him.

"I was a bubbly and happy kid, I even fell in love. It's some stupid kids mindset," Taehyung knew right then and there that he was talking about his best friend, so he rushed to reassure him, "Don't think like that! kids are smarter than you think. He must be really special to you if you remember him until this day."

Jimin smile so wide just thinking about that beautiful time, and his beloved little bunny. "He was everything to me. He always knew how to make me smile or laugh, even at his young age." At that moment exactly Jungkook left the building to search for his little boss, to make sure everything is okay. Without even noticing, Jimin's eyes followed every step his bodyguard made as he kept talking.

"He's two years younger than me, but he knew when I felt sad and did everything to make me smile again." Another drink went down his throat and another one was poured into the glass, at that point the brunette noticed how he stare at his best friend and bit his lip, trying so hard to contain his happiness.

"I love him so damn much, I miss him. He must be so beautiful by now, probably taller than me, that prick." Both boys giggled at that and watched poor Jungkook panicking over the fact he can't find his beloved one. "He promised me that we'll marry one day, I just wish he still remembers me and miss me as I miss him."

Taehyung grabbed the smaller's hand and squeezed it gently, "You're hard to forget Jimin-ah, I'm sure he is waiting to reunite with you as much as you do. Maybe he is trying to find you right now." He added with a smile plastered on his face and signed Jungkook where they were, they let him suffer enough for one night.

With a smile he tried to bite down, Jimin looked adoringly at the cute bodyguard who ran towards them with a frown. "Jesus fucking Christ, I can't afford getting a heart attack, I'm too young!" Jungkook tried scolding them, but honestly he just sounded like he was whining, making both boys laugh at his cute behavior.

They looked so free and careless like that, how could the he stay mad at them?
Jimin looked so young like that, instead of frowning and yelling all the time, it warmed his heart seeing him like that.
He knew it was a great plan to let Taehyung do the talking, he is amazing at reading people and his personality is so positive you can't help but feel careless and open around him.

"I-I'm sorry kookie, you were so cute looking like a lost puppy," Jimin said between giggles, taking both boys by surprise at the nickname.

Jungkook tried so hard not to lose his shit, if Jimin is sober enough he can connect the dots and realize who the younger really is.
That if he will remember that 'kookie' was the nickname he gave the boy when they were little.

Suddenly the silver haired boy stopped laughing, it seems like he was deep in his thoughts for a while.

They're so fucked.

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