Part 13

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Once Jungkook came back from his little vacation, if you can even call it that, he went straight to his lover's room, only to hear his beautiful laugh behind the closed door.

Who the hell is making him laugh like that?

He wasted no time and knocked twice before getting in, "hey, I'm-" shocked.
There was a guy on his bed.

A guy.

A fucking guy.

"Oh jungkook! You're finally back! Meet the one who replaced you for the time being, Min Yoongi." Replaced? This fucker is the one who stood close to his beloved Jimin all this time?

Hell no.

The little bunny poked his inner cheek with his tongue, indicating how mad he was, and jimin obviously noticed.
"Well, I'm back so you can go."

"Actually...." Jimin bit his lip before he got up and went towards his little bodyguard, "our sources told us that there was some movement in the Jeon's residence, so my father insisted that both of you will protect me together."

The younger's blood boiled and he just wanted to punch someone, he wasn't blind, he could see how well Jimin and Yoongi are getting along.
"'s my job." Jungkook said with a defeated tone, making the mafia head pout as well, he just wanted to hug him and tell him that it's still his job.

But he couldn't.

"Hey, it's okay, it's just for a little while. After everything will calm down, you'll be the one to stay here, not anyone else." God, by the way his pheromones smells, he knew he was genuine.


His pheromones?

He's on pills.

Why can Jungkook smell him?

If he can smell him, there's no doubt that every other alpha near by can smell him too.
Including that bitch of a replacement, yoongi.

"Did you take your pills?" The younger asked and pulled away, trying to contain himself from bouncing on the other, he missed his vanilla scent so much that it hurts.

And now there he is, with his beloved one in front of him, bringing back old memories.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jimin's small hands found their way up to his little bunny cheeks, drawing small circles and at the same time signaling yoongi to leave them alone.

"Talk to me Jungkookie, what happened?" He led his bodyguard to his bed and sat with him, with one of his hands now on his back.
Jungkook was with his head hung low, his hair covering his face.

But when he looked up, his eyes were glowing red like neon lights, but instead of being scared and running away, the silver haired boy felt himself draw closer to the alpha, just like magnets.
He wasn't afraid, he still felt safe with him.

"Your scent, is all over the place, you need to take your pill." The boy managed to say between his attempts to control his nature. "Why? You're the one who wanted me to stop taking them in the first place."

That fucking Yoongi.

"He convinced you to do it? Of course he did, that little fucker." His eyes turned redder, if that's even possible, mad at the stupid boy in front of him who let his guards down.
"He mentioned something, but it was my decision, why? Don't you like the way I smell?"

For a moment he swore he could see hurt in Jimin's beautiful eyes, oh shit, he's offended.

Before the older could scoot further from him, Jungkook held his tiny waist in place, close to him. "You know that's not that, you smell like...heaven." he blurted out, making the other to blush and bite his lip.
"But if I can smell it, so can others. And if I can barely hold myself back with you, I know the others might not be so patient."

Jimin looked up and stared at the big red eyes that were glued to him, he couldn't help but feeling submissive when he felt the other's large hand tightening around his waist, almost pulling him onto the alpha's lap.

And God how he wished he did.

"You're holding back right now?" His voice is low, filled with lust and impatience. The hungry bunny nodded once and fought his urge to mark him right then and there...

...until a low and quiet voice said, "So don't."

His eyes went wide and he got turned on just by those two little words, he watched as his little boss sat on his lap and laced his arms around his neck, making him finally lose control.

His large hands griped Jimin's thick thighs, pulling them closer to him, until there was no room even for air between them, he then moved them over his butt and back to his waist.

"You're mine." Jungkook growled in his ear, sending shivers down Jimin's body and making him whimper in agreement.
"Say it," the alpha growls again, almost sending the other over the edge.

"I'm yours. Only yours." The desperate omega whimpered again and his pheromones were out of hand, driving everyone crazy.

Jungkook knew that, if his love for the boy didn't overpowered his lust for him, he would seal the deal and make Jimin his, forever.
But he didn't want it like that, he wanted to do that after he will tell him who he really is.
Not like that.

"Good. Now take your pill." He forced himself to say and his eyes went back to their brown color, with just a hint of red in them.
To say that Jimin was confused was an understatement.
"But- I thought..."

"Not like this, not when everyone can smell your perfect scent just like I do. I wasn't lying, I want you all to myself, we just need more privacy." The bodyguard caressed his lover's cheeks, planting a small kiss on his nose.
He reached the drawers and pulled one pill from there, giving it to his cute boss who swallowed it without a problem.

"Thank you jungkookie," Jimin smiled a bit, quite embarrassed he lost control like that, and that he's still on his lap.
"Don't thank me, I was ready to pin you down on the bed and make you stay there for days." The younger said and they both chuckle, the chemistry between them is so hypnotizing, how they get each other without making a scene, or drifting apart.

"Baby I need you to get off now, so I can take care of my um....problem." he failed to notice the pet name he blurted, but it didn't pass by the other, blush covered his cheeks and a shiver went down his spine hearing how he called him.

Jimin got off immediately and watched as his favorite bodyguard kissed his forehead before walking out of the room.

He was definitely in love, he just needed time to admit it.
But he sure as hell on his way there.

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