Part 11

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So recently I joined a group on discord, a kpop group and I swear it's the best, so if you wanna join send me a message or comment "me" and I'll send you a link!

For some time, everything went pretty great, but Jungkook's parents can only take so much. Their little boy went outside too much and too often, of course they would notice, the way their son went from staying in his room with a sad face all day to going out all day, most days he won't even come back.

When they asked him, the only answer they got was, "Just busy, don't wait up." They got the same answer when they asked the Kim's sons, which was weird.

So what other choice they had, other than pay someone to stalk him? It's been two weeks since he was last seen in their house, they were getting worried as each day passed.
The rumor travelled all the way up to the Kim's family, as the parents casually asked their sons if they heard about it and if they knew anything about it, making them choke on their food and drinks.

The three looked at one another, they had to inform Jungkook or else it will end badly, either Jimin will find out the truth or Jungkook's parent will.

Either way, it's going down.

The next day, Taehyung called the boy and told him about what his parents are about to do, he needed to stay low, take a few personal days from being a bodyguard and go back to his house, being the heir for some time before everything will explode in his face.

It's an understatement to say that Jimin didn't like the idea, over a week without the little bunny? How can he survive that?
But he couldn't say no, the boy was an excellent bodyguard and if he needs some time to work out some family issues, how can he say no to him?

Well at first he kind of did.

But after the little boss understood what is the reason, he had to say yes, he just couldn't resist those big brown eyes of the younger.

So he said yes, but at the last day before Jungkook had to leave, Jimin made sure he knew that he was NOT happy about it.
The silver haired boy was frowning all day, practically ignoring the younger, but at some point it was more than dissatisfaction or anger, he looked sad.

How can he not be sad when the only man that made him laugh in the last few months is going away for a long time? Especially after he is so used to see him every day, all day.

The rest of the day went by fast and it was almost the end, he only had two more meetings to do and that was it, after those he would have only two hours until his sweet bodyguard would have to leave, and he was not ready to face that yet.

Though he couldn't ignore his duties as the mafia head, he went to his next meeting.

Well, less of a meeting, more of collecting debts.
There were always stupid people that owes money to mafias, people in a tight spot, addicts, people with family that can't keep up with all the expenses, only the desperate ones come to the mafias and ask for a loan.

In the Park's mafia, if you don't bring back the money with some extra interest for the hustle of helping you, you die.
There is no in between.

Jimin and Jungkook stepped in the room, the elder's hand was already on his own gun, want nothing more than to get it over with and leave.
But this time was different.

"I'm so sorry, Jimin! please I'll get you your money back!" The man screamed, terrified for his life, he knew what was about to happen. He took too much time giving back the money he borrowed from the mafia, big mistake.

Jimin had much better things to do that day, he already had three meetings, he hasn't eaten yet but he was used to that by now. "Let's get this over with, do you have the money or not? I'm not in the mood for this shit." His tone sent shivers down everyone's spine, the little omega's voice was low and a bit raspy, his eyes were no better, he looked bored and impatient, not the best combination.

The scared man shook his head no and looked at the ground, waiting for the shot that will end him, but it never came.
No one knows what happened, not even Jimin himself, but when Jungkook stepped forward and put his hand bravely on his boss's lower back, something changed in him.
The next thing the omega said caught everyone off guard, "I give you 24 hours to get it back, one minute late and I'll order my people to throw you to the sea, understood?"

The thrilled man nodded fast and got up on his feet, before running out of the door. All eyes were now on the tired mafia head, it was hard to miss the large hand that was on his back, making them wonder what is going on between the two.
"What the fuck you're looking at? Get back to work!" He yelled and left the room with Jungkook behind him.

"You still need to eat." The younger stated and tried to lead his boss to the kitchen, but to no avail. "I'm fine, just get me water, I have a meeting in 5 minutes."

When Jimin was about to head to his next meeting, he felt a large hand around his stomach, laying comfort all over him. The next thing he knew, he heard a voice just above a whisper next to his ear, "I know you hate the thought of me leaving for some time, but that does not mean I'm not going to take care of you until I'm actually going, and that does not mean you can disregard your health. If I could I would never leave you, so trust me when I say that I have no choice but to go. Let's spend the rest of the day being calm and together, okay?"

The shorter boy turned around and just tucked his head in the other's chest, trying to catch as much scent as he could before it would disappear for some time.

You can know for a fact that both of them spent the rest of the day eating and cuddling, and of course Jungkook left a few sweatshirts for the little spoilt omega before he left.

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now