Part 17

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Well hello there, it's been a while.
Almost 4 months.
Well shit.
I'm still alive if you were wondering.
Probably not.
Pretty sure half of you guys gave up on this story and I totally understand.
I'm still not healthy, no way near it, but I'm better, which is good.
So I decided to come back, for those who kept waiting and didn't lose hope💜

Time went by and Jimin was finally back in his house, after the doctors warned him not to get to that point again, of course Jungkook was the one to reassure them.
During this whole time, the younger never left his lover's side, especially since that was the only way to convince him to let the doctors take care of him.

The thing is, everyone who worked for both mafias didn't know how to act.

In Jimin's mafia, they understood that the young bodyguard was in fact one of the rival's heirs, but how the fuck should they act? By their boss's behavior towards him after he got shot, they're supposed to be...nice?

But in the end of the day he is the rival mafia's heir, and Jimin's dad was no help at all.

Ever since what happened, not only that his dad never went to visit Jimin at the hospital, he went on and on, in front of the guards and staff in the mansion, about how they should ignore that and still consider Jungkook as the enemy.

The truth is, they knew the little boy was far from being the enemy, during the time he was there as a bodyguard, he made friends with the staff and the other guards.
Well except Yoongi for understandable reasons.

The way Jungkook always had a smile on his face, the way that he was the only one who could control their small and scary mafia head, the way he always made the food for him even if it wasn't his job.

For the first time they saw the couple as the perfect lovers, instead of the rumors about the bodyguard who seduced his boss.

Looking back, they could understand their love better, so why would they go against that?

Plus, Jimin's dad is not their boss anymore, they have a new one, and with Jungkook by his side, Jimin would be better.

"Jungkook, I swear to god-"

"Jimin, you just got out of the hospital, what do you expect me to do?"

The little angry Mochi scrunched his nose, clearly pissed at his alpha. As if it wasn't humiliating enough to be stuck as a patient for a stupid reason, Jungkook had to top that and carry the embarrassed boy in front of all of his staff.

If he wasn't feeling so weak right now, Jimin would probably smack the shit out of the younger.
"Stop overthinking it, I'm just helping you to get to your bed, I know you're still weak even if you don't want to admit that." well that was uncalled for.
Even if he's 100% right.

Once they were in his room, Jungkook put his lover gently on the bed, covering his tiny body with a fluffy blanket, just the way he likes.
After all that happened, the young boy obviously was free from his job as a bodyguard, now they can be close as a couple, they don't need a special reason to be together.

The next couple of minutes took Jimin by complete surprise, he thought that the other will leave, since he has a home and he's not on duty anymore, but that was far from reality.

After being tucked in, the little mafia head watched as his boyfriend took off his shirt and laid beside him.
That was the first time he has ever seen him shirtless, and oh my what a treat that was.

His sleeve of tattoos made the older drool, his biceps nearly gave him a heart attack, his sculpted back made sure that he was definitely going to hell.
He was a piece of art.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

And yes, Jungkook was the alpha between the two, but that did not change the fact that he was minutes away from becoming a meal for the little omega.
"Wow, you really have grown a lot." That all he had to say while observing the other's upper body.

"Y-yah, Park Jimin, have some self control." Hypocrite ass bitch, you're seconds away from pouncing on him.

They're lucky they are wearing sweatpants, otherwise this would go down way sooner if they had to take their pants down as well.

"I missed you Kookie, more than you can imagine." Jimin whispered as he snuggled in his lover's bare chest, enjoying the warmth he radiates.
Since they were not at home for awhile, the omega did not take his pills in a long time, which means he can smell the younger's alluring scent, and Jungkook can smell the vanilla scent he missed so damn much.

With a small kiss on the other's forehead, Jungkook stuck his face in Jimin's neck, sniffing him, tempted to mark him. "Well me too, otherwise why would I risk my life and my place in my own mafia to come here?"

"That was stupid of you, but I'm happy we're together again."

"Ungrateful little snob," the alpha mumbled jokingly, earning a kick where the sun don't shine.
Seriously, Jungkook's genital area has suffered so much the last few weeks, it's shocking it still works.

"Yah! If you want babies you've got to stop doing that!" the younger yelped in pain, well he chose the wrong omega to mess with.
As he watched his lover squirming in pain, Jimin's mind started racing.

For the first time, the thought about having little pups isn't intimidating as much.
And like the moody little bitch that he is, his mood changed 180 degrees, suddenly he was happy.

He finally had his childhood lover by his side, and it's finally feeling okay to go on to the next stage in his life.
The only problem is that they're still very young, Jungkook might not be ready for such commitment. Yes, he went through all of that to be with the other, but he is still an 18 years old kid, he has no responsibility he needs to take, he might not be the next heir, considering the fact that he has an older brother.

He was so immersed in his own petty thoughts that he didn't hear what the other was saying. "Chim? Hey, what's wrong?" The worried look on the younger's face was enough to pull Jimin out of his trance.

With a fake smile, to make the other relax, the heavy hearted omega rest his head back in Jungkook's chest, trying to find comfort listening to his steady heartbeat.
Well that was the plan, until the silence broke, "You should know by now that those fake smiles does not work on me, I know you too well."

Damn you bunny boy.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking."

Which we all know that never ends well.

"You know...I wasn't kidding about having pups with you, you're the one for me, and there is no one else in the world I would want to start a family with other than you."

I can't-

I'm not crying, you are.

Can someone pass me the tissue?

little mafia boss // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now