Part 3

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Credit on the drawing belongs to @k69bkm on twitter

"I heard your father talking about it with your mother, I'm sorry, I had no right exposing that information like that."

It wasn't a total lie, he actually was sorry, he just has no brain-to-mouth filter.

Or brain at all, apparently.

"Take the rest of the day off, I don't want to see you for a while." Jimin said and walked out of the room, but the other just ran after him, since it made no sense.
"I can't take a day off, I'm your PERSONAL bodyguard."

"Just fuck off, the only danger here right now is you." And with an annoyed huff he stormed towards his room, away from the bunny look-a-like man.
And that was the queue for the other boys to charge on the raven haired boy, attacking him with questions, but he just zoned out until he couldn't see his boss's back anymore.

"Why the hell are you here Jungkook? Your father will kill you if he knew you're here. And what do you mean personal bodyguard? You're the heir of the Jeon mafia."

While Namjoon and Seokjin kept throwing questions at the poor boy, Taehyung focused on him, noticing how his eyes are filled with regret and sadness, seeing how he kept watching the annoyed boy that walked away.
It took him a few seconds, but he finally remembered.

It was a few months ago, Jungkook seems a little out of it, he's been spacing out a lot and he barely talks to others anymore.
Though everyone thought it's just a phase and he should be left alone for some time, Taehyung knew it was something deeper than a 'phase', so he did the only thing he could do.

He went to confront the other about his behavior, he wanted to scold him for shutting everyone out, his best friends in the whole wide world.
As he entered the younger's room, all the anger he felt faded away and instead worry took place.
Until that day, no one has ever seen Jungkook cry.

It wasn't a few tears, he was having a meltdown. He was out of breath and he couldn't see or hear anything, but when a pair of large hands were wrapped around him, the boy knew exactly who that was.

It took an hour and a half until Jungkook calmed down, but he wasn't ready yet to let go of his hyung, so they sat there in silence.
"Can I tell you a secret?" A broken voice whispered suddenly, breaking the silence. "Of course Kookie."

"When I was little I had a friend, he was older than me and his family was in a different mafia, but our families were friends too." The little fragile bunny took deep breath before he continued, "One day our families got into a big fight and they made me end my friendship with him. I loved him hyung, I still do."

The brunette saw a small photo between the other's hands, two little boys looking so happy while laughing and hugging each other. On the back it says 'Kookie and Minnie, 2003' It was the last photo they ever took before everything fell apart.

"What made you break down like that all of a sudden? I have never seen you like that."

"He's the heir of his family's mafia, it's all everyone talk about and it just reminded me everything." His sad expression never left his face, making Taehyung's heart break a bit more.

"I'm sorry Kookie, it sounds like he was really special to you."

"He is."

His head immediately turned to the direction Jimin went, it all make sense now.

"He's special to you, isn't he?" The brunette suddenly ask, finally catching the younger's attention. When their eyes met, they knew that they're thinking about the same thing.
Not that a confirmation was needed, but yet the raven haired boy nodded sadly, remember the same night he poured his heart to his best friend.

"Do you guys not see us? What's going on with the telepathy and the code words?"

Yes, they definitely forgot about the two other boys that stood right in front of them.
Are they going to admit that?
Hell no.

"I'll tell you later, we need to go, we will come back in another day." The youngest Kim brother decided and pushed them gently towards the exit, then he turned back to Jungkook and held his hands.

"I know you are practically an adult because you're 18, but try to avoid mistakes like that. Don't lose his trust so early, go fix it and when the right time comes, tell him." A small smile found his way to the bodyguard's lips and he pulled the other to a bone-crushing hug.
"How will I know when it's the right time?"

Taehyung pushed back a little to look at Jungkook and put one hand on his heart, "You listened to your heart until you ended up here, just keep listening to him, I promise he won't fail you when you need him the most." And with a quick kiss on his forehead, he left with his big brothers.

Meanwhile in Jimin's room the atmosphere is a bit more darker, panic found its way to the boy and his breath got quicker, he thought he had more time before everyone will find out he's an omega.
He worked so hard on his reputation to get everything screwed up so soon.

The door slightly opened but he couldn't care less at the moment, he was on the floor with his head between his two hands.
His last panic attack was when he was 16, when it was his first time killing someone.
Large pair of hands wrapped around him, one hand drew circles on his back and the other one played with his hair, slowly soothing him. "It's okay, just breath slowly in and out." The deep voice said.

He couldn't resist the ease he felt almost immediately, it was like...magic.
It was everything, the soft and deep voice, the comforting hands and the intoxicating pheromones that were like the perfect perfume.

When he looked up he saw the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, they look like they hold the entire stars in them.

"Are you okay?" the bodyguard asked and moved one of his hands to cup his cheek to lightly caress it, Jungkook was still so badly drawn to the older, he wanted nothing but to kiss him, right then and there.
But instead, Jimin put his hand on his, showing the size difference between them. "How did you do that?" the heir asked, completely in awe.

The confusion was written all over the younger's face so he had to explain, "You calmed me down so easily, normally it takes me 20 minutes to completely relax." The raven boy's whole body wanted to scream, "it's because you already know me!" but he couldn't drop that bomb on him so early, so he just said, "my best friend used to calm me down like that all the time."
But neither of them believed it.

Since that night everything changed, even if it wasn't visible yet to anyone, as time passed by it was more obvious. Well, obvious to everyone except the two lovebirds.

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