Part 2

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The yard was filled with all the guards there were in the mansion, everyone needed to meet their new leader and share their respect for him. On the wooden deck were Jimin and his parents, and of course his personal bodyguard, Jeon Jungkook.

"We're gathered here today, to present to you all, the new head of this mafia. My son, Park Jimin. You will pay him the same respect you gave me."
His dad was about to keep talking, but Jimin preferred to show them his strength by himself, instead of someone talking for him. If he wanted to be treated like an alpha, then he will need to step up like one.

"Thank you father, but I think I can take it from here," the rude omega said, not caring about the strange look his father gave him and continue, "I won't say much, since you all know what I'm capable of, even if you are new here.
Show me respect and you will get respect back.
Betray me, and I'll make sure to make you an example to the others, I will show no mercy."
Shivers went through everyone's body, his low voice, his intimidating stare, and they knew that he will not hesitate to kill them.

"I see great future for us, do your jobs and you might live to see it." Nobody missed his little evil smile before his face went blank again, making everyone second-guessing if they did the right choice joining this.... hell hole.
And let me tell you, they did not.
There was no doubt that his father was extremely proud, for the first time in his life, he actually think that his son can continue his legacy respectfully.

But Jungkook who watched from Jimin's other side, was slightly terrified. How the sweet little boy he knew became a monster?

Either way, the bodyguard is not giving up that easily, he will find his old Minnie no matter how long it will take.

The ceremony ended after an hour, a lot of allies from different mafias came to congratulate the young boy, no one suspected that he was an omega.
Then the realization hit Jungkook like a brick, why can't he smell the older's sweet alluring scent?
He's not really going to hide the fact that he's an omega he?

"Stop spacing out, we need to go." A small hand waved in front of his face, breaking the trance he was momentarily in. Damn he really needs to take his job seriously if he wants to stay around for a long time.

Both of them entered the mansion and in the conference room, where the three boys of the Kim's family were waiting.
Well apparently waiting to screw Jungkook's plan, he had no idea that his three friends will be there, so the shock on their faces was understandable.

"Gentlemen, I know our parents are on good terms and I hope we will be the same," Jimin said, Seokjin and Namjoon could shake off and focus on the new mafia head but Taehyung was in deep shock and he couldn't tear his eyes away from his friend who stood behind the silver haired guy.
Jungkook, on the other hand, tried to make the brunette to do the same as his hyungs and divert his attention before Jimin will notice.

"Got a little crush on my bodyguard?" boy, did he notice.
His tone was quite dangerous, his tilted head showed curiosity, obviously waiting to see what the answer will be.
All four boys swallowed hard, sure they were alphas, but their parents never taught them to have no soul. It was a known fact that the Park's mafia is the most vicious one out of the three, so sure, Jimin was the only omega among alphas, but he was by far the most vicious one.

Well at least that comment made the brunette to look away from Jungkook and be part of the conversation. "What? No, I just...thought he looked very familiar, but I guess I was wrong." He added his heart-warming boxy smile, that did absolutely nothing to the bored omega.

"On a different note, are you a beta? I'm having a hard time catching your scent." Namjoon jumped in and tried to save themselves from the awkward silence that refused to leave.

And to prove his major stupidity, Jungkook could not keep his mouth shut and answered for him, "He's an omega." All eyes were on him now, wide open in shock.

If the stupid boy would never reveal that detail the boys would never guess the Park's new mafia head is an omega, everything about him screams sadist, which does not describe omegas.

But there is one more flaw to the fact that he blurted it out like that, no one is supposed to know that, not even his personal bodyguard.
After he took a few seconds to take it all in, Jimin got up and walked straight to raven haired man, eyes full of anger mixed with surprise, "Mind telling me how the fuck do you know that?"

The other boys immediately got up when they saw Jimin's hand going for the gun that was on his right thigh, afraid for their friend, they tried to distract his boss.

"Hey, Jimin it's really no big deal, we don't care about that." Seokjin said and got closer to touch his shoulder, he was surprised when he looked at Jungkook, he wasn't afraid, far from that.
It's like he trusted him not to do anything.
Which was crazy at this situation.

"Tell me where did you heard that."

But he kept quiet, what can he say?
Yeah, you don't remember me but I am your childhood friend and right now my father's mafia is your rival one, so I intrude your mafia by lying about my background to get close to you?

That will assure a bullet in his brain in that exact moment.

So, he said the only thing that perhaps could save him from dying or losing every shred of trust Jimin has for him.

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