Chapter 25

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Hayley went to Umbridge's office with dread polling in her stomach. She didn't want to go there. She already has so many detentions. Her hand is scarred forever, she doesn't need anymore detentions. She braced herself Infront of her office and knocked. She entered when the sickly sweet voice of Umbridge reached her ears.

"Ah Ms Potter finally, you are 5 mins late. I was thinking you decided not to come as the dark lord is dead. Now, I know you were saying the truth that the dark lord was back but how can we believe that you didn't join the dark lord and kill Cedric at his say." She looked at her with venom in her eyes.

"What?" Hayley shouted. "I didn't kill Cedric, Voldemort killed him. Why would I kill him?"

"Don't lie to me Ms Potter. I think the message didn't sink properly into you." Umbridge said smiling at her sweetly.

"I'm not lying. I swear, I didn't kill Cedric, it was Voldemort not me." Hayley said to her.

"Tut, tut. I think the lines are not enough for you." Umbridge stood up and walked towards her. She raised her wand and shouted a curse towards her. "Crucio!"

Hayley fell down on the floor writhing in pain and screaming. Umbridge didn't cancel the curse for whole thirty minutes. By the time she lifted the curse, Hayley was panting harshly with tears running down her face. She tried to sit up but her limbs were aching so much. Umbridge was smiling at her cruelly.

"Now, now Dolores we don't want our dear Hayley to die, do we?" A new voice spoke from the other side of the room.

Hayley didn't see any other person in the room when she entered. She looked at the other person with wide eyes. Albus Dumbledore came into her view. His eyes were twinkling at her.
"Now, I think I will take her to my office to get the truth out of her." Dumbledore said to her and sent a confundus towards Umbridge. Umbridge smiled sweetly at him and opened the fireplace to use. 

Dumbledore leviated Hayley and disappeared in the green flames and reappeared in his office. All the portraits are covered and silenced. No one will know what is happening in the room. He leviated her towards his personal rooms and bound her to a chair and removed her wand from her cloak. 

"Why are you doing this to me?" Hayley's voice was croaked due to shouting.

"You spoiled all my plans Hayley dear. Do you know how many years it took for my plans to come into life. Tom Riddle didn't know about his heritage in his early years and I took advantage of his power and made him the next dark lord but that idiot boy created more than one horcrux and I made a mistake in underestimating his power. He left the country before I can take him down and when he came back he was even more powerful. Then the idea of prophecy came to me and you were marked as his equal. I wanted you to be under my control totally but that stupid Black spoiled my plans this time. Then Ronald and my grand daughter Hermione are dead." 

"Your grand daughter?" Hayley asked with wide eyes.

"Yes my daughter, you see Gellert and I had fun with a Muggle woman one day and we forgot protection and she became pregnant with our child. She gave birth to a daughter, but we didn't want anyone to know about her heritage and bind her magic so that if the binds are broken then she would be dead. Then she married Daniel Granger and then came Hermione. At first I thought of bonding her magic too but then you need correct guidance so I trained her from a young age how to be a light witch." He paused for a moment looking at the door when someone entered, she couldn't see who as her back was facing the door. 

"Ah, I was actually waiting for you. Come, come our guest is waiting for you." Dumbledore said with his usual twinkling eyes.

Hayley tried to fight the bonds but the cruciatus curse drained all her energy and her limbs are aching like hell. Her throat is all dried and hoarse due to the screaming. Her eyelids are feeling so heavy and now Dumbledore kidnapped her and she can't even use the portkey which is in her cloak pocket. 

Molly and Ginny came into her view. Ginny still has some scars and a bit pale due to the blood loss the previous day. She is still weak but she will do anything to live a luxurious life. Headmaster still has a plan to make sure they can live a happy and wealthy life.

"Now Ginny you know what to do right?" Dumbledore asked her.

"Yes headmaster." Ginny went towards the other side of the room and sat down, she couldn't see properly there were lines in some shapes. Runes. They were runes, what is going on?

"What are you doing? Please leave me, what did I do to you? I'll give you all my money, titles and properties. Please leave me."Hayley cried not understanding what's happening around her.

Molly slapped her hard and shouted at her. "You killed my baby, you evil witch and now you are saying to leave you alone. If we leave you then You-know-who will take over whole Britain we are going to stop him and all those death eaters now."

"I didn't want to kill him but he r-raped me and my family killed him because he deserved it for doing that to me. You the same thing if someone does that to Ginny." Hayley tried to make reason.

"Don't bring my daughter into this. My Ronnie just wanted to become Lord Potter and marry you but you fell in love with the death eater scum who is nothing compared to my son." Molly snarled at her.

"Draco is loads better compared to Ronald. He loved me from his first year but never forced himself on me like that monster." Molly slapped her again.

"Don't call my son a monster. You became dark Hayley. That Black and Lupin are very bad influence on you. Loving a death eater and I guess you are whoring yourself to all those death eaters." Molly sniffed and turned towards Dumbledore. "Albus finish the ritual fast then I will take care of her."

Dumbledore smiled at her and leviated Hayley who is still bound by ropes beside Ginny into another rune circle and started chanting. Hayley felt pain like never before. The after effects of cruciatus are still sore and this felt like salt on the wound. She screamed and begged them to stop but Molly just slienced her and Dumbledore continued chanting. After sometime she saw was Dumbledore standing over her with a triumphant smirk and she blacked out.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now