Chapter 22

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Albus Dumbledore was pacing in his office furiously. First, that mutt got free and took custody of Potter brat from him. Then Ron and Hermione were kidnapped and got killed by Voldemort. Then Tom Riddle changed his name to Thomas Peverell, but no one believed him. Now Voldemort is dead but Tom is not then how is he dead? Who is the person who is dead? How was both Tom and Voldemort present at same place? Voldemort can't be dead right because Tom is alive. He has so many questions but no answers.

Down in the dungeons of the same castle a potions professor was doing the same thing as the headmaster. Voldemort or who believed was Voldemort is dead but he isn't dead. Oh, he knows that the dark lord is not dead as he is feeling his lord's anger through the dark mark which is vanished but not gone. He went to his cabinet and poured a glass of fire whiskey for himself and gulped once.

In the hospital wing Molly is fussing over her daughter who is looking so pale. Madam Pomfrey wants to kick her out of her wing but couldn't as she is the mother of the victim. She had to control herself to not snap at that stupid woman. Poppy just silenced the harpy woman and continued her work and went to other patients.

Slytherin dorms:

Hayley snuck into the Draco's room under her invisibility cloak. She didn't want to sleep alone. She didn't know why but she has a very bad feeling that something bad is going to happen. She used parseltongue to enter into his dorm as she didn't know the password. She was thankful that Draco has private dorm as he is a prefect.

Hayley went inside the door which has Draco L Malfoy. Draco is not there in the room. She thought of going back when she heard the shower. Hayley placed the cloak on the hanger and looked around his room. It was in Slytherin colours, obviously. There was a queen sized bed in the middle and a study desk in a corner. There was a book-shelf beside the desk. She walked over to his desk when she saw a photo frame.

The photo frame is of two parts. One side it was Lucius and Narcissa dancing in each others arms they were looking so young maybe just 16 or 17. Lucius was smirking when Narcissa blushed. Looking closely she can see that it was Malfoy Manor's ballroom. Maybe it was when they were engaged or something, she thought to herself.

The other photo was of Draco and Hayley, it was same like Lucius and Narcissa's. They were dancing in each other's arms while Draco was smirking and Hayley was blushing. She thought back to that day.


Hayley was wearing a dark blue single strap gown and Draco couldn't take his eyes of her when she entered the ballroom. If it isn't for the pureblood manners he learnt when he was a child she was sure he will be looking like a gaping dog. She just joined Narcissa and Bellatrix who were talking.

"Hello Mrs Malfoy, Mrs Lestrange." Hayley greeted the two women.

"Oh dear, no need for the formalities. We are family after all You can call me Cissy." Narcissa said to her sweetly.

"And me Bella." Bella added from beside her. Hayley smiled at both of them "You know Hayley my darling nephew is unable to take his eyes off you what did you do to him?" Bella laughed looking over her shoulder when Hayley blushed.

"Bella you can't fault my son in this. She looks absolutely gorgeous" Narcissa joined in Bella's teasing making Hayley blush more making both elder woman laugh even more.

"Oh cissy your to be daughter in law is so cute while blushing." Bella continued.

"Oh shut up Bella my daughter in law is always so cute. She is going to be a Malfoy soon. What did you expect?" Narcissa said in mock arrogance.

Lucius was unable to hide his smirk as he made his way to his son who couldn't take his eyes off of his girlfriend. He can't blame him anyway as Lucius was the same when he was young and Narcissa used to come to the balls looking as beautiful as ever.

"Draco, I want to talk to you about something." Lucius said to him so that the others can't listen

Draco who was not paying attention to his surroundings was a bit startled when Lucius laid hand on his shoulder. "Yes, father what is it?"

"I can see you like Ms Potter so much-" Lucius was cut off by Draco.

"Father, I don't like her." Lucius was a bit shocked at the revelation and wanted to ask about their relation when Draco continued speaking "I love her and I'm going to marry her as soon as we finish Hogwarts." Lucius smiled at that he should know that Malfoys are possessive when it comes to their loved ones. "I don' care if someone likes it or not. She is mine and only mine."

"I know Draco and that's the reason I want to talk to you." Lucius reached into his robe pocket and gave the box to Draco. "This Draco is Malfoy's family promise ring. It has been in the family from so many generations. I want you to give it to your future wife as a promise that you will marry her one day."

Draco smiled at the box in his hand and put it in his own robe pocket. "Thank you Father. I was thinking on what to give Hayley as a promise. This is so perfect."

"Yes, of course. Now why don't you go and ask Hayley for a dance." Lucius suggested.

Draco flashed a grin at him and went to Hayley. Lucius just chuckled and went to talk to others. Hayley who was talking to Narcissa and Bellatrix with a blush still covering her cheeks turned when Draco came beside her.

"Oh Draco I was just thinking to call you." Narcissa said smiling at his son.

"You wanted something from me mother." Draco asked smiling back at her.

"Yes of course, Me and Bella were talking the other day about you two." Narcissa said hiding her smirk.

"Ok?" Draco didn't understand what they are saying. "And?"

"You see due to the war and all I can't have more children and Bella was unable to give birth due to the same reasons." Narcissa said slowly making it more suspense. Draco and Hayley were confused where this was going Bella who was watching silently her sister explaining took pity on them.

"So we thought as we can't have children to play with so we want grandchildren at least 6. 3 for your mother and 3 for me and it is your duty to give them Understood?" Bella asked in a sweet voice.

Hayley blushed more and stuttered out a yes making other three laugh. Draco promised his mother and aunt that he will give them as many grandchildren as they want and took his blushing girlfriend with a smirk to the dance floor.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now