Chapter 14

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The rest of the holidays were spent at the black manor which was huge and beautiful. Walburga after knowing that her son joined the dark lord stopped shouting blood traitors and filth and instead she talked sweetly to them. Draco used come everyday to the manor. As it was their OWL year, they decided to do meet in library daily after the school started. The day before they were to go to Hogwarts the Dark Lord called a meeting to inform them of their plans.

"I went to gringotts to get an inheritance test and according to the inheritance test, I am lord to four founders, Peverell and Gaunt I was thinking instead of going by the Slytherin name I would go by Peverell so that it would be more easy to get into ministry without Dumbledore's meddling. I will be Lord Thomas Peverell." He said to them.

"My Lord, Sorry to interrupt you but I was thinking if instead of saying Hayley was led into believe you were back, why don't we glamour a person to look like you and you as Lord Peverell kill him in front of everyone. Then even if Dumbledore spreads lies that you are the dark lord no one will believe as you killed him once and for all." Draco said to the dark lord. He was thinking about that from starting when the twins suggested it. Their plan was good but if they say Hayley was not saying truth then they will make her look even bad than right now. "Sorry guys but I don't want anyone to think Hayley is mad or something." The twins just shook their head and said it was fine and this was even better than their plan.

"Well Draco your idea is good. With this Dumbledore can't stop me from taking over ministry we will attack the diagon alley at the end of the year we will inform you children after we plan it properly." Thomas praised him.

They returned to Hogwarts the next day and Hayley just ignored the traitors as if she can't see or hear them. She spent most of her time in library with her new friends or any unused classrooms with Draco. Umbridge didn't leave her alone and was still carving into her hand almost everyday.

Hayley and Draco celebrated Valentine's day together in the room of requirement which Dobby had showed them. They danced in each others arms for a long time and they snogged a lot but didn't take it more than kissing. They had a wonderful dinner and slept in each others arms for the night.

The next days of February were spent the same way as before but as march rolled Ron and Hermione cornered her while she was going to library Ronald was looking like he was ready to do something to her. No one was near and before she can take her wand out Hermione disarmed her and silenced her. Ron dragged her to an unused classroom. She tried to fight but he was stronger than her and he threw her to the floor. Hermione casted a body bind on her and removed her chain and left the room. Ron smirked at her and removed her clothes she wanted to shout and scream but couldn't nothing was coming out of her tears were coming out of her eyes.

"You see Hayley if you had loved me back, I wouldn't have done this but no you had to go and love that stupid ferret and that left me with no choice. You will carry my baby and that leaves you with no choice but to marry me. He doesn't want to marry a slut like you now does he?" He laughed and forced himself into her enjoying himself so much.

' How can I see Draco in the eye after this I'm sorry Draco' she cried and cried. Hermione came in threw her wand at her and released her from spells smirking at her.

"Had fun I guess you two!!" With that said she left with Ron. She gathered her clothes and cleaned herself and left to her dorm. She hugged her pillow and cried how can she face Draco now. She cried herself to sleep that night.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now