Chapter 10

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The next day the twins went to gringotts to inform bill about the wrong doings of their 'family'. In the morning Tonks announced that she and Hayley were going to have a girls day out in the Muggle world, but before Molly can interrupt or say to tag Hermione and Ginny with them they left. Remus went out on some business and Sirius left without saying a word.

They all met at ice cream shop in diagon at 3.30 and waited for anyone to come and pick up them. Neville and Luna also came to meet the dark lord. Even Bill and his girl friend Fleur joined them as they don't approve of the light side anymore.

Draco, Narcissa, Lucius arrived at five minutes to 4 and they used a portkey to Malfoy Manor as it is where the dark lord is staying. They went into the ball room and there were death eaters and sitting on a throne was not the snake face Voldemort but Tom Riddle looking like in his 30's.

"Welcome Hayley Potter, the girl-who-lived came to join the dark side at last." The dark lord smirked.

"Yes." Hayley said with only a bit of fear.

"How can we be sure that you are not here on Dumbledore's orders to come and kill our lord, not like you would be successful in it." One of the death eaters snarled.

"Shut up Macnair." Draco growled beside her and Hayley smiled gratefully at him. Voldemort asked them to swear their loyalties to him to prove that they are not here to kill him which they did and took the dark mark. Hayley was the first to kneel in front of him and do the oath.

After everyone took the dark mark and settled he dismissed the death eaters except inner circle. Severus was missing well that's good isn't it, Hayley got the chance to say everything she didn't say to anyone till now what Dumbledore said the day before.

"I think Draco has said you about my life and how my friends are not my friends and all right?" At their nod she continued. "There is one more thing no one knows but before that I want to say that Severus Snape is a traitor."

"Ah I was having my suspicions on him." The dark lord stated calmly.

Hayley took a deep breath and continued. "As you all know Snape hated my dad because he was more intelligent and also good looking than him and my mum fell in love with my dad when Snape loved her deeply. He wanted revenge on James Potter as he thought my dad stole my mum from him. So when they were married he started hating my mum too. Dumbledore saw this and they both made a plan and made a fake prophecy to kill my family and according to plan you did kill them and what they didn't expect was you to vanquish as said in the prophecy, so they made me a pawn in their game to eliminate me when you come back and the thought of creating horcruxes was planted in your mind at young age by Dumbledore so that you will become insane as your plans were not for his greater good." As she finished everyone were thinking how to kill snivellus and old goat. Hayley continued before anyone can say anything.

"I know as much as you want to kill them we can't do it. People see Dumbledore as their god even if he is being slandered by the prophet they won't accept him killed. Everyone will blame the dark lord for it."

"Yes you are right we must make public see his true colors so that he gets sent to Azkaban for what he did than get easy death by a single killing curse." Draco said glowering.

"But we don't know anything about his life." Lucius said thoughtfully.

"He lived in Godric's Hollow so if we go there we may find any thing about him." Remus suggested.

"And his brother works at hogs head and if the rumours are correct they don't get along don't you think he will be any use to us." Narcissa said as an after thought.

"Yes that would be perfect but only problem is how can we show his lies and all to public." The dark lord asked.

"Rita!! Yes Rita Skeeter would be perfect." Hayley exclaimed.

"Why will Rita print what we say." Sirius asked confused.

"She will print what ever we say because she is an illegal animagus, a beetle and she don't want to go to Azkaban for it now, does she?" Everyone were looking at her with shock.

"And how do know that?" Bella piped in.

"Hermione caught her at the end of last year and showed it to us. She said she will leave her after New year so don't you think it would be perfect."

"Yes it is." Everyone agreed.

Sirius hesitated before saying. "Well how did you get your face back. I mean Hayley said you were looking like a snake when you came back."

"Ah that is all the rat Peter's fault he messed up with the potion Lucius helped me getting back to my normal self."

"I don't understand why you still keep Peter with you?" Rabastan sneered.

"Ah the rat is useful to sneak into meetings and listen to the information that Severus can't say."

"Um, you know we all have to go back to light and stay with them until you can take over and My papa is in danger so I was thinking..." Dark lord cut her off.

"Don't worry the rat is already delivered to the ministry and your father will get a ministry owl within a day for his trial." Hayley and Sirius beamed at him.

"Thank you." They said in unison everyone were happy that Sirius is going to be a free man and without ministry on back of him. He can go out without any problems.

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