Chapter 3

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After her outburst in the kitchen, Sirius and Remus were so proud and relieved that she sees them as a family. Tonks followed them to the family room as she can't tolerate anyone insulting her Remus. She was looking at Hayley with awe after her outburst at the woman who no one dared to cross as no one wanted to be dead at the end of the day.


Molly was fuming and Ronald was dumbfounded when Hayley said he was like a brother to her. Ginny and Hermione didn't know what to do and stood silently. Arthur just shook his head and left with the others. Molly decided to fire call the headmaster and inform him of the brat.

After 15 mins....

Dumbledore was sitting at the head of the table and Molly was ranting about how the brat was not at all disciplined and Ronald was yelling that how can he become Lord Potter if she didn't marry him. Hermione was depressed that she can't get to read the various tomes in the potter vault. Ginny was also upset that she can't get the various jewellery from potter vaults, if Hayley didn't marry Ronald. Dumbledore raised a hand to calm them all and went into a thoughtful silence

"I think we should give her loyalty potions and submissive potions to bring her back under our thumb and love potions to make her love you Ronald and if potions don't work some compulsion spells might do the work."

They all readily agreed and with that they planned that they will start giving her potions as soon as the school starts and Dumbledore will take care of the potions as Severus will be able to prepare them with that he left the place.


Fred and George joined the newly formed family everyone were happy and spent the rest of the day with each other when Fred and George asked about moony. Hayley said that her father was prongs as his animagus was a stag, papa is padfoot a dog animagus and Remus moony a werewolf, Peter a rat animagus is wormtail. The twins fell on to their knees in front of Sirius and Remus and were saying we are not worth it over and over and the new family planned the pranks they can play when they return back to school.

Hayley spent the next holidays spending time with Sirius Remus tonks and the twins ignoring the others including Dumbledore. When the Hogwarts letters came Hayley was upset that she was not made a prefect Ron and Hermione were made prefects and were showing off to everyone in the order that they were prefects and they got badges Molly was fussing over her son saying that everyone in the family were prefects. The twins ignored her by saying they were neighbours they went to shopping after the breakfast and Hayley saw the handsome blond who stole her heart at Madam Malkin's  just like her first day in wizarding world.

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