Chapter 24

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Dumbledore smiled evilly thinking about his plans. Sure he never liked Umbridge but she can make things easy for him. Just a few compulsions and she will do as he wants. He just has to wait one night and everything would be according to his plans. After all everything is for the greater good.

Next morning everyone were so angry and tensed. Draco told his friends about Dumbledore planning something. Hayley didn't notice the tension in the air as she was studying for her OWLs which are just in a week. The twins and the others are also around her not wanting to leave her alone when a first year came to her with a parchment.

"Ms Potter?" The little first year squeaked beside her.

"Yes." She looked at him with a small smile. He blushed and gave the parchment to her and ran off. She just shook her head and looked at the parchment and frowned.

"What happened love?" Draco asked her.

She just showed the parchment to him and he just want to rip that Umbridge woman into pieces. "What the hell is this? She already gave you enough detentions and even some extra detentions as she said and I quote 'The message has to sink properly' then why the hell is she calling you now again?" Draco almost shouted.

"What are you talking about Draco?" Blaise asked from across them.

"Everytime that Weasley or Granger used to say that the dark lord is back she gave Hayley detention instead of them and she used to make Hayley write 'I must not tell lies' with a blood quill." He scowled at that parchment in his hands.

"Now she is saying I didn't finish all the detentions she assigned me and wants me to come to her office at 8 to finish the detentions she assigned." Hayley sighed looking at the scar on her hand.

"But according to Lord Peverell no one can give any detentions without any reasons right?" Daphne said after some time in silence.

"But these are the detentions she assigned before the rule passed So Hayley has to finish those detentions." Draco just want to go to her office and crucio her to death.

"Don't worry, Dray. I think she is just going to make me write the lines with that quill again. I'll come to you as soon as possible." Hayley squeezed his hand gently.

"I don't want you to go at all Hayley." He cupped her cheek and ran his thumbs along her cheekbones and sighed. "I will inform father about this and will be waiting for you in the common room when you return." He gave her a chaste kiss and grabbed a quill and parchment to write to Lucius.

Lucius and Sirius were talking about Dumbledore and Molly Weasley when Aurelius, Draco's eagle owl came with a letter. Lucius gently stroked his feathers before untying the letter and opening it to read. His expression turned into a scowl reaching the end of the letter.

"Well, what is it?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"That toad asked Hayley to come for detention tonight as she didn't complete all of her detentions that she assigned to Hayley." Lucius didn't even finish when Sirius shot up from the chair he is sitting.

"WHAT!? What detention? She has already scarred my daughter's hand what else does she want to do to my daughter? I bet the old fool is behind this I'm going to kill that bastard with my own hands." Sirius was pacing infront of the fireplace.

"Sirius, calm down. We will go and talk to our Lord and remove her from Hogwarts as soon as possible." Lucius suggested.

Sirius just went to the fireplace and shouted Slytherin Manor before disappearing in green flames Lucius followed him soon.

Tom just raised an eyebrow at both wizards when they rushed to his study. Lucius explained about Umbridge to him and Tom sighed frustratedly.

"Do you think Dumbledore is behind her?" Tom asked them.

"Umbridge hates him. Why would she listen to him?" Lucius said after thinking a bit.

"But you don't know Dumbledore. He can do anything to get his work done." Tom sighed again. "We can't do anything until tomorrow I have an appointment with Amelia Bones and we are planning to remove her from Hogwarts."

Sirius just want to go to Hogwarts and rip that umbitch's throat. He nodded and left without talking to anyone to fireplace and went to leaky cauldron for a drink even if it is still noon. Lucius just sighed looking at him. He knows how Sirius is feeling "Are you sure? You can't stop her from going to detention."

"I know Lucius you are worried about Hayley but trust me I can't just cancel her detentions just like that. I just hope she won't harm harm Hayley or else I swear to Merlin today is her last day and if Dumbledore is involved in this. This is going to be his last day too."

They both talked for some more time before Lucius went back to Malfoy Manor to inform Narcissa about the detention and calm her down as she is black and she can be as vicious as her sister.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now