Chapter 21

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Everyone stopped to look at Lord Voldemort when he started speaking to Hayley. "Hayley Potter Girl-who-lived ready to die." He laughed at her. "Ah, young Malfoy I thought Malfoys had a better choice. What a shame you will bring by marrying a filthy half-blood like her."

Draco tightened his hold on his wand but controlled his anger knowing well that it was just an act but he can't listen people insulting his Hayley. "Don't forget you yourself are a half-blood Riddle." He spat at him.

"You dare call me with that filthy name." He was about to raise his wand at Draco when Thomas came from the crowd surrounding them. He raised a hairless eyebrow at him. Voldemort turned his attention towards Thomas deciding he can kill the brat later.

"Peverell, Heir to Hogwarts I was planning to meet you and offer to join my side. " Voldemort said just above a whisper like usual.

Ron was trying very hard to control his mind but as he was tortured so many days continuously he isn't able to do anything when he saw Dumbledore he wanted to run to him and say everything but was not able to do it. His little sister was dead he killed her himself, when he entered the battlefield. He was forced to do it. He cried internally for killing Ginny his baby sister. He even casted a crucio at her and some cutting hexes and making her bleed to death.

Lord Peverell was smirking internally and appreciating Sirius for such a good control of Imperious and took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't need help from someone like you to achieve anything." He sneered.

"You know that you are signing your death by going against me." Voldemort reminded him.

"I am capable of protecting myself." He smirked at the irritated face.

"You think you can defeat me Peverell." Voldemort sneered at Thomas.

"Ah! But you are already defeated once aren't you?" Thomas taunted him.

"How dare you! Crucio!!!" Voldemort shouted.

The duel started between them viciously. Spells were casted ruthlessly. Thomas ducked and dodged every spell but everyone can see that Thomas has a higher hand in the duel. Voldemort was losing. Thomas was an expert duelist people were looking with awe at his power. Finally after 25 mins of attacking each other. Voldemort's wand flew from his hand to Thomas's outstretched hand and he fell to the ground dead.

There were cheers everywhere the death eaters apparated away as soon as they saw that their lord was losing. The students and people of Hogsmeade cheered as soon as they saw Voldemort fell. They were looking at Thomas Peverell as if he was God.

Dumbledore was not understanding anything going there. Voldemort and Tom Riddle standing In front of each other. How is that possible? Tom Riddle is Voldemort but here they were standing In front of each other and dueling with each other. He wanted to kill Voldemort himself. People around him were cheering for Thomas Peverell. The dark mark disappeared from the death eaters hands but they are still connected to their lord. He used some parselmagic to hide the dark mark from people like Dumbledore.

Aurors arrived and saw the dead body of You-know-who lying In front of Lord Peverell. Minister Fudge was shocked to see the scene In front of him. He spluttered and apologised to Hayley for not believing her when she said you-know-who was back.

"GINNY!" Molly shouted as soon as she saw her daughter Ginny was pale due to all the blood loss. Hayley and Draco looked at her and were sad that she is still alive they thought that she was going to die but she is still alive. They immediately rushed to hospital wing.

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