Chapter 26

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Sirius woke up groaning and his head was pounding like hell. He sat up on the bed he is and looked around, this was not his room. Where was he? What the hell happened? He casted Tempus to see it was 11 at night. He sighed rubbing his eyes and tried to remember why he drank so much that he is someone else's bedroom. His eyes widened when he remembered Hayley and he shot up from the bed and went out only to stop in his tracks.

"M-marlene?" He whispered.

Marlene McKinnon and Sirius Black were dating before he was chucked off to Azkaban without any trial. He asked Remus about her after he escaped Azkaban but he didn't know about her. Remus said she might be dead as no one saw her after he went to Azkaban. So he was shocked when Marlene is now standing Infront of him.

"Sirius" she hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry, I came back to Britain as soon as I knew you were a free man. I knew you will never betray James and Lily but whenever I asked for a trial for you Dumbledore came in between and cancelled it and after few months he threatened me to leave the country else he will kill my family. We left to France and stayed there all these years in low profile. We didn't want Dumbledore knowing about us. I'm sorry, I couldn't come earlier, I didn't know till last month. I was trying to contact you but feared that you won't listen to me over Dumbledore and you were never alone outside till today."

"Oh Marlene. I don't trust that old fool any more." Sirius sighed.

Marlene looked at him confused, he explained everything that happened from the trial of Hayley in August and why he was drunk today. She was shocked when he said he joined the death eaters but got over it as he explained the reasons. At the end she was so angry at all of those people who made Hayley suffer. She doesn't know her but she couldn't help herself to feel angry on her behalf. She never met her when Hayley was young as James and Lily went into hiding and only Sirius, Remus and Peter has the address for their safety but Sirius showed her so many pictures of little Hayley and she absolutely loved her.

Marlene and Sirius talked for some more time before he had to go to check what happened to Hayley and before leaving he kissed Marlene hard and asked her to come to Black manor when ever she can. She promised to come there later as she has to go and inform her family about everything.

Lucius and Narcissa looked up when the floo flared and saw Sirius exiting the floo. They were sitting in his study waiting for Draco's floo call saying everything is okay and Umbridge hadn't done anything to Hayley.

"No news?" Sirius asked sitting in the nearest arm chair.

"No, Hayley went to detention at 8 and now it is almost 12." Narcissa sighed.

"We will wait few more minutes and we can floo call Draco." Lucius said grimly.

In the headmaster's private rooms, a black haired girl groaned as she came into consciousness. Her body aches so much and burning as if she is on fire. She blinked few times to see where she was. She couldn't move her arms and legs as they are bound to the chair. She looked around in panic and her eyes widened at what she saw.

"I see you are finally awake, my girl." Dumbledore smiled at her.

"W-wh-" Her voice croaked due to screaming. "W-who-" She couldn't even form a single word properly.

"Oh, you poor dear her drink some water." Molly came forward with a glass in her hand to her lips. Hayley was souch thirsty to decline it and she was grateful for some water.

"I can see you have so many questions, but before answering, I think you should answer some of our questions and don't even try to lie. The water you drank has truth serum in it and will not allow you lie." Dumbledore smirked at her.

Hayley looked at him blankly for sometime before the words settled in her mind, she looked down at her hands only to blink again when there were no rings. The promise ring Draco gave is also missing. Then she realised that the chain her papa gave is also not there.

"Now, We know everything about you but we just want to confirm those truths and you will die before saying the truth so we had to give you truth serum." Dumbledore's voice made her look at him with dread.

What did he mean by they know everything about me? How can they know? They can't know that she joined the dark lord, right? And who is that girl who is- Dumbledore cut off her thoughts when he asked the most dreaded question.

"Did you join the dark side?" Dumbledore looked at her in the eye.

"Yes." She tried to fight but she couldn't help but answer them.

"You are disgusting. How can you join the man who killed your parents? They would be so ashamed of you. I think it is all that stupid Black's influence on you. I always knew he is not a proper guardian." Molly yelled at her. "But don't worry, now he will not be able to control your life anymore. I'm going to take care of that."

"My papa is best. Don't say anything bad about him." Hayley said to her in emotionless voice due to the potion.

"Shut up you stupid girl, he is not your papa." Molly shouted at her.

"Enough Molly! You can do whatever you want to her later. But now we want some more answers to see if all the memories we have of her are correct." Dumbledore silenced her.

"Do you know that you are a horcrux?" Dumbledore asked Hayley.


"Do you know that Thomas Peverell and Voldemort are the same person?"


"Good, I guess all her memories are in fact transferred correctly." Dumbledore motioned Molly to give the antidote and turned towards the other person in the room. While Dumbledore and the other person were talking Molly went to Hayley and gave her the antidote.

"Who is she?" Hayley looked at the person who is looking like her. "She is looking like me, did she take any polyjucie potion."

Hayley's look alike removed a ring from her right hand and her appearance started changing. She became a bit fat, her pale skin now has so many freckles, her green eyes turned brown and her black hair is now red, Weasley red. Hayley now morphed into Ginny.

"You see Hayley, this is a goblin made ring which makes you change appearance and no one can remove it once you wear it except you. It also becomes invisible once you wear it. Only if you do a blood test one can identify it's not you and the ritual we performed earlier transferred all your memories to Ginny. Now she is going to take your place and give us all the information we need to take down the dark side." Dumbledore paused so that she can understand what he said and continued "While she goes and spy for us, Molly volunteered herself to take care of you and make sure you don't escape and make you regret the decisions you took."

Hayley opened her mouth to say something but Molly slapped her hard which made her head fuzzy due to the pain from before. "Keep your mouth shut if you don't want your boyfriend dead." Hayley quickly shut her mouth.

"Good girl." Molly said caressing her cheek. Hayley just closed her eyes tears falling down her face. There is no way to escape now.She doesn't even know what they are planning, what if Ginny does something that will make them hate her? What if she kills them? No no no no no There has to be a way for escape. She wants her family to come and take her away from these people. She cried and cried on the floor with her arms and legs bound till exhaustion took over and she fell into an uneasy sleep.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now