Chapter 23

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Draco was a bit surprised to see Hayley standing at his desk looking at the picture. She was wearing a blue nightgown which stopped just below her knees and clung to her at all right places. No, he has to control himself after what that Weasel did to his Hayley he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Hayley who was still lost in her thoughts was startled when someone touched her shoulder. She turned around to see Draco smiling at her. His hair was still wet and he wasn't wearing any shirt. She has to force herself to not look at his well toned body. She knows that she is blushing but she can't help it So hayley talked about the photo frame.

"This is so nice draco." Hayley looked back at the photo again. Draco smiled fondly at the photo.

"That picture was when father proposed mother at the Malfoys Yule Ball in mother's last year at hogwarts." Draco said fondly. "I had the picture from my first year and I always wanted us to have a same picture like them to place beside it." Draco said looking at Hayley.

"You liked me from our first year?" Hayley asked unsure glancing at him.

"I liked you from the moment I saw you at Madam Malkins when you came for robes, love." Draco said pulling her closer to him and placing his hands on her waist. "I wanted to talk to you but always the weasel and granger used to come in between. I just wonder how you tolerated them all these years."

Hayley laughed at Draco's face he made talking about her former best friends. "I wonder myself the same dragon."

"Don't call me dragon." Draco huffed. "I am just named after that constellation." He almost pouted but Hayley knows not to comment cause Malfoys don't pout.

"But dragon is a cute name." She teased him.

"Oh Merlin! Why me?" He groaned burying his head in her neck. Hayley wrapped her hands around his neck and laughed. "I don't understand what is so nice in calling me dragon. I'm not a kid." He huffed into her neck making her shiver which he noticed obviously and smirked.

"So what brought you here?" Draco asked after few moments of silence looking at her directly.

"I-" She is feeling hot all of a sudden. Surely they shared a bed on Valentine's Day but that was because they didn't want to go back and they were tired due to all dancing.

"What happened?" Draco asked looking at her concerned when she didn't reply.

"It's nothing. I didn't want to sleep alone. Can I sleep here with you?" She asked in a small voice.

"Of course you can sleep here Hayley." Draco said kissing her forehead and led them towards the bed and with a swish of his wand the room became dim. Hayley placed her head on his chest and became comfortable before going to sleep. Draco waited until her breath became even before going to sleep himself.

Lord Voldemort or now known as Lord Peverell and his followers are in the middle of their party when Sirius came in to the Malfoy ballroom. He directly went to Lord Peverell as soon as he spotted him.

"My Lord, I got some news it may be bad." Sirius whispered so no one can hear.

Thomas looked at him and led him into his study. Lucius following them silently. He placed privacy charms around the room and motioned Sirius to continue.

"I was coming here when the portrait of Phineas stopped me saying that Headmaster is planning something to do with Hayley" Sirius said panicking "He couldn't say the exact details of what he is planning as he is bound not to say anything about what is happening inside headmasters office."

Both Lucius and Thomas are a bit startled that Dumbledore is planning so soon to do something to Hayley. Lucius started liking her as his own daughter and also his son loves her more than anything, he can't imagine what Draco will be if something happens to Hayley.

Even Thomas started liking Hayley She is a sweet girl how can anyone think of hurting her. She didn't even torture her rapist and was content that he is dead. He sighed thinking about the old goat.

"Lucius alert Draco that Dumbledore is planning something and tell him to spread this news among his friends and all the Slytherins. Say them not to leave Hayley not even for a second and say them Hayley shouldn't know about this. She already faced so much in this year." Tom paused before looking at Sirius. "I know you are worried Sirius but Hayley is going to be fine. Also pass this information to the weasley twins and ask them to do the same."

Lucius called a house elf to pass the information to Draco. Sirius called Kreacher to do the same. Draco will keep Haley safe. Yes, everyone knows that but they can't help but worry about her. After all she has the Potter luck.

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