Chapter 27

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Draco was pacing in the common room. It was 12 and Hayley didn't come back from her detention. What is that Umbridge making her do in the detention. He just want to go right now to her and kill her. He had to control himself from ripping the bitch's throat. He sighed looking at the entrance of the common room.

Draco was about to go out when Hayley entered the common room. He went forward and hugged her tightly. Hayley did return the gesture awkwardly, which Draco didn't notice. He dragged her towards the couch and checked her for any injuries. When he found none, he sighed, her hand is not bleeding that means she didn't write any lines.

"What happened in detention?" Draco asked looking at her.

"Nothing, actually Dumbledore came when she was about to make me write lines and saved me. At first, I was not sure whether to trust him or not but she called the Aurors and sent her to the ministry. They saw my memories of what happened and left. Dumbledore then talked randomly about my studies and all that's it." Hayley reassured him.

Internally, Ginny was smirking at how easy it was to make the blond believe what she said. He didn't even suspect that she isn't the real Hayley. Ginny just looked around the common room when he went to floo call his parents to say them what happened. Then suddenly she remembered that she has to sleep with him. It's not like she never slept with anyone but from the memories of Hayley, they just sleep and do nothing, this is going to be boring. Also she can't ask him for anything as after what Ron did to Hayley, Malfoy will doubt her. Oh god, she has to practice calling those death eaters by their first names. This is so much difficult than what she thought. She can't do anything what she used to do before. It's so much difficult that she can't go sleeping around like she was used to but she also has to stay with these people. The only good thing is that they are bloody rich. Oh, what if she becomes pregnant with Malfoy's child, not only Potter, Black she will be getting the Malfoy fortune. There are also rumours that as Bellatrix Lestrange doesn't have any children the Lestranges made Draco their heir, She doesn't know if it's true or not but if it is then she can add the Lestrange fortune to her vaults. Oh, this will be so good. She will be the richest person in the whole Britain, The only problem is convincing Mal- no Draco to have sex with her. She has to talk to her mum to get some ideas. She saw Draco stand up from the floo and come towards her, she smiled and stood up and they went to his room to sleep.

Lucius, Narcissa and Sirius were happy that the bitch is arrested, they are a bit suspicious that Dumbledore did all this but thought nothing of it as Hayley is safe. Sirius informed that he will inform their Lord about what happened and left to Slytherin Manor.

Sirius walked to his study and knocked on the door. He opened the door when a soft 'enter' reached his ears. He bowed to him and sat on the chair in front of the desk the dark lord was sitting and told him everything that Draco said to them. The dark Lord was silent for a few minutes before he spoke.

"I think he just wants to get Hayley back under his thumb and that is why he is doing all this. I think there is nothing to worry unless he does something more." He said to him before falling silent with a thoughtful expression. "I was thinking that maybe I should let people call me by my name rather than my lord or the dark lord. It will be safe as we don't want others to get suspicious."

Sirius for his part was shocked that the dark lord wants to allow his death eaters use his name. "You would really allow people to call you by your first name?" He asked unsurely.

"Yes, I became an insane dark lord Voldemort when I created horcruxes because of Dumbledore. Now as I absorbed all the soul parts back except the one in Hayley, I'm not insane anymore and I think people will only trust you when you are friendly with them. So I think the people who are close to me start calling me Thomas and the others can call Lord Peverell and you are one of those who became close to me." He smiled at him.

Sirius' eyes widened, the dark lord is smiling at him and also said he is close to him. That means he call him by his name. Before he joined the dark he has no fear in calling him Voldemort but after he became a death eater, he learned to respect the man as his lord and he really deserves that, he was insane but he still cared for his followers. He talked to them more freely than Dumbledore ever did. He gave the whole information unlike Dumbledore who keeps them in the dark. So yes, he started respecting the man more than he ever felt towards the old fool. "I'm honoured my- Thomas." Sirius was grinning like a fool making Thomas chuckle.

"I think you should go back home and take some rest. Good night Sirius." Thomas said to him.

"Good night Thomas." With that Sirius left to the black manor and did what he was asked. He went straight to his bedroom to sleep.

Hayley woke up the next morning in a small room. Her bod was still sore but there is no pain. Her hands and legs are still tied together, she sat up with difficulty and looked around. She is not in the same room as yesterday. This is so small, just a bit large than her cupboard. She tried to stand but her legs are not co-operating with her. She looked towards the door when it opened.

Molly smiled when she Hayley awake and went towards her. She pulled her up and dragged her out of the room roughly. The place was a cottage of some sort. Small but Cozy. She tried to look at the pictures on the wall but was suddenly thrown on to a chair. Hayley winced in pain and looked at Molly who readjusted her bonds so that she is tied to the chair.

"Now, we can talk without any problems." Molly sat in chair opposite her. Hayley opened her mouth to speak but no voice came out.

"Don't even bother talking dear." Molly giggled at her. She took a plate from the counter beside her and brought the sandwich to her mouth, Hayley wanted to refuse it but she is hungry and needs strength to escape this place and ate without any protest. Molly fed her two sandwiches and a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Good girl, now for your punishment." Hayley's eyes widened, what punishment. "Now, now what did you expect, we will treat you like a spoiled princess. No dear, you did so many mistakes and we have punish you for all those." Hayley shook her head tears falling down but Molly just smiled sweetly at her.

Molly took her wand out of her pocket and looked at Hayley with glee. She is the reason her son was tortured and killed, her daughter almost died. She threw stinging hexes, cutting curses, blood boiling hexes, bone breaking curses and many more for almost an hour, she just woke her up every time she lost her consciousness and continued. This is going to be a routine for her. Molly laughed at the broken girl in front of her. Every morning after breakfast she is going to torture her for an hour and leave her in pain till evening when Albus takes his turn to do whatever he wants with the blasted girl. The girl obviously needs a taste of what her son had to go through.

Molly looked at the girl who is in so much pain with so much satisfaction, her whole family except Ron and Ginny became distant from her because of this girl. They don't even come to Burrow anymore. She is the reason that her family is broken, her son is dead and she is going to pay dearly for everything she had done. After Albus wins the war and takes control over the Wizarding World and you-know-who is dead, they can kill her too. As Dumbledore said he needs her alive to kill you-know-who, they are going to break her completely and now she doesn't have any protections over her so she can't fight the potions they are going to feed her. She will be the perfect martyr for them.

Thomas has a feeling that there is something else going on but he didn't want to scare Sirius saying that as he is already so worried about his daughter. He also knows that Dumbledore didn't get Umbridge arrested just to win over Hayley, he knows that Hayley will never trust him after what he did to her parents. So there is something else going on in the old coot's mind, but what? Also he didn't punish Snape for his betrayal maybe he can get the answers from the dungeon bat. He smirked and summoned Snape through the dark mark.

Draco woke up before Hayley and looked at her thinking what happened last night. It's not like he doesn't trust her, it's just he feels that there is something else going on and Hayley was so silent last night, she didn't even kiss him good night. He just shook his head and looked at her for some more time, she always wakes up before him and it is already 9 and she is still sleeping. He sighed thinking maybe she is tired and decided to wake her up after he is ready.

Ginny woke up to someone shaking her shoulder, she groaned and buried her face in the pillow. "Go away mum" She mumbled into the pillow.

"Huh? What did you say Hayley? I didn't hear you properly." Ginny sat up on the bed suddenly making the other person fall back on to the bed, she looked at Pansy who was trying to wake her up and had to contain her scowl at the girl.

"Sorry, pansy. I was just having a bad dream and your voice startled me." Ginny said sheepishly.

"It's fine. I just came to see how you are feeling. Draco was about to wake you up but I sent him for breakfast as he was didn't eat properly yesterday. Now come on get ready and we will go to breakfast, we have to study as the OWLs are nearing." Pansy pushed her from the bed.

Ginny took her clothes and went to the bathroom grumbling under her breath, who the hell is she to order her? She had to sneer at the dress in her hands. It is too long and covers everything. She reluctantly put those clothes and brushed her hair before going out of the bathroom.

Dumbledore was a bit worried when Draco entered the great hall for breakfast without Ginny. Did something happen? Did they realise that she is not Hayley. However his worries were vanished when Ginny came in with Pansy. Ginny looked at him for a moment when no one were noticing and went to sit beside Draco. He smirked thinking all his plans are going as he wanted. Now he just had to go to Hayley at evening and start his next plan on breaking the girl. 

A/N : I'm also writing two other books time travel a drarry fanfiction and peace treaty which is tomarry. Hope you like them too. I'm so happy that so many people are reading my fic. I never thought my fic will get these many views or likes. Thank you for all your love and support. Do Like and comment on what you think should happen next.

Also, Hope you all have a prosperous new year. Love you all❤. 

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