Chapter 12

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When they reached home Molly started shouting that they are late and you know who was out and it's not safe. They just zoned her out and ate dinner silently when suddenly Ron shouted at Hayley.

"Hayley is that a hickey on your neck?"

Hayley's breath caught in her throat. Draco left a hickey on her. She remembered what he said "mine". Yes ,she is his. Obviously he will leave a mark to prove it to everyone. She rolled her eyes at his antics and now she has to deal with Weasel.

"Yes Ronniekins-"
"-you see our-"
"-sister dearest-"
"-got herself a-"
"-boyfriend and-"
"-he is very-"
"-possessive boyfriend-"

"What Hayley you got a boyfriend and you didn't even say us? Who is he? What if he is using you only for your fame? You can't trust anyone like that they can be sent by you know who He can be death eater-" Sirius cut Hermione off.

"Hermione she is my daughter and I know what is correct for her and what is not so please shut up he is my cousin's son and a well behaved person and knows well manners." He said last part looking at Ron.

"Sirius if he is your cousin's son then for sure he is you know who's man. Your whole family is dark so no I don't agree to this and you young lady you should break this up with whoever he is. if you don't I am going to headmaster." Molly scolded.

"Molly the headmaster has no say in Hayley's life. He is just her headmaster and nothing else he can't say her who she can date and who not and as for you know who's man he is not any one's man except Hayley's." Remus said irritated at the red head woman's attitude towards his cub.

"And Molly I don't think it is you who should say her to break any relation it is Sirius who has a say in her life and my family is not dark if you forgot I am an auror." Tonks scowled.

Molly just shut her mouth and sat but Ginny asked curiously " Anyways who is he?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." The twins said smirking. The 4 sat in shock for few moments before all hell broke and they started saying the same things again but Hayley didn't pay any mind they eventually shut up seeing no one are caring.

"I forgot to say Cissy invited us to the Yule Ball at the Malfoy Manor and I said yes." Sirius said into the silence.

"Who is cissy?" Molly shouted at the same time as Hermione who cried. "Yule? But we should not celebrate things like those those are dark festivities.

"Cissy is Lady Malfoy and Yule is not dark it is just wizarding Christmas just because you muggleborns don't know what it is doesn't mean we have to stop celebrating our festivals and start yours and we are going no matter what you say." with that said Sirius left and others followed his suit.

The next day Sirius got a letter from head of DMLE Amelia Bones asking him for his trial the trial went well. Sirius got compensated 1 million galleons for every year he spent in Azkaban. Finally, Sirius is a free man. Dumbledore was not happy at this change and called an order meeting that night.

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