Chapter 18

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The next day the whole school were talking about Granger and Weasley. No one saw them returning from Hogsmeade trip. Dumbledore announced at breakfast that the every teacher are searching for them and not to worry. Hayley and Draco looked at each other and he smirked at her.

The next few days Draco used to go after classes for an hour or so to have fun with his Aunt Bella. He is not as mad as her but when it comes to his family, he becomes as insane as her.  Thanks to the black genes in him. Sometimes even Sirius joined them. Hayley didn't want to see their faces so she just stayed with Cissy and Lucius as she started calling them on their insistence.

At the end of April there were two bodies in the great hall lying in a pile of blood. Everyone were shocked to see them like that. Ginny knew who did it but she didn't have any proof. Her brother and his girlfriend said what they did to Hayley so obviously it must be her and her family.

Molly was frantic and was shouting at anyone and everyone that her baby was murdered. Her Ronnie. They held the funeral at burrow for both of them. The Grangers were sad but not as much as Molly and Ginny as they never get to know their daughter. She was never close to them. They tried but she always shuts herself in her room and finally when the letter for Hogwarts came and she went to Hogwarts, she only visited home for a week and left to burrow. Hayley didn't attend the funeral. She and Draco were at the Malfoy Manor's garden enjoying the weather when suddenly Hayley remembered something.

"Dragon?" She started calling him that from that day they kidnapped Ron and Hermione.

"Yes love." She blushed a little at that but remembered why she called him.

"It has been almost 2 months after...after that.." She didn't know how to talk about that.

"What about that?" He frowned why is she remembering about that.

"What if I am pregnant?" She just looked at her lap not able to look into his eyes.

"Don't worry love you won't be." He reassured her lifting her chin to make her look into his eyes.

"But he said I-" Draco placed his finger on her lips to stop her again.

"No Hayley. This promise ring I gave you-" he lifted her hand with the ring to his lips and kissed it. "-has charms on it Malfoys always cared for reputation. So they never wanted children to be born bastards and they added so many protections. So unless you remove it after wedding you won't be pregnant. I didn't know it till last month. Father said me when I asked them the same question. So don't worry." Draco said kissing her cheek. Hayley sighed in relief She was thinking about this from few days when she woke up from a nightmare that Draco left her because she was pregnant with Ronald's child.

"I love you so much." She said hugging him.

"I love you more." He hugged her back. 

"I still wonder how you can love me dragon. If it was someone else they would surely hate me." She sighed into his neck.

"And I wonder how you loved an egoistic like me." He laughed making her giggle. 

"You are sweet not egoistic." She said placing her hand on his cheek.

"If you say so." He turned his head to kiss her palm. "And you are cute. I love you Hayley. I love you so much. I love you with my whole being. I can't hate you for something which is not your fault." He pecked her lips and stood up giving her his hand.

They went in as there was a meeting with all death eaters. Everyone will be informed of the new plans today. When they entered the ball room was already full and the Dark Lord was sitting on the throne. He stood and welcomed the death eaters. He explained about their plans everyone agreed as no one wants to be on bad side of the dark lord.

"So tomorrow I will go to the ministry and daily prophet as Lord Thomas Peverell and Lord to Hogwarts and the next day as it is hogsmeade weekend, we will attack them but remember no child should be harmed just act like you are going to attack. I as Lord Peverell will take down Lord Voldemort who is Ronald Weasley under glamour and imperius understood?"

There were murmurs of 'yes my lord' and lord Peverell as he is to be called from now on dismissed everyone. Draco and Hayley along with other students went back to school awaiting for the attack and the shocked face of Dumbledore. It was going to be fun.

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