Chapter 20

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Lord Peverell was walking towards Hogwarts the next morning. He wanted to meet the Headmaster and talk about the changes he wants to make in Hogwarts and according Malfoy jr. The woman from ministry is making the life hell for Hayley. Hayley Potter his ex-nemesis was now the only reason he can take over the whole wizarding world. He chuckled internally thinking how Dumbledore will take the news of his supposed golden girl or pawn is not on his so-called light side.

Thomas entered the great hall along with Lucius Malfoy and 2 more people who are from the board of governors of the School. Dumbledore stood from his place as soon as he saw him and was about to attack but was stopped by other board members. Everyone in the great hall were looking at the heir of Hogwarts with different expressions.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, Pleasure meeting you I guess you saw yesterday's article in Daily Prophet I'm Lord Thomas Peverell , Heir of the four founders of Hogwarts. I'm here to make some changes to the School and discuss with the other professors." He drawled.

McGonagall recognized him as Tom Riddle but was wary as he is with the Ministry officials. Flitwick and Sprout were looking at him intently to fight as soon as they saw any sign of danger. Snape who was beside McGonagall was looking at him with fear. He fully knows who he is but he didn't know what he is doing here. He looked at Lucius to ask him what was going on but the Blond was not paying attention to him.

"Now now Tom you and I know very well that you are Voldemort." Dumbledore said raising his wand.

"I'm not Voldemort, I'm Lord Peverell You can go and check with the goblins old man." Tom sneered at him.

"Dumbledore don't sprout nonsense in the great hall about He-who-must-no-be-named being back." Umbridge stood from her place.

"Dolores, I'm not lying He is Voldemort-"

"Enough Dumbledore I will not tolerate any lies." She turned towards Tom with a sickening sweet smile and guided him and others towards the staff room.

Dumbledore reluctantly followed them along with other professors. Tom took seat at the Head of the staff table. Dumbledore was now glaring daggers at him. That was his place he will have to do something before everything gets out of his control.

Tom explained how he wants to change the school for good. He wants to explain 2nd years about electives like they do to 5th years before OWLs. He wants all houses to have friendly relation with the others. He wants the muggle born to celebrate Samhain and Yule instead of muggle Halloween and Christmas. He wants to add Wizarding studies alongside Muggle studies for Muggle born and Muggle raised so that they can understand their methods and Detentions issued by the professors will be observed. He doesn't want any professor to show their personal grudge towards any student and torture them.

Everyone except Dumbledore, Snape and Umbridge were impressed by the changes he wants to bring to the School. Snape because he was sure that the Dark Lord was not happy with him if the burning of his hand says anything. Umbridge because of the detention rule and Muggle born equality. Dumbledore because the changes will end house rivalry and he can't prove anyone that he is the Dark Lord.

When the meeting is finished they heard screams from a distant. Tom and Lucius smirked internally knowing full well what those screams were. The other professors were instantly on their feet and went running towards Hogsmeade as the sounds are coming from there.

When everyone reached Hogsmeade they saw Hayley and Draco standing in front of Voldemort ready to fight. Voldemort looked at Tom and raised a hairless eyebrow at him. Tom came forward and stood in front of Hayley and Draco as if protecting them.

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