Chapter 19

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The next day Hayley was sitting at the Slytherin table between Blaise and Draco talking to pansy who sat across Blaise. Well Blaise and pansy were dating from 4th year. But everyone thought Pansy was going to be future Lady Malfoy. They were in the middle of a conversation when the owls swooped in to the great hall with morning prophet. Hayley took the post from Hedwig and gave her a piece of bacon. As soon as they saw the headline there were murmurs started in the great hall.


Remus went to Godric's Hollow to gather information on Dumbledores. Bathilda Bagshot was their neighbour and said some interesting information about Dumbledore. Rita was ecstatic to print about Dumbledore. The article was about how Dumbledore's father killed muggles and went to Azkaban. How Dumbledore was friends with Grindelwald. How his sister died in an argument between him and his brother and Grindelwald.

Dumbledore was shocked at this relevation and it can be seen clearly on his face. Hayley wanted to laugh at his face. She hid her face in Draco's shoulder to hide her smile from others. Draco just shook his head and continued to read the prophet as if nothing happened. They went to classes where everyone were talking about Dumbledore.

The day went well and Hayley was waiting for the next day so that she can see the shock on Dumbledore's face at the sight of Voldemort and Tom Riddle together. She just can't wait Draco was laughing at her excitement. She pouted at him and he kissed that pout. They were in the room of requirement with others planning about tomorrow's raid. They will be watching it from the sidelines.

Voldemort or Ronald will be following the orders by Sirius. He will be disguised as someone else to watch it from a distance. Only low level death eaters would be participating in the attack. After Voldemort dies, the dark mark will be vanished from the left forearm to anyone who is not a death eater and only those who have can see them.

In the mean time at ministry Lord Thomas Peverell has claimed his Hogwarts seats and the Peverell and Gaunt seats. Sirius claimed his Black seat and proxy for Potter until Hayley will be of age. There was shocked silence when Lord Peverell claimed as Lord to Hogwarts. Fortunately for them Dumbledore was not present due to the article published in the morning. The dark sect people sat in their seats and voted in favour or against the laws that are being discussed.

In the evening prophet there was an article on Thomas Peverell, Lord to Hogwarts with a picture of Thomas smiling at the camera. Many girls in the great hall were looking at his picture with dreamy eyes. If only they know who he is but Ginerva recognized him obviously and looked pale. Hayley was watching her intently on what she would do. She looked at Dumbledore who was almost similar in reaction to Ginny.

Dumbledore and Ginny went to his office Hayley followed them under the invisibility cloak with Draco. Ginny was shouting he is Tom Riddle not Thomas Peverell. Dumbledore just sighed and aged 10 years in just a single day. First his secrets leaked out and now Tom is in the ministry and no one knows he is Voldemort.

Hayley was laughing internally at their faces. Tomorrow they are going to get the shock of their life when they see both of them together but on opposite sides and Ginny's life is going to end tomorrow unfortunately. They have to eliminate their threats without any suspicions what better chance than death eater raid.

They both left when Ginny left out they went into the room of requirement and said others what they listened not much but worth seeing their faces. They spent some time talking to each other and left to their dorms.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now