Chapter 8

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The next morning Hayley woke up before Hermione. She took a shower got dressed, shrinked her trunk and left to the hogsmeade station before anyone can stop her. She wanted to meet her-what is Draco to her now boyfriend? Well whatever she went into the last compartment to see Draco already waiting for her as soon as he saw her he kissed her on the lips and made her sit on his lap and gave her another toe-curling kiss. His hand were on her waist and her hands were in his hair when suddenly the compartment door opened and they separated. Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo smirked seeing their position. Hayley blushed hard and went to get up but Draco stopped her.

"Well Draco I think your dream got true." Pansy teased. "Yes" Draco said smugly looking at Hayley but she got up.

"I think I should go so that they won't be suspicious" Hayley said after giving him a last kiss. Draco wanted to stop her but knew he can't and sighed. 

"I know I will be there at 4 tomorrow and don't worry." He said smiling at her. 

Hayley just smiled and left in search of Ron and Hermione and thankfully they didn't come yet. So she sat with Neville and she didn't know if she can trust him or not as the people who she trusted betrayed her. So she just talked about random things when the traitors came in and saw Hayley talking with Neville they were furious and Hermione started shouting that she shouldn't leave without telling anyone.

"Hermione last time I saw you were not my mum so I don't think I should inform you before doing something and please some people are trying to make a conversation here." Hayley said coldly.

"But Hayley you are my girlfriend-" Hayley cut off Ron by saying. "For umpteenth time, Ronald. I am not your girlfriend. I said it already and I am saying it again you are like a brother to me and I don't like you in that way even if you are not my brother so please shut it." She shouted.

Ginny placed her hand on her hips in very Molly like manner and was about to open her mouth when Luna entered the compartment and sat beside Hayley and started talking to her. Hayley just ignored those three and talked to Neville and Luna.

The new golden trio well they think themselves as such left the compartment most probably to inform Dumbledore of the changes that are happening .Hayley just sighed seeing Neville's confusing look locked the door placed privacy wards and silencing charms. "Ok Hayley I don't know what happened but I want to say you one thing that I am happy that you changed your views on the Weasleys and Granger." Hayley was shocked when Neville said that.

"What do you mean by that Neville?"

"Well you see Ron is never quiet and always used to brag that he is going to marry you and become Lord Potter and never allowed any of us to be friends with you. Ron and Hermione always used to talk how they will get all money properties of yours when they thought no one was in the boys dorm. I heard them once I wanted to say it to you but you were best friends and I was afraid you won't listen to me but I am happy now."

After Neville confessed that Hayley said them what she listened last night to both of them when they promised they won't tell a soul but didn't say about Draco and joining the dark.

"Hayley I don't know but if you ever think of joining the dark take us in we will always be there for you and I know for a fact that my parents are in this position because of Dumbledore I think he did something so they attack our parents don't you think?"

"Well of course the wrackspurts attacked his brain so much that he did many other bad things. The nargles like to tell me." Luna said in her dreamy voice

They went in to a thoughtful silence and decided they would find out soon and Hayley then said about Draco to them. They decided they will also come to meet the Dark Lord and join him after that they talked about random things and soon the train reached the station and they separated promising to meet next day at 4. She saw Draco looking at her. He winked at her and turned towards his parents she smiled and was looking for a familiar person.

Hayley saw Remus and Tonks standing a bit distant from Molly as soon as she saw them she took off towards them Molly tried to grab her in a hug but she just side stepped and gave Remus a tight hug. Molly frowned at that and was about to reprimand her for hugging a man but one look from Tonks and she shut her mouth and the trio came to her to see Hayley talking and laughing with Remus and Tonks. They scowled at her but she didn't care and left for Grimmauld place. 

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now