Chapter 31

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Tom and Severus entered the cottage and started searching for Hayley when they heard a pop outside. They went into the room that was locked and entered. Hayley was laying unconscious with some blood around her. Tom's blood boiled at the sight and went forward.

Severus grimaced at the sight, it was his fault. Everything. He was thankful that atleast she is alive and not dead like her parents. He will never forgive himself if something happens to her.

Dumbledore entered the room and Severus pointed hi wand at him while Tom was healing Hayley. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at Severus and pointed his own wand at him.

"I should've known. I could never trust a Slytherin. You showed your true colours at last, Severus." Dumbledore taunted him. Hayley woke up with a gasp and looked around and tears formed in her eyes as she saw Tom.

Hayley didn't care he was a dark lord and hugged him. He came to save her, he came. She is free, finally free. Tom hugged her back and patted her back soothingly. She felt safe and she knew he will take her away from here.

"I made a mistake joining you Dumbledore. I should've joined the dark lord long ago." Severus sneered at him.

Dumbledore fired the first spell and they were duelling soon. Even though Severus was talented, Dumbledore was more powerful than him. Tom pointed his own wand at Dumbledore and wanted to kill him but he wants everyone to know about the true colours of Dumbledore. The whole wizarding world should know about him. He petrified him and transported him to the dungeons.

Tom nodded at Severus signaling him to leave. Tom apparated her to his manor and called a healer to check for any other injuries. He just knows basic healing spells, not much.

Hayley slept for sometime and he went to his study and called a low level death eater and ordered him to capture Molly Weasley from Burrow. The death eater nodded and left. He returned two hours later and informed that she is in the dungeons along with Dumbledore.

Hayley woke up a few hours later and Tom was at her side instantly. He gave her few Potions to reduce the pain. She took it without protest and sighed.

"Can we go and meet others?" She asked him. Tom nodded and they flooed to the Malfoy Manor when she heard.

"I hate you Hayley Iris Potter" Draco shouted making the real Hayley tense. What happened that he hates her? "He hates the fake one, not you." Tom whispered to her. She nodded.

"Draco" Her voice was weak but everyone heard and turned towards her. They were shocked to see two Hayleys standing in front of them. Ginny was shocked to see the real one and wanted to run away but Tom sent a wandless and wordless stunner at her.

"What? How?" Draco and Sirius asked at the same time. Tom helped her sit down on the couch. Both of them were at her side and sat on her each side. Tom bound the fake Hayley and told them what happened all these days and then woke Ginny up

Ginny groaned and opened her eyes and everything came back to her. She tried to sit but her hands and legs were bound. She struggled but no use. She looked into red eyes of You-know-who and shuddered.

"Remove the ring from your hand and also Hayley's belongings." Tom untied her hands but she knew better than to run. She complied and the others gasped as she turned into Ginny when she removed the ring. She then removed the promise ring of Hayley and her heiress ship rings. Also the chain that Sirius have her and placed it in his hand.

Tom then sent her to the dungeons and sat on the arm chair. Sirius hugged her tightly and said sorry for not able to rescue her. Draco was hugging her from the other side and he was sorry too.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now