Chapter 28

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Severus Snape was kneeling in front of Thomas panting and gasping for air. He knew that the dark lord knew everything about him and wanted to kill him. He admitted everything when the dark lord asked him about it. He was severely crucioed for everything he did. He thought that the dark lord is going to kill him but he didn't. As if reading his mind the dark lord answered his questions.

"I know you might be thinking why I didn't kill you. I actually thought of killing as soon as I see you but I want a man who is on Dumbledore's side to know what he is planning. Don't think you can lie to me Severus. The mark will burn your hand if you try to cheat me or inform Dumbledore about what I want. If you agree to spy for me on Dumbledore then I will let you leave the country as soon as Dumbledore dies. No one will come near you or harm you. I'm willing to swear on my magic that you will be safe if you agree."

Severus gaped at the dark lord when he heard the offer, he is not a fool to think that Dumbledore is going to win. He immediately agreed to spy for the dark lord and they swore an unbreakable vow. Severus then left the manor and went to his office and made plans about what to do after Dumbledore is dead. He went to Dumbledore's office only to find him missing. He waited for him to return which was nearly 5 hours.

"What are you so happy about? The dark lord is going to kill me as soon as I'm out of this castle. Do you have any plan to save me?" Severus shouted at him as soon as he saw Dumbledore with a happy smile on his face.

"Don't worry Severus. I have everything planned. We just need Tom's horcruxes and we will win the war." Dumbledore smiled at him. "I know you have many questions but I will answer them as soon as everything is done. Now go back to your rooms."

Severus sighed at the answer he got but left to his rooms thinking how to get the answers from Dumbledore. Maybe he can mix veritaserum in his lemon drops and get the answers. He quickly went to his lab and started working on the potion.

Hayley groaned as she woke up, pain is the only thing she is feeling all over. She is back in the room from morning but her hands and legs were free. She looked around for any escape but the room has only one door and no windows. She closed her eyes to think any way to escape. She opened her eyes thinking about the horcrux and the visions she got from her fourth year when the dark lord was planning to use her for some ritual.

Hayley closed her eyes again and started meditating, her papa taught her occlumency during holidays. She went into her mindspace and started looking for the horcrux link that will connect to the dark lord. Both of them blocked it so as to not get thoughts or feel emotions from the other. She soon found it and poked it with her magic. There was no response but she did it several times and gave up after some time.

Thomas was in a meeting with Amelia Bones about Umbridge when he felt someone poking his mind, he knows that Madam Bones won't do such a thing and there were no others in the room. He frowned but continued the meeting and left after an hour thinking about what happened earlier.

He sat in his room on the bed and went in to his mind space and went where he felt someone poke and found it was the horcrux link connected to Hayley and frowned. He talked to Sirius last night about her, even though he is a bit reluctant to believe that everything is fine, he didn't press on it. He poked the link and got an answer immediately.

Hayley felt hope when the dark lord responded to her and showed him everything that happened from last night till now. To say Thomas was shocked will be an understatement. He was angry at the Weasley Matriarch for doing all those to Hayley. He took a deep breath to control his anger and tried to see through her eyes. He was still in her mind and saw Dumbledore enter the room she is in and talk some nonsense about how he is going to kill him and rule the world. Thomas felt disgusted to hear Dumbledore go on and on about himself for 3 hours. He left after saying that the house has so many protections and as it was his he will know if she tries to escape.

Thomas left her mind and sat on his bed thinking what Dumbledore said. The only house Dumbledore has is in Godric's Hollow but if he goes there then Dumbledore will know that he knows about Hayley and he must have set wards to alert if he or any of his enters the premises. He sent calming emotions through his link to Hayley and went to his study.

Severus felt the pain in his hand after he came from Dumbledore's office and frowned, he just met the dark lord in the morning but went and entered the dark lord's study. The dark lord immediately asked him about the Potter girl and her whereabouts.

"He is with young Mr Malfoy last I saw her this morning." He informed frowning why he asked.

"Yo think I'm a fool Severus, that I won't know if you lie to me." The dark lord looked murderous. Severus paled and shook his head.

"No, my lord. I'm telling you the truth. I saw her this morning with Malfoy. I'm telling you the truth." He rambled quickly.

Thomas narrowed his eyes at Severus but didn't say anything for sometime and then gestured him to the pensieve in the corner of the room which Severus didn't see till now. "Go in and watch those memories." The dark lord commanded.

Thomas watched Severus going in and thought how to save Hayley. He can't inform Sirius or Lucius. Sirius loves his daughter so much and would panic when he knows about this. Even though he is a lord,he can't think anything straight when it comes to his daughter. Lucius would start worrying about his son's safety, even though Draco can take care of himself. Also, he can't let Draco alone with the Weasley girl. The Prewetts and Weasleys are always fertile and if she gets pregnant then she can go to Wizengamot as her child would be heir to Malfoy and also Lestrange. They won't care how she got pregnant, only that she is a teenage mother and the Malfoys and Lestranges have to take care of her every need. He can clearly understand why Dumbledore chose her. He sighed placing his elbows on the desk and waited for Severus to come back.

Severus' face paled when he saw the memories, he kneeled in front of the dark lord as soon as he is out of the pensieve. "My Lord, Dumbledore didn't inform me about this. I really didn't know about this."

"Get up, Severus." He waved his hand to the chair in front of his desk. "I don't want to listen to your pathetic excuses. I want Hayley back safe." He glared at the man. "I think he placed Hayley in his cottage at Godric's Hollow. I want to know about the wards he placed there and how to get in. As you saw those memories, you know that Molly Weasley loves to take revenge on Hayley for what her son went through. I want to get the information as soon as possible."

Severus nodded and left the study and apparated directly to his rooms at Hogwarts and sat down thinking how to know about Dumbledore's plans. The veritaserum will take time to prepare and he didn't have much time. The dark lord cares so much for the Potter girl, he can see it in his eyes and he didn't want the dark lord to be angry at him for delaying in saving her.

Draco spent his whole day with Hayley but found something off about her. She often disappeared for some time while studying in the library. He frowned thinking about it, Hayley loves to read and she never left the table until someone dragged her away from it. He sighed and went looking for her for 5th time today. He heard voices from a classroom but ignored to search for his girlfriend but stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice. He was about to open the door when he heard other voice.

"Oh, Hayley. You are so beautiful. Draco is a lucky guy." Draco paused in opening the door, he can identify the voice as McLaggen from Gryffindor, he is one year above them. He frowned and pushed the door open which he regretted immediately as soon as he saw what is happening inside. Hayley and McLaggen separated from each other and hurried to pick their clothes.

Hayley came forward after wearing her clothes towards Draco with a guilty smile to talk and explain but Draco just turned around and left the classroom disappearing into the shadows. Hayley tried to follow but she lost him in the shadows. She screamed in her head for being careless and not silencing the room before doing anything.

Hayley Iris PotterWhere stories live. Discover now