Chapter 1

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Please read Book 1 before reading this if you haven't it will help you understand a lot that's going on. Thank you! 

Thomas was on the table as I worked on him, getting rid of his memories using a small box. I had tears in my eyes as I performed the surgery on Thomas. What is more, I won't be seeing him for a while afterward. My hopes and dreams have been crushed and I couldn't feel like living any longer at this point. I place the box-like structure through an area of skin that is softer than most and is attached to the nerves that connect to the spine and brain. I whispered what I was saying to Thomas a thousand times, no one heard it except me.

"I am sorry. I am sorry."

The guards from earlier come in to take Thomas away as I stand there letting the tears flow down. I look around to see a voice recorder lying across the room. In tears, I go over to it grabbing it, and with my hands shaking I turn it on. I began recording my voice.

"Oh Thomas I am so sorry, I wished it had all worked out. I know these coming days will be hard for you and...and I know you will forget me. All I hope is that when you need comfort you will find it in this. When you were young I would sing this to you and you would always fall asleep to it. When you get out of the Glade Thomas, find the Right Arm as I will be there, waiting for you."

I end the recording and put it in my pocket. I wiped the tears away and headed towards where Thomas was. I see him all wet from before when they had drowned him and he looked almost lifeless on the table. He was getting ready to head to the Glade. I needed to act now or never and so it was going to happen now. I walk in and say my greetings to everyone seeing how rough I've been having it for a little more than a year now they allow me to take my brother to "the box" so that I can say my goodbyes to him. As we walk in through there I hold Thomas's hand as I push the bed. There was a point coming up where there will be no security cameras so I took advantage and placed my recorder into Thomas's pocket. We come to the entrance and I gently place Thomas down in there as guards watched me. I let go of Thomas's hands and step back allowing the doors to close.

"Good...Goodbye Thomas."

He is then sent up and away from my view. I turn around and head towards my room trying to wipe away the tears. Everyone allowed me to take a break because apparently they are compassionate enough to give me a break. In any case, I take a break and go to my room. I locked the doors as I slid down to the floor, tears striking to come out once again.

"I need to calm down."

I take a deep breath and left the room on my way to grab the other Flat Trans. Getting to it was easy but when I got there I saw Teresa there. She was typing something on her computer and it looked to be a letter. I slowly go over and she quickly notices me be there. She turns around and begins the monologue.

"I'm sorry I was to do this to you and Thomas, but we need that cure and Chancellor Paige told me how you will get us there. So I won't turn you in because we need you whether or not I like it. So I have to be the one to stop you."-Teresa

"You have no chance, Teresa." After a quick and well-deserved punch and kick on Teresa, she was on the floor in pain. "I had a great teacher."

I head towards my bathroom where I grab my two backpacks that I had prepared for a day like today as they hid in a compartment underneath the sink. The backpacks contained the cure that I've been hiding. I grabbed them, took them out and placed one on my back and one in front of me so I could walk easier. I put my doctor's coat away in one of my bags and my tag as well. I made sure my key was on my neck as well and when it was there I was ready. I then grab my Flat Trans and connect it so that it would work. I walk through and come to the other end that was inside the scorched area. After I disassemble the flat trans so it doesn't work again, I begin to run. I ran far away so I would not be found by any Berg. Not wanting to walk the whole way I head towards one of WICKED main donors knowing that he has a car I could use. I head towards the city that was once New York but sadly isn't much anymore. I have never gone to where Marcus' was before but I knew him through the research and things I was told at WICKED so I had to hope that he wouldn't turn me in. I was tired, yes, but I had limited time as it has been two days now. I continue on until I see a party and who I believed to be Marcus standing outside.

"Oh who are you?"-Marcus

"I come for a car and the whereabouts of the Right Arm?"

"No my cars are things that must be bargained for I don't give them away freely, and I can't give you the location."-Marcus

"Well, then I have a bargain for you."

I signaled for him to come closer and quietly I came next to him and told him my bargain.

"Immunity from the flare, for the car."

"Hah not even WICKED has that yet."-Marcus

"It is true because I have not told them and you, my friend, will do the same, for many reasons as well as it is part of the bargain."

"Hmm, what do I need?"-Marcus

"I will give it to you."

I go through my front backpack and grab a syringe. I then grab a container with a blue substance that came from my blood. I get the substance in the syringe and hand it to him.

"How do I know it will work?"-Marcus

"Because this will eat away the virus, unlike many others. I made this and I believe you may have heard of me from other WICKED doctors and Psychs"

"Okay, I will trust you. Here take the keys and they are located in the mountains, just follow the path and they will find you."-Marcus

He tosses me the keys and I leave him heading towards the car. Getting in I drive off going to the destination of where the Right Arm is. How I knew about them was because I had learned of them when I would sneak around the files of WICKED. They move around a lot though and only Marcus knows their locations apparently. They will not know about immunity to the Flare because I don't want my brother nor I to be at risk. Getting into the Right Arm was easy because I am very persuasive and Mary knew me as she was a doctor once at the facility and trusts me. All I had to do now was wait, wait for my brother, Newt, Minho, Alby, and Chuck.


"My name it's Thomas! I remember my name!"-Thomas

"Welcome Thomas."-Gladers

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