Chapter 4

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I woke up and saw everything destroyed and there were quite a few of us left. I sit up and look around. Newt was sitting next to me and instantly pulled me up.

"Hey, she's awake."-Newt

Thomas, Vince, and Frypan came. I noticed a very important person to be missing, my best friend.

"Where's my best friend? I mean Minho. Where's Minho!" I frantically look around panicking. I remember our childhood and what they did to Minho when he disobeyed WICKED. Sending him into a room with a griever, and I know they will do the same once again to him. "We need to get Minho back, I am not leaving him alone with WICKED."

"Seriously, Y/n I told them that you would side with me."-Vince

"Why would I, Minho is my best friend? I gained most of my personality from him." I was close to tears. "And save Sonya too, and I guess Aris."

"Fine, only because I owe you one."-Vince

We started to hatch a plan and it was a very good plan too. As we did that though Newt pulled me aside, curious.

"I have a lot of questions for you."-Newt

"I have a lot of answers for you. Where do we begin?"

"First, you knew us, how?"-Newt

"We used to meet up every night inside a maintenance closet, those were the best times. Sometimes I go to visit you guys at lunch, only if you ask me to. Minho was my teacher for fighting and my first friend. Alby was a great friend too, he was the responsible one. Always hating on me and Minho. Then there was Chuck, too. He came later in the fun but he was a great addition and company. He always eats more than his fair share of snacks. I hated letting you guys go, I used to try contacting you- nevermind."

Newt was fascinated as he learned more about his past and about me too.

"Continue, please. Tell me more about what it was like back then."-Newt

Thomas came over too as he was curious as well wanting to know more about his sister.

"Well, Thomas and I shared a room together and we told each other everything and I sang him a song whenever he was scared that would get him straight to sleep. Thomas used to be obsessed with Teresa, even though she hated me, he couldn't take a hint. You use to get mad at me all the time because I wouldn't express myself and keep my problems to myself. You even got mad at Minho for like a second because he was rubbing off some of his personality on me. I watched as you became less embarrassed and bolder. Minho would always tease me and all I do would cower as you bloody smiled, but I loved it. Alby was real supportive and caring. He didn't care that I didn't take the punishment with him, Thomas, Minho, and Teresa, so that I could take care of you." I realized that he wouldn't understand that he used to love me and stopped talking.

"Wait, why did you stop."-Thomas

"You guys may enjoy hearing about the past but it hurts for me because you guys don't remember. I lost all you guys and seeing how Alby and Chuck aren't here, I'm guessing some I lost forever. I won't tell you everything but I have an option for you two though. I know how to give your memories back, and I advise no hasty decisions because some past memories are not a happy story."

"We understand and I'll think about it."-Thomas

"Me too."-Newt

"Thank you, any more questions before we get on with the plan?"

"I think I've heard your voice before."-Newt

I remember what he probably was thinking about. He was probably remembering the moment when he was about to kill himself.

"You probably have."

I left not wanting to tell him anymore. Besides, if I was to tell him that I can communicate to him through our minds he wouldn't believe me in the slightest. It's best if I refrain from telling them too much. I finally got my long wanted dream of them being with me but I'm still scared that I could lose them. WICKED is still after us and we are not safe just yet. I still need Minho back as well. This won't be complete without him.

We couldn't go after Minho just yet because we all knew that the perfect time would be when they are transporting Minho and the other immunes. So in the meanwhile, we prepare. We would make sure everyone knew the plan. We need to have the plan made first.

Us standing in a circle reminds me of the days when Thomas and I went to meetings together in WICKED. The place where I lost some of the most important people to me. I was determined to get Minho back, I wanted to be with Thomas wherever they were but Vince thought otherwise.

"Y/n, you will be with Frypan and Harriet."-Vince

"What! Why? I want to be with you and Thomas."

"I get it, I really do but we can't afford to lose you. You are valuable and we both don't want WICKED to get their hands on you. It's best for you to be where it's safe."-Vince

"I'm not valuable."

I said that with so much venom in my voice, those words were what gave me so much misery. My 'value' was what saved me from going into the maze, it tortured me to hurt the ones I love, it made me become their most valued piece in the game WICKED has been playing. No one around me understood what I meant when I had said that and more than likely never will.

"I don't know why you hate being called that, but whether or not you like it, you are a valuable asset. You are our only professional doctor, we need you to be safe. Which I'm sorry to say, means that you won't be on the front lines with us."-Vince

I scoffed and left the room. I hated being valuable. At this moment if someone said to me that I was worthless I would actually thank that person. Since it meant that I don't have to carry any more of their burdens. All the burdens I hold feel as if I'm carrying Earth and I don't want to have anymore.

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